Tripti's mind raced back to a project that had challenged and inspired her. "Certainly. One project that stands out is the redesign of a household appliance to improve accessibility for individuals with disabilities. It was a collaborative effort that required extensive research and innovative problem-solving. Seeing the positive impact our design had on the lives of others was incredibly rewarding."

A woman with a friendly demeanor, chimed in, "Hi Tripti, I'm Baek Suzy. I've read your portfolio it's impressive . And my question is - How do you approach collaboration and teamwork in a professional setting?"

Tripti's lips curved into a confident smile as she reflected on her approach. "Collaboration is at the heart of every successful project. I believe in fostering an environment of mutual respect and open communication, where every team member's input is valued. By leveraging our collective strengths and working cohesively towards a shared goal, we can achieve remarkable results."

Baek Suzy leaned back in his chair, intrigued by Tripti's responses. "Can you provide an example of a challenge you faced during a project and how you overcame it?"

Tripti's eyes brightened with the memory of overcoming adversity. "Absolutely. In one project, we encountered budget constraints that threatened the quality of our design. Rather than compromise, I took the initiative to negotiate with suppliers and explore alternative sourcing options. Through perseverance and creative problem-solving, we were able to maintain our standards and deliver a successful outcome."

As Ranbir stood up, Tripti almost flinched, but she managed to maintain her composure. He began to circle the long table, his movements deliberate as he took slow steps towards Tripti, paralleling the length of the table. Glancing at his watch, he then stood directly in front of her, leaning back and casually seating himself on the table surface.

Tripti's hands trembled slightly as she clutched her file and laptop, her nerves amplified by the intimidating presence of the CEO. Despite the coolness of the air-conditioned room, beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

Noticing her unease, Ranbir reached out and gently took the laptop and file from her trembling hands, eliciting a gasp from Tripti. Placing her belongings on the table, he leaned in closer, his voice resonating in her ear as he spoke her name.

"Tripti," Ranbir's voice was smooth yet commanding, causing her to startle slightly before meeting his gaze. "Have you ever used any Quantum Tech products?"

Tripti nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes sir."

Ranbir's expression remained unreadable as he continued to scrutinize her. Realizing she needed to provide more information, Tripti retrieved her phone from her pocket and held it out to him.

"R31," Ranbir remarked, his tone neutral. "Launched in April 2022."

Tripti swallowed hard, meeting his gaze head-on. "Yes sir."

"We're about to launch the R34, and you're still using this version. Why?" Ranbir's question was direct, his eyes boring into hers with an intensity that made her squirm inwardly.

"Because I find the R31 to be reliable and efficient for my needs," Tripti replied, her voice gaining strength. "I value its durability and functionality, and I haven't felt the need to upgrade."

Ranbir leaned back, considering her response for a moment before speaking again. "Interesting. And what are your views and expectations for the R34?"

Tripti took a deep breath, steadying herself as Ranbir's piercing gaze bore into her. She maintained her composure, despite the rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"As an avid user of Quantum Tech products, I've always admired the company's commitment to innovation and quality," Tripti began, her voice steady and confident. "While my current device, the R31, has served me well, I'm eager to see how Quantum Tech pushes the boundaries with the upcoming R34."

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