Chapter 10

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'You're wearing his jacket again', Leo said suddenly, a clear change of subject.



I looked down at the jacket I was wearing and slowly nodded, feeling my cheeks growing red as I didn't dare make any more eyecontact with him. He nodded as well, but probably for another reason. We had known each other for a while now, so did know me well enough to know that something was on my mind, beside what was happening in the city.

He placed his hand on top of mine in a reassuring manner, as if the quietly tell me that I could trust him with my thoughts and feelings. I knew I could, but was it really that good of an idea? I contemplated the options in my head, one by one, hesitating between which would have the better outcome. 'It feels awfully comforting to wear it, to be honest', I muttered eventually. He stayed silent, just nodding every now and then to show me he was listening.

A deep sigh escaped past my lips as I fidgeted with the zipper. 'I don't know why', I added quietly. It was a lie. I had some idea of why I felt this way, but admitting that would probably get me a lecture of the four turtles and Casey. "Why would you catch feelings for him?", "He's the son of Shredder!", "Have you officially lost your mind?". Something like those.

I drew circles with my finger on the cover of my journal. The silence was heavy and I wanted to break it, but I didn't know how. 'Well, I don't know him as well as you do. I was unconscious for most of our time here', he muttered as he looked up at me. I nodded in response, what could I answer to that? 'April, are you in love with him? With Aleck, I mean?' Leo asked suddenly. I felt my cheeks grow red and warm, blushing heavily. I didn't want to answer, but he was seeing right through me.

I nodded slowly and quietly, waiting for him to judge me or at least scold me like he was so good at. But he didn't get much of a chance as Aleck approached us. 'Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that dinner is ready. Plus it's getting dark, so it might be best to get back inside', he said, placing one of his hands on my shoulder. I smiled up at him and nodded. I noticed that he smiled more often since recently and he also treated us more like friends and not like strangers he had to be aware off. Leo and I quickly dropped the subject we had been talking about and nodded. Aleck helped the oldest turtle up from the bench as we walk back inside. 



I helped Leo back to the house and April walked at my other side. I smiled at her as I couldn't come up with a topic to talk about.

We got back inside to Mickey setting the table with Casey. We had been able to find some sort of routine over the few months we've been here, which was a good thing. Since recently we've been trying to come up with a plan for the time we go back to the city. But going back unplanned would just make us past tense a little sooner. 

'Hey dude, why do you never vibe to the music I put on?' Mickey asked suddenly as he stuff his mouth with food. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to look at him. 'It's just not really my genre, I guess', I answered with a soft smile on my face.

'Were you even allowed to listen to music? You know, with Shredder as your father?' Leo asked, adding to the sudden conversation topic. I nodded and finished chewing my food before responding. 'I was, it was one of the few things I could do. But I'm more into the metal genre', I explained shortly. Mickey tilted his head in confusion. 'Do you have like an example?' he asked. I nodded. 'Look up "Lorna Shore"'.

He grabbed his T-phone and started searching up what I had told him. "Sun//Eater? Is that good?' he asked before playing it. I nodded as an answer to his initial question. I could feel how all the eyes on my face turned to look at Mickey to see his reaction. A reaction which I had anticipated. His eyes went wide and he slowly turned the music back off. 'Dude... Are you okay?' he asked. I snorted and nodded. 'I'm good. It's good music to me', I answered. He looked at his brother in total confusion, probably wondering what I found good about that screamo music.

'Not bad', Raph commented after taking a sip of water. Mickey's jaw dropped and some primal sounds left his throat. 'How?!' he yelled in total disbelief. I chuckled and watched the chaotic scene unfold. April shook her head and sighed, but I saw the smile that crept up on her face. 


After dinner, Donnie and I cleaned the table before we all sat down in the living room. Mickey was quickly glued back to the tv while the rest of us were just minding our own business. I was reading a book which I had found while searching the attic of the house and suddenly felt a little weight on my shoulder.

As I looked up I saw it was April, who was leaning her head on my shoulder while writing in her journal. I smiled softly and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. She didn't react to that, as if it was the most normal thing in the world for her. I went back to reading my book, enjoying the close contact with her, until the lights suddenly went out. 'Did the power go off?'


Hello guys, it's been a little while, but I've been going through a terrible writer's block. But here you go with a new a chapter! 
Also I decided to give Aleck a little trait of mine, which is our music taste. I'm a big fan of Lorna Shore, even though it definitely isn't for everyone.

But here you go! I hope you are still enjoying this story so far! <3

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