Chapter 2

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'I have to go back. The longer I stay away, the worse my punishment will be', he muttered, not waiting for any answer as he turned around and ran off.


'It's weird how we never heard of him before. He looks like a strong fighter, so why wouldn't Shredder get him to figh too?' Leo asked as the turtles were gathered in Donnie's lab. They all looked at each other for a moment. 'Maybe he isn't as strong as he seemed?' Casey said, leaning on his hockey stick in a nonechalant way. Donnie shook his head as he rolled his chair to where his brothers and their two friends were standing. He had been examening the pill he had taken from Aleck for a little while now.

He hadn't realised how many similar looking pills there were, but he eventually managed to find out what it was. Well, that's what he thought. 'If I am correct, Aleck had shizophrenia. It was explain the halluciations he was talking about', he answered. Everyone turned to him nodding, it did sound very plausible. 'So... Shredder just doesn't trust him to do a good job?' Raph asked while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

'Seems like it, dude', Mikey answered, having yet to find out what shizophrenia meant. Donnie walked around his lab for a moment, seemingly thinking. 'But, how do we know we can trust him. He is literally Shredder's flesh and blood', Casey asked. The others shrugged. 'How would you ever know with that guy anyways? He sees and hears weird shit', Raph commented, still not enjoying the topic of their new found... cousin, 'It's not like he's made an effort to make us trust him. We haven't seen him in a week!' 

'Maybe Shredder is keeping him under lock and key', Leo responded, 'He did say something about some sort of punishment before he left'. Mikey nodded, clearly remembering that moment, which surprised everyone. 

'Well, whatever, Casey and I gonna patrol. I'm tired of talking about this dude', Raph said while waving his hand in dismissal. He left the lab with Casey and left the other three turtles behind.



I stood quietly beside my father, my face twitching every now and then. We didn't say anything to each other, I didn't even know why he had asked me to stand here like this. Father's eyes were closed and he seemed deep in thought. The only times I saw him thinking like that, it was because he was scheming some shit. Normally that wouldn't worry me, but now? After he had the guts to drop Karai in a tank of mutagen, I didn't know if I had to be scared or mortified. And beside that I couldn't stop thinking about the mutants I had seen last week. If they were telling the truth than they were my cousins, and the rat was my uncle? 

It was not usual... not normal. But what could I have expected with a psychopath father like mine? Sometimes I wished my mother was still alive. She would've long taken me away from here. Somewhere safe, nice and calm. Not somewhere where I had to fear for my life during each passing second.

When I looked up the door to the room opened and Tiger Claw entered. He walked calmly, almost confidentely. I followed him with my eyes, not moving from my place. He was loyal to father, way too loyal if you asked me. As if he was obsessed with getting his approval without right out asking for it. He kneeled down in front of father, who finally opened his eyes. Maybe he had forgotten I was there by now. 'Master Shredder', the tiger mutant started. I rolled my eyes at that title, but became quickly intrigued when he asked father if he had made a decision. But about what exactly.

I stayed silent and listened. I wasn't eavesdropping, for that I stood too obvious beside father. They talked about dangerous allies, who gave lots and didn't give much in return. What were they talking about. 'You know this! They care nothing for the human race', Tiger Claw mentioned. To which he got one of my father's cringey responses: 'Nor do I'. I rolled my eyes once more, even though I had yet to find out what they were discussing. They clearly wanted me to know about this, otherwise I would have long been kicked out of the room. Yet before I could question anything, the tiger mutant was dismissed from the room.

The tiger hadn't even fully left the room or a robot head descended from the ground and father's left side and its eyes projected a holographic screen, showing one of the weird looking brain-aliens known as The Kraang. After my initial flinch of surprise I composed myself again, not peeping a word as the two talked. My eyes widened by the seconds the passed as I tried to comprehend what they were discussing. How could they be so casually talking about conquering the world? How was father sure we could even trust those aliens? They might as well stab him in the back when the moment was right. My hands were trembling behind my back, trying to keep any weakness hidden from father and Kraang supreme in case that thing could see me standing beside him. I had to warn Splinter and the turtles? But how would I do that without getting caught? If I got caught I would become past tense. 

I bit my lip to ease my worry, until the screen disappeared again and I knew father and I had been left alone. I urged to say something, but the words refused to leave my mouth. What would I even say to this? 
'Father, are you serious? You're seriously entering an alliance with those... things?!' I asked. Father stood up from his chair and walked away from me. I walked after him, not going to let him just walk away from me. 'I had forgotten you were beside me', he said, ignoring my initial question. I rolled my eyes, not taking his words to heart. 'But why are you doing this, father? The world could be in danger! Why are you doing this just to find five mutants?' I asked. Once more he didn't answer, acting as if I was just air around him, a voice in his head. I groaned. 

'Answer me, father!' I yelled angrily. He stopped walked and turned his head to me. His gaze was empty as if he was talking to a stranger inside of his own flesh and blood. 'It is none of your concern. Hell, why did you have to turn out like your mother?' he answered. I grit my teeth on each other. Why did he talk about mom as if she was bad? As if he had been disgusted by her? 'I should've just killed you when I had the chance, just like your mother', he hissed before walking off. I frowned and looked down at the ground. That was it! I was going to look for the mutants and warn them. I ran out of the room and left the building to go and search the streets for the mutants that I had met only a week ago.

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