Chapter 10: Assault on Cradle

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CR-25- troop transport 'Spear's hope'.

Date: March 23, 2570

Thanks to the destruction of Gojid military outposts, human forces were able to waltz through their systems without challenge. Piri, the Gojid leader, recalled all vessels to protect their cradle-world, which meant the attack on Earth was postponed. With their border detection systems and complex defense network offline, their only play was to hold their core planets.

The rambunctious behavior of the humans on the transport ride to the Gojid homeworld struck Slanek as odd. Their vulgarity multiplied by an exponential factor once they were among the regular soldiers; the outpost visitors never made such explicit or demeaning comments. Even Marcel made some quips to his counterparts that came across as downright cruel, but they just laughed it off.

Slanek was beginning to realize that these predators may have toned themselves down so as not to exacerbate their fears.

'How can they mess around at a time like this? Don't they know what they're walking into?' Slanek wondered.

Marcel was 'playing' some 'game' with his new friend, Tyler, which was difficult for Slanek to spectate. As Slanek observed, Marcel's on-screen avatar shot an enemy, while gunfire sound effects blared from the speakers. Marcel's laser-focused expression became gleeful, and his counterpart cursed. They also had a witness cheering both of them on—Miller Rodgreguz, the same one who comforted Marcel when he was carried away, and his Venlil Partner, Elara.

Elara was always a strange Venlil, almost diagnosed with Predator disease but not before showing emotions like a normal Venlil, just can be aggravated is all.

The screen shifted to a replay, which showed the bullet penetrating the avatar's head from a side angle. The body dropped in slow motion, as though the game was glamorizing its demise. Slanek couldn't understand why the Terrans would want to simulate murder and warfare for fun. He hated seeing his friend conduct himself in a predatory manner. It was disconcerting, to say the least. Elara, on the other hand, didn't mind it at all; she told Slanek that this game was known for its blood as it was a war game. Slanek didn't behave like her until after watching this, 'This is a nightmare,' he thought.

Come to think of it, the ruckus the predators were creating caused Slanek discomfort in general. He really wanted a hug and for them to turn off that uncivilized game. However, he didn't want to embarrass his Terran friend by collapsing into his grip; that would put him in an uncomfortable position. According to Slanek's recent reading, human males were taught not to display emotion in public.

Marcel grinned as Tyler called him obscenities, to which Miller laughed at Tyler and then joked about him calling his mother that, and Slanek's ears drooped against his head. He was hyper-aware that he was one of two Venlil on this ship. He almost felt neglected and...alone, in this awful cage, if it wasn't for Elara, the only other Venlil here.

'We're less than an hour away from our destination, Slanek. You need to get yourself together,' Slanek told himself.

He slipped away while the red-haired human was distracted and locked himself into the lavatory. His snuffling echoed through the chamber as full-throated sobs racked his body. Why couldn't he just be happy that his friend was improving?

It was idiotic to think that Marcel needed him. There were too many rowdy predators here, and he was just going to get in the way. Whatever bonding had occurred between them, Slanek's species was too emotional and sensitive. He could never be one of their kind; it was more enjoyable for Marcel to hang with his own people.

Maybe Marcel was bored of him now that the alien novelty had worn off. Had Slanek been suffocating the redhead when he shepherded his recovery? His sentimentality must be grating on Marcel's nerves.

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