Chapter 9

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It was warm and smelled particularly nice. I put my arms through the sleeves and decided to go to sleep like that. 

Aleck p.o.v.

After Leo woke up, Raph instantly wanted to get him moving again. He wanted to build his brother's strength back up, even if there were obvious signs that Leo was not yet ready for his intense form of training yet. He still needed a crutch to move around and even with that piece of help it was clearly difficult for him to move around freely. 

And on top of that, Donnie pushed a spoonful of this disgusting-looking medicine in his mouth each morning, noon and evening. And, my jacket had disappeared, which had barely anything to do with the situation. I knew I had lent it to April when were talking outside, but I never saw it again after that and she denied still having it. 

I was in the kitchen when Donnie once again fed his brother a spoonful of his weird looking medicine. Leo pulled a face of disgust when swallowing the goo. I chuckled at his reaction and waited for Donnie to leave the room before I put a drink in front of the oldest brother. 'Drink up, it helps with the after taste', I said with a smile. He looked hesitant for a moment, but drank it anyway. 

'Hey, you're right. How'd you know it would help?' he asked. I chuckled to myself for a moment. 'Donnie gave me enough weird medicines during the months we've been staying here', I answered. He nodded as an answered, clearly wondering why his brother would've tried concocting something for me. 'It's because you know... the eyes on my face', I explained. That seemed to make a lot of sense to him. 'How did you actually get that?' he asked. I sighed deeply. 'It's a long story', I answered as I saw April walking downstairs, wearing my jacket. 

I smiled at the sight, giving me the feeling that slowly but surely they were starting to trust me. She hadn't noticed us in the kitchen and walked straight to the living room to grab her journal. Leo looked back and forth between us for a moment, but didn't comment. He was probably still feeling too weak to start minding other people's businesses so soon.

That's when Raph entered the kitchen too. Well, storming inside would've been a better description. He looked excited today as he pulled his brother off his seat. 'Come on, enough lazing around! We're going training', he said excitedly. Leo struggled to crab his crutch as he held on to Raph for balance.

'Could I go with you guys?' I asked quickly before they could leave. Raph squinted his eyes at me and scoffed, but eventually decided that he would finally let me. I nodded once but I couldn't help a smile from creeping up on my face. I followed the two outside, making sure to help Leo out, if it became difficult for him. Deep inside, I was really glad he hadn't heard my endless rants, back when he was still unconscious.

Third p.o.v. 

While the three of them went out, Donnie decided to gather his best flirting skills, to once again, try and persue the girl that was minding her own business while writing in her journal. 

Mickey was in the same room as well, but he was totally sucked into his new favourite tv show, having no idea of his surroundings at the moment. He was sitting on the floor, only inches away from the screen, no wonder he was so into it if he could see nothing else. 

But even before Donnie could do anything, he noticed the jacket that April was wearing. He knew it wasn't hers, but he also knew he had seen it before. And for the genius that he was, it didn't take long for him to remember who the piece of clothing belonged to. A pang of jealousy rushed through him, but he decided to ignore it for now. He already had Casey as his rival, the kid who missed his front teeth. He was fairly certain he didn't have to worry about the son of Shredder, the guy with enough eyes on his face for at least four other people, to steal his crush away from him. Especially not a guy who basically had no personality whatsoever. He shrugged his shoulders and decided to just go for it.


Donnie's thoughts had been right though. Aleck had not much personality or character, well he hadn't really shown it yet. He had been locked up in his room for most of his life so had it even been possible for him to build a personality? Though Aleck didn't think about that much, he felt at ease around his housemates. It was only recently that he had been able to put his guard down around them and now that Raphael had finally not thrown a tantrum at him for wanting to train with him, he felt particularly... content. 

And beside that after all the months they had been there, he was finally making friends and getting to know some of his family members, which were the turtles. On top of that, Leo liked to talk about master Splinter, whome they had to leave behind in the city before they fled. Aleck had only shortly interacted with his uncle, but now with all the stories he'd been told, he wanted to see him again some day. 

April p.o.v.

I had noticed recently that Aleck seemed... happier. Ever since that first training session he went on with Raph and Leo, he seemed to have changed for the better. His eyes were shining often, well the two main ones and I rarely saw him without a smile anymore. I got to know him a lot more since that day and I kept on wondering what had happened while he was out with the two brothers for him to suddenly open up like that. Though, I still really liked our quiet moments on the bench together. I had gotten him a journal as well and we've been writing together every morning and evening. But I noticed, it seemed to spark some jealousy for Donnie and Casey.

I sat alone on the bench this time. Aleck had gone with Raph to gather firewood for the fireplace. I sighed deeply, thinking about everything that had happened the past few months and how our lives had changed so much. My journal was on my lap, but I couldn't write. It wasn't often that my thoughts were all over the place like this, especially now that we were mostly safe now. 

'There you are, April', I heard suddenly. I looked up and saw Leo struggling to walk over to me. He clenched his fist tightly around the crutch to keep him balanced before he sat down beside me. 'Are you okay?' I asked, pulling my knees to my chest to make space for him to sit. He nodded, but seemed to be relieved to be sitting down again. 'I'm gonna be fine', he answered, 'What about you, April? How have you been?' The tone in his voice indicated that he was concerned about me, even though he was the one who had been unconscious for over three months. I nodded in response, but couldn't help and let out a deep sigh. 'I'm just wondering how we will ever go back to normal...', I answered. 

'It is a strange situation indeed', he muttered, 'but, we'll find a way. Just like we always have'. He tried to sound confident, but I could sense the hesitation in his voice. I leaned my head on my hand and looked at the cover of my journal. 'You're wearing his jacket again', Leo said suddenly, a clear change of subject.

________________________________________________________________________________This is a bit of a shitty chapter in my opinion. But I wanted to get something out for you guys and I'll probably edit it a lot before uploading a next chapter so the quality of all chapters is a little equal to one another. I hope you are enjoying this story or still enjoying if you've been following this story for a while!

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