Timeline of the USR pt2

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August 2nd, 2522: Harvest is conolozed marking 900 planets and 145 Systems under the USR's rule. With the population of 34 Trillion of all members

December 12th, 2522: Contact with Kaminoans, Chiss, Nemoidians, and Munns starts here. It started out with one of the most quickest ways of races joining the USR, second to that of the Ogryn. The Kaminoians join first of the Gentical technology the USR has, and the Nemoidian and Munn join for financial and Droid production. The Chiss were hesitant at first, but the USR did prove themselves in a war that was going to happen in the near future.

February 8th, 2524: Contact with the Kalesh stared here, while a proud warrior race and have space flight, they did have a sense of respect to stay within their own borders. The USR invites them to their senate, to which they agreed and join a few weeks later.

March 5th, 2524: The Lasat on Lasan are made contact on this day. It will only be a year before the coming war.

March 12th, 2525: Conmunication with Harvest was cut off. A USR warfleet was tasked to investigate the disturbance only to find that Harvest was in the middle of a battle. The USR-Covenant war, or the Republic-Covenant war, begins with the Prophet of Truth stating to the USR 'your destruction is the will of the gods, and we are their instruments, along with those of have join with you.'

March 12th to August 3rd, 2525: The first battle of Harvest Officialy began as reports of the Covenant trying to destroy all USR's resistance on the planet, with all of the Advancment of Weaponry thanks to their AI and the leadership of Admrail Prestion Cole, General Sly Yarrik, and Captain Gregory Cutter, the USR's forces manage to hold them off long enough for the USR to evacuate, prepare and counterattack. Forcing the Covenant into a temporary retreat. This marks as one of the victories the USR will have in this, as Chancellor Ross later states. "A war that'll determine our right to live and defies the Zelots of Genocide.'

January 18th - 22nd, 2526: the Second Battle of Harvest, where the Covenant has arrived in a massive armada (think of halo reach) and try to destroy the planets defense. The USR fought against the coming tide with all of their might. Unfortunately, Harvest was deemed lost, and the USR was forced to evacuate as the Covenant began Glassing the Planet. But in a shimmer of light, in this battle, the USR force's lost about 25 million service members of all races, but the Covenant lost 45 million trying to take Harvest. While this might look bleak to the USR, many people think that this isn't the end. After this battle concluded, the Chiss offered their Alliegence to the USR. Skynet invented T-800s during this time. As well as many plasma weapons.

February 24th, 2526, the USR was getting on a war footing during this time, as all have sense their immediate demise if the USR fails. Recrument spike as races from all walks of life join into the fight. And they found who counters who during these coming years.

April 5th, 2526: Three more colonies were found by the Covenant, two out of three were destroyed as the third one repelled the invasion, albeit with havy losses. The USR prepares to launch its droid forces, along with Spartans and Cerebrus.

May 4th, 2526: Operation Counter began as the first offensive by the USR. This cause some in the Covenant to be shocked at the Mahinces the USR was bringing into this war. Spartan took on Covenant forces at this time, causing heavy casualties. Upon them was the deadliest of them all, Master Chief Petty Officer, John 117. Cerebrus also cause heavy damage to the Covenant. Spartans and Cerebrus had become a thorn in the Covenant's side. Causing many to called them Demons and Devils respectively.

July 6th-10th 2526: Arcadia, as well as five other solar colonies, were found by the Covenant. Only Arcida was Glassed as it had fewer defenses than the other five, but they managed to hold the Covenant for four days before their destruction.

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