|| Skin to Skin ||

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God she looks so good right now

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God she looks so good right now. I would say hot but that's not the word to describe her. I mean it is but it isn't. I don't know. All I know is that if I don't play beer pong with this girl I'll kill everyone here. 

Especially that fucking asshole trying to get with her. 

Not that it's any of my business, it isn't, but Bugs is my friend and I protect my friends. As I drag her over to the table I look back and get to see her smile. It's only for a second but it puts a stupid fucking grin on my face. Seeing Bugs happy in a way makes me happy.

"You ready?" I smirk as I question her preparedness for this very intense, very extreme game of beer pong.

"I was born ready." She switches from a grin to a locked in expression. 

We're ready.

"Next round, anyone brave enough to take on Stacy and Bryan?" Fucking Bryan.

"Us!" Drea runs up to the table. I look over to Stacy who I think might be the redhead I got with awhile ago. I then look over to Bryan and of course he's looking at Drea like a peice of meat. I get her boobs look good. I think a lot of people have noticed. But holy shit can someone look at her face.

 Her face is gorgeous.

Bryan shoots a ball first and sinks it into the middle. Before Bugs can reach for it I drown the cup. He shoots again but misses, making it our turn.

"You go first, amoruccio." Italian. She called me something other than stronzo in italian. I figured out stronzo meant asshole and I just don't care enough to change it. But amoruccio. [Little Darling]

I need to search that up later.

I pick up the ball from the cup, aiming a little bit I flick my wrist and it plops into a cup towards the back. Bryan tells Stacy to drown it as I take my next shot. That one also lands in a back cup, a little to the right. After my 2 shots I give a ball to Drea. She whips out this really, really, bad basketball pose and yells 'Kobe' as she shoots. She misses but its the effort that matter. Stacy is up and she makes 1 and misses the other. Andrea drowns the one Stacy made. 

After a couple rounds we have 3 cups left and they have 2. Luckily, I'm up.

"Ok Dorian, hai capito. Tieni gli occhi sul premio e se vinci ti bacerò." This girl is plastered because she's reverted to italian completely. 

"What the fuck did you just say?" I look down at her.

"You'll find out when you win mio amore." I know amore means love, but what the fuck does she mean 'when I win'? 

I shoot my first one and make it. I can see Bugs get a bit nervous as I pick up the next ball. I try and act sober for 3 seconds so I can make this shot.

And it works.

"Guess I gotta do what I said. If you can figure out what I said." She's slurring her words as much as me.

"I'll figure it out at home, sweetheart. Just say it to me again." I secrectly start recording on my phone so I don't miss a word.

"Tieni gli occhi sul premio e se vinci ti bacerò." Drea's voice is so soothing in her native language. And I think she's blushing but it is a bit to dark to tell.

"Picture!" Hunter screams from behind us. She stands next to me, skin to skin because I don't have a shirt on, and I can't help but wrap my hand around her waist.

He takes the picture and thats when I realize that was a dangerous thought to think. When she looks up at me to say something I miss it completely. I enter some sort of trance looking at her eyes, down to her lips, and back to her eyes. The world feels calmer when all the sudden-

"COPS. SCATTER!" Some random yells out. I get Andrea and Hunter follows us to find everyone else. 

"I'll text the groupchat to meet at the car. We can go from there." For being plastered, Andrea is thinking well. Or is it good?

We finally make it to the car through the crowds to find the other 4 waiting. We let Jenny drive since she's sobered up from the pregame. 

"My dorm?" Andrea ask while also looking at Katy to get her roomates confirmation. 

"Sure! It's a bit messy but we have alc there so what if we just drink a little bit more and have our own little party. We can play games, since Drea apparently knows none-" Katy is cut off by Hunter.

"I can think of one. All we need to do is finish a bottle." Hunter plasters on a devious smirk. Oh god.

After arriving home Katy bought out some tito's that was really hard to finish but as a group we persevered.

"To make it fairer" Hunters gone. "people in relationships can only be kissed on the hand or if allowed the cheek. Everyone else is making out."

"Hunter this is stupid. Four out of the seven people here are in a couple. What if we just played never ever have I never will again?" Every now again Drea reminds us she was homeschooled.

"Boring. Plus you and Dorian need to makeout." God everyone in this room is plastered but Hunter is on a different level.

Wait. Did he say you and Dorian. As in Andrea and me?


"I'm drunk" Is all I can say.

"and blushing." Hunter smirks. I look over at Drea and she seem's to have frozen. She looks like we were on a zoom call and her wifi just dropped. 

"She's drunk." I keep my eyes on Bugs.

"I'm drunk." Obviously she is just as shocked at Hunters bluntness as I am. 

"Moving on!" Georgie snaps us back to reality and away from the awkward tension. "Why don't we just watch a movie? And take more shots!"

"Yes and no!" Jen says as she gets up to turn on the TV. 

We finally decide on watching Jurassic Park, although I don't know how we came to that decision. Its Georgie, Katy, Jen, and Bugs on Katy's bed while we, the boys, were forced to the floor. I notice Bugs' legs drapped off the bed, because she hasn't taken off her costume yet they are just bare and there. Hunter pushes me over a bit when he sits down with the popcorn, shoving me closer to her legs. 

"Ugh" I hear Drea say something in italian as she moves one of legs over my head and onto my other shoulder. I shift to be more comfortable between her legs. 

If I could just turn over and-

"I have to go to the bathroom." This night is going to be incredibly hard. 

Just like my-


AHH THINGS ARE HAPPENING. MAYBE? I plan to make this story pretty short just because I want to move on to other works but that doesn't mean I am going to edge yall any less. Next couple chapters are going to be a little insane so buckle up butter cups :)

Thank you for reading!! Please make sure to share this book and vote for the chapters. I know my posting is inconsistent but each chapter gets less and less views and I'm hoping to change that. The views and votes are really good motivation and honestly keep me going on here.

Toodles :)

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