Chapter 1

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Becky slowly opened her eyes, trying to adjust to the sunlight that points directly at her face. She frowns, feeling the headache from her hangover kicking in. She should definitely take an aspirin if she doesn’t want to look like a dead woman on her first day of internship.


Her first day.

She quickly sits up on the bed and scans the room around her. She notices a brunette girl laying next to her, her naked back facing up, the blanket barely covering her.

Becky gets up slowly and tries to sneak away on tiptoe. She doesn’t get too far though, because the girl next to her starts to stir and then wakes up,

“Leaving already? Don’t you want the morning experience too?”

The girl turns around looking at Becky smirking confidently, while Becky honestly can't even remember the girl’s name.

“Um..No.” Becky tilts her head and smiles.

Becky was honestly trying to end the conversation, she didn't want to complicate things.

They met at a bar. They hooked up. Now it’s over. Becky’s dating life was mostly just that. She doesn’t want strings attached. Her only priority was being one of the best doctor in the country and do what she loves.

Her first day of internship is supposed to start in half an hour. And she’s still butt naked.

“Look, I’m sorry but I really need to..go.” She starts collecting her clothes from the floor as quickly as possible. “I believe you know where the door is.”

Suddenly the girl hands her a pair of pink lingerie, the smirk still wide on her lips. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Becky looks at her and then at the panties the girl is playing with between her fingers. She smiles awkwardly and grabs it. “You really have to go.”

“Come on, just one more time and then, if it really is that bad, you won’t ever see me again.”

Becky thinks about it for a moment. The only thing she remembers is that she had quite the orgasm the night before. So no, it surely wasn’t bad. But then she quickly shakes the thought away.


“Seriously. You have to go. I'm late. Which isn't what you want to be on your first day of work, so..”

“Your house is nice. Big. You should have a roommate.”

“Yeah I’m..looking for one. I just moved here. My mom got this house for me before she..” She suddenly stopped talking. Why was she even telling so many details about her personal life to a stranger?

The girl was clearly still waiting for her to finish the sentence. But then Becky decided against it and chuckled awkwardly, crunching her nose.

“We really don’t have to do..this.”

“You mean talking? I didn’t ask you to talk. In fact, I wanted to give you another round.” The girl smiled again.

Becky thought for a moment how much warmth the girl’s smile radiated. She seemed like the kind of girl you can easily fall in love with.


Focus. You’re going to be late.

“Okay, look, I'm gonna go take a shower, and when I get back, you won't be here, so, um,”

Becky leaned forward to offer the girl her hand as goodbye, but just as she was about to do it she realized she still didn’t remember the girl’s name.

“Freen.” The girl says in a soft voice while she shakes Becky’s hand gently.

“Freen. Right. I’m Becky.” She smiles awkwardly.

“Becky. Nice name. Is that short for something?”

“Yeah. Hmm...Rebecca.”

Becky chuckles and walks backwards until she bumps against the bathroom door.

“Bye.” She turns around and runs to the bathroom to take a quick shower, leaving the girl still naked in her living room.

Well, that was a disaster.


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