Chapter 2

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Adam Taurus had to admit, Beacon Academy was a much more impressive sight up close and personal. As he disembarked from the airship, a small sack slung over his shoulder containing a couple sets of spare clothes and the few personal belongings he had brought with him when he abandoned the White Fang, the bull Faunus could not help but let out a low whistle as he looked upon the prestigious school in all its glory. Beacon was less like a traditional college or school, and more akin large castle that looked as though it were ripped straight out of a fairy tale. Adam's eyes were drawn upwards to the tallest, central tower, which he could see a faint, green light shining from beneath the spire. 

Perhaps that's how the academy got its name, the bull Faunus mused, stopping to try and get a closer look at the light, attempting to determine what was making it. He made sure to step off to the edge of the pathway leading towards Beacon's courtyard, allowing the other students getting off the airship to walk past without him being in the way. He squinted his blue eye as hard as he could, but it was just too bright for him to make anything else out at the top of the spire. Adam simply shrugged. It really was not that big a deal if he was unable to figure it out, and he could probably ask one of the faculty members if he really wanted to know, anyway. The bull Faunus moved back onto the main portion of the pathway, planning to resume his leisurely stroll, when he was nearly bowled over by a sudden surge of students that were heading towards the courtyard themselves, albeit at a much more hurried pace. Adam stumbled forward, only managing to avoid face-planting by firmly planting his front foot on the ground, before lifting his head to glare up at the group that had stampeded him. He was fairly certain he had seen that blonde with the absolute mane of golden hair amongst them. Indignant, the bull Faunus opened his mouth to confront her.


"What are you doing?!" another high-pitched voice demanded from behind, cutting him off before he could even begin. Adam turned around to see who was addressing him, only to see that silver-eyed girl from before -Ruby, if he remembered correctly- laying on top of a luggage cart, a dazed and embarrassed expression on her face. Several small briefcases were scattered around the ground around her. And standing over her, hands on hips, face contorted in a frosty glare that was befitting her family name, was the absolute last person the bull Faunus wanted to see.

"Schnee..." Adam hissed, his day already taking a substantial dive-bomb from decent to terrible.

"Uh, sorry!" Ruby apologized.

"Sorry?! Do you have any idea of the damage you could have caused?" An apology that was not going to be accepted, judging by the reply she received. Trying to make up for making a mess, the silver-eyed girl picked up a nearby briefcase and held it up for its owner, a sheepish expression on her face.

"Give me that!" the Schnee snapped, before popping open the case to reveal what was inside. The bull Faunus's disposition dropped even more as he watched her pull out a small vial full of red powder, which glittered and sparkled from being exposed to the sun. "This is Dust- mined and purified from the Schnee quarry!"

"And how many Faunus had to suffer and die to produce that meager amount you have there?" Adam demanded, causing the white-haired girl to whirl around to face him. A small puff of the refined dust leaked out from beneath the cork as she did so, which caught Ruby in the face as she was getting up, causing the silver-eyed girl to start coughing uncontrollably.

"Excuse me?" the Schnee snapped, her icy blue eyes flashing with outrage as she glared up at the bull Faunus indignantly.

"Oh please, Schnee, don't even try to play dumb," Adam growled. "Your company is infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners, especially when it comes to how they treat their Faunus employees." As soon as the word "Faunus" had left his mouth, the Schnee looked up past his face, to see the pair of black, bovine horns that slanted backwards, nearly blending into his windswept, red hair.

RWBY: Beacon's Bloody Bullजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें