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I stare at your belly
Once soft, unbroken
We take your heart
Lungs, liver, guts, then
You stare at us from a bag

Just a name
Not your mother's
Just the scientist
Whose lab killed you
On your tombstone
With the date

I tell myself,
This will help save lives
But I am not so sure

I am sorry, friend
I am sorry you sleep
The endless, unnatural sleep

I am sorry you cannot wake
I thank you for your life
And your pieces which we take

In the day, I dissect myself
I do not wish to turn
Into my boss
Her impatience
Her perfectionism
Her screaming

All my nausea
And bloating
And stress
I cannot take this abuse

I suppose it is better you are dead
There is no scrutiny
You are imperfect like me

Like my PI.

I wish somehow we can run
From this lab
From this hell
We can make science better

But you cannot hear me
Your bulbous eyes stare
Atop the wax-lined tray
Placing me on trial
"Why did you kill me?"

I am sorry, friend.
We ended you.
But I promise you---
I will never be her
The one on your bag.
She is brilliant
But ruthless

I refuse to be her.
I choose patience.
And mentorship.
And kindness.
I choose to listen to you, little one.

As I throw your organs
Into liquid nitrogen
I swear your eyes soften
Beneath my boss's steely gaze
As if to say:
I forgive you
Because you are mouse
Like me
And you deserve more
Than to be necropsied

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