Before Taehyung could respond, Jin continued with a disappointed tone and a pout. "Unfortunately, that person will end up heartbroken. They do not know that Kim Taehyung is harsh and quick to reject."

"You make me appear so bad." Taehyung whined with a pout before adding, "I am not prepared for any kind of relationship. I don't think I ever will be. Whatever the situation, it is my decision to make. They should respect my decision just as I respect their feelings. Moreover, it is not an admirer, at least not in the way you are implying." He finished with a roll of his eyes before returning to packing his bag.

"You sound so sure. How do you know?"

"White roses indicate an absence of romance, contrary to the expectation of red ones. The person is clear about what he wants."

Shortly after, he found himself standing in front of the classroom, with Jin positioned at a distance to ensure his safety. As he approached the door, he recognized the room before him. It was the same room where he had first encountered Jungkook. The man he was attempting to distance himself from. The man was unwilling to listen to his explanation before jumping into accusing him. 

He feared that, once again, Jungkook would unintentionally cause harm to him based on some misunderstanding.

He was doing everything in his power to avoid any encounters with Jungkook, yet he continued to spot him in various places, which was highly atypical before the incident. He noticed Jungkook in nearly all the classes they shared, a situation that was once extremely rare. He seldom attended classes back then.

When Taehyung encountered him the following day after Jungkook approached him, he quickly averted his gaze, feeling apprehensive towards the man.

However, as he came to realize that Jungkook had no intentions of approaching him for any particular reason, Taehyung gradually began to maintain eye contact for a mere two seconds the next day. Enough to notice that Jungkook was about to smile but Taehyung would look away before the other could fully smile.

This provided some solace to Taehyung, as he realized that he no longer needed to be constantly on edge in Jungkook's presence, especially considering that nothing had occurred between them.

His anxiety lessened to the point where he stayed in same room with Jungkook without feeling uncomfortable as if they were two strangers. However, this state of normalcy would only endure until Taehyung glanced at Jungkook or became aware of his presence, at which point the anxiety would resurface for a few minutes before eventually fading away.

It was probably because he had overcome far worse experiences than what he had endured with Jungkook. The incident affected and worsened his opinion of this past rather than the person or the situation itself.

Right now he is being careful is all.

He gently shook his head to clear his thoughts and proceeded to open the door, a genuine smile forming on his lips. As he entered the room, a frown replaced his smile upon discovering that it was empty.

Just as he was about to leave, his attention was caught by Jungkook's presence in the corner of the room, leaning against the table with his hands resting on either side. Lost in his own thoughts, Jungkook hadn't noticed Taehyung's arrival.

Taehyung stood frozen with astonishment, struggling to comprehend the situation unfolding before him. His legs felt heavy as if glued to the ground.

Jungkook's eyes widened when he finally acknowledged Taehyung's presence. Although he felt an urgent desire to stride swiftly towards Taehyung surged within, he restrained himself, not wishing to startle the other individual.

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