Chapter 5

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As he sailed head-over-heels through the air, soaring up high enough that he burst up out of the forest canopy, Adam folded his arms across his chest. This was the second time he had been launched into the skies above the Emerald Forest today, and frankly, he had not enjoyed the first occurrence. If he squinted his eyes, he could make out the distant forms of Headmaster Ozpin and Ms. Goodwitch standing atop the far-off cliffs overlooking the misty forest below him. The bull Faunus briefly wondered if they recognized him as well, before focusing back on the matter at hand: coming up with another impromptu landing strategy. Adam grit his teeth as he began to loose altitude, descending back down towards the forest floor below him. At his current rate, it looked like he was going to land in the middle of a large clearing, where a large stone structure stood in solitude. Actually, now that he was a little closer, he could see a couple figures standing in the center of the platform. Was that Blake and Yang? Before he could get a better look, a large shadow suddenly passed by over head, causing him to turn his attention back towards the clouds above, in time to see someone small and loud rocketing towards him, their red cape blowing in the breeze.

"Heads uuuuuuuup!" Ruby screamed as she plummeted out of the sky, her arms flailing in panic, silver eyes wide with fright. There was not much the bull Faunus could do other than try to twist his body so that he slammed into her with his stomach instead of his back, wrapping his arms around her. Then the two of them were spiraling downwards together, zooming past the stone structure to crash land on the low bough of a nearby tree, both of their Auras rippling over their bodies. "Oohhhh... What was that?" Ruby groaned. She shook her head, alleviating her dizziness, then noticed who exactly had slammed into her. "Adam? Where did you come from?"

"I'm not exactly sure," Adam grunted, still recuperating from his catapulting experience. "I could ask you the same thing."

"Did your sister just fall from the sky?" he heard Blake ask, as the two girls below looked up at the tree in bewilderment. 

"I..." the blonde trailed off, unsure of how to respond to this current development. Before she could think of anything else to say, rustling noises emanated from the forest, and then an Ursa emerged, standing on its hind legs as it flailed its front paws. A large, pink explosion suddenly burst out from behind the bear Grimm, causing it to collapse and sending the ginger-haired girl who had been riding on its back tumbling to the ground.

"Yeeee-Haaaaw!" she whooped, standing up to inspect her motionless mount, which quickly crumbled away into ash. "Awwww... It's broken," the ginger whined.

"Nora!" the pink-eyed boy shouted as he emerged from the forest, coming to a stop right next to the girl he had given Adam the name for, before doubling over, gasping for breath. "Please... Don't ever do that again." He looked up to make sure she was listening to him, but the girl was already gone. Currently, Nora was in front of the temple, eyeing a golden rook chess piece eagerly.

"Oooohh..." she cooed, before snapping the chess piece up, doing a victory dance while the rook rested atop her head. "I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!" Nora sang jubilantly. 

"Nora!" the pink-eyed brother called to her. The girl stopped dancing, then snapped herself into a salute, causing the rook to fall into her hand.

"Coming, Ren!" she smiled, skipping back towards her partner, and finally giving the bull Faunus the other name to their bizarre dynamic duo.

"Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?" Blake asked, her amber eyes wide with surprise.

"I..." Yang was interrupted a second time as an ominous screech echoed out of the forest, before Pyrrha Nikos emerged, running for her life as a giant Death Stalker knocked a few trees down in pursuit of her. The redhead leapt away from a pincer attempting to snatch her up, and continuing running, spying Adam climbing down out of a tree in front of her.

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