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Yugyeom and Eunwoo looked around the game room as they waited for Jungkook to return after dropping Taeyong off.

"Dude, you really went for it huh?" Eunwoo asked as soon as Jungkook walked into the room, carelessly threw his jacket in the room.

"And you did it for a kid?"

Jungkook smiled as he plopped on a bean bag, stretching his body. "You should've seen his face. It was worth it."

Yugyeom smiled nodding his head as he grabbed a console starting a game. "What are going to perform this year?"

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Haven't thought about it yet."


Jungkook frowned when he found Taehyung huffing and pouting as soon as he walked into the class. He took a step towards before deciding against it and sat in his place.

He took a glance at Taehyung who leaned his head on the table, doodling on his book with a pout. He really seemed upset. He pressed his lips together, looking away and got busy on his phone.

"Hey. You seem a bit off. Still thinking about that stupid skit?" Jin asked with a frown as he settle next to Taehyung.

Jungkook's ears perked up at the question but he didn't bother to look away from his phone. "I really wanted to do something for the anniversary. I even waited the whole day to only hear there are no spots left."

Jin almost cursed the drama team for playing Taehyung. He knew they wouldn't accept him. He even heard them making fun of him when he auditioned. They just bullied him and had fun.

"I even asked them to give me a small role." He took a deep breath and spoke in a serious but sad tone. "But I can't blame them. I know I am not that good. I don't have any talents you know that I can say I am good at. But I really wanted to be a part atleast something in the event. I want to make memories this time."

He looked at Jin and smiled sadly. "Do you know how precious they are?" He smiled widely, like a switch went off. "But it's okay. I will try for next year. I will work hard and hopefully improve by then."

Before Jin could comfort him or appreciate him, Taehyung quickly speaks. "Anyways, tell me about the anniversary?"

"Ah, it's not my scene. It's so loud and people scream all day." Taehyung giggled at his words. "The only performance to look forward to is Jungkook's. He nails it every year."

"Jungkook? What does he do?"

"He sings and dances. He is so good. I still wonder why he didn't chose to be an idol."

"Woah... Really?" Taehyung asked gleaming like a little kid and Jungkook has a proud victorious smirk on his face. The shine in his eyes suddenly turned to a frown. "But I didn't see him yesterday. You said if we want to participate we need to give our name beforehand. We all waited for hours."

Jin rolled his eyes and leaned close to whisper. "He is THE Jeon Jungkook. He doesn't need all that. They will include him anyway."

"But that's so unfair." Taehyung pouted again and mumbled under his breath. Jungkook let out a deep sigh, forcing himself out of their conversation.

Taehyung continued his talked with Jin until he spotted Jungkook. "Oh!! Jungkook is here!!" He excitedly said pointing at the other and walked towards him.

"Jungkook I heard you are performing on the anniversary. Woah you are so cool!!!" Taehyung said giving a thumbs up.

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