Chapter 1

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(I don't strictly follow the plot of the series (TMNT 2012))

Third person p.o.v.

'He's going wild!' Mikelangelo gasped as he an unknown person go for Shredder's head. They had never seen him before, let alone knew who he was in general. 'It seems that he was struck by Karai's mutation, but why?' Donnie thought aloud, holding his chin with one of his hands. He remembered the gut wreching scream that had come from the mouth of this unknown person when Karai fell into the mutagen tank. It was clear that the two of them knew each other, but how? What was their relationship to one another. The turtles had been so distracted by the scene in front of them, they had forgotten about Shredder's accomplices, who snuck up on them from behind.

A huge fight broke out, while Karai got out of the tank in her new snake form. The strange person turned his head to her and you could see the pain in his eyes. He left the fight with Shredder and ran over to her, hoping she would still recognise him. But alas she didn't. The mutation had tampered with her memory and even Splinter wasn't remembered, clear from when she wrapped her strong tail around his body, squeezing him as if he was close to nothing. The unknown person looked at the two is disbelief, shock and overall... hurt. 

'Watch out!' he heard suddenly. He quickly turned his head, just seeing that Shredder ran over to him to deal the final blow, but Leonardo interfered just in time. His heart was beating in his chest, realising he had been uncareful. He stood still for a moment, just looking how Shredder stood up again, ready for another attack. Mickey gently took his wrist and pulled him along with the other turtled and him as Karai had fled the building as well. They ran to a safe space, on the roof of one of the houses in New York.

They couldn't possibly take him with them to the lair. That would be to dangerous and careless. It was not as if they knew who this guy was or what his plan was or might be. The four turtles all stood in front of the guy with Splinter, April and Casey behind them. The person looked at them for a moment, having to shake his hand for a moment and take a new dosis of his medication. 

'Who are you?' Leo asked as the first person to open his mouth and break the uncomfortable silence. The unknown person looked at them for a moment, staying silent for a few minutes. Then he looked up at Splinter. 'Aleck Oroku', he spoke quietly. Splinter's eyes seem to widen as he heard this name, especially the surname. This explained a lot. This explained why he was so furious about Karai's mutation, why he let out such a gutwrenching scream and why he had instantly gone for Shredder's head. The turtles and the two human teens, were confused for a moment, but Splinter held eye contact with his nephew. 

'How did I not know about you? How old are you Aleck?' The rat mutant asked he stepped forward. Aleck didn't respond instantly. He let silence fall, only eventually opening his mouth to speak. '17 years old', he answered quietly. They both stayed silent again. Splinter thought back in time, knowing Aleck had already been alive when he lost his precious wife to his brother: Oroku Saki, Aleck's father. 'Wait! You're Shredder's son?!' Raph yelled suddenly, having done the mental maths as well. Everyone suddenly got way more suspicious about the guy then they had orginally been. Splinter ignored their remark and kept on looking at his nephew in front of him. He didn't see any resemblens of his late wife in the boy, meaning he must have a different mother. 'Do you know who your mother is?' he asked. Aleck nodded. 'Yes... but father killed her when I was six', he answered quietly. Splinter nodded, quietly taking in the features of his nephew. He recognised his brother in the young man, many facial features he recognised from the past. 'You took medication earlier, what was that for?' Donnie asked carefully, getting a deadly glare from his two older brothers. Aleck turned to the turtle with a blank expression. He handed Donnie the bottle of pills he carried with him at all times. 'I have an illness, I don't know what. Father gave me these one day and told me to take one every morning and every evening', Aleck answered. There was no label on the small orange bottle, which he found to be strange.

'What... symptoms do you take these for?' he tried asking. Aleck didn't respond instantly. He was hesitating whether or not it was a good idea to talk about this. His father had always forbidde him from speaking about this. But then again, his father was the reason for his sister's mutation. 'When I take those pills the voices go away and the shadows', he answered reluctantly. The others looked at him in confusion, not quite yet understanding what he meant.

'So hallucinations? Hearing things that are not there?' Leo asked, now also joining the conversation. Aleck nodded once, acknowledging the question and confirming it at the same time. Donnie put his hand to his chin and stared at the bottle of pills with an intense expression. He was lost in thought for several minutes, but couldn't immediately reach an answer, especially because the label had been ripped off. 

What confused him even more was that Aleck didn't even know for which diagnoses he took the pills. 'What does it matter?! He's Shredder's son, he might as well be lying to us!' Raph yelled suddenly, not planning on letting them engage in this anymore. He crossed his arms in front of his chest. Why did everyone seem to forget that the guy they were engaging small talk with, was the son of their worst enemy! The person who had tried to kill them more times that he could even remember. 'Hey, could I take one of these pills with me, for research purposes?' Donnie asked, ignored the outburst of his older brother. Aleck nodded and watched as Donnie took a pill from the small orange bottle and handed it back to him.

'Are we going to take him back with us to the lair. The city might not be safe for him anymore after he attacked his father', April interrupted suddenly. By now everyone engaged in the conversation beside Raph, who stayed by his reasoning for not trusting Aleck. But now, even Splinter seemed to mindlessly trust the guy. Aleck shook his head. 'I have to go back. The longer I stay away, the worse my punishment will be', he muttered, not waiting for any answer as he turned around and ran off.

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