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In times of war, Orders, Commands, and Protocols are used in wars to help regulate the Army should any or all out war with a Covenant style war. And to deal with sabotage within the Government. they are classed between common, medium, high, or Ultra. 

Common is when all soldiers can utilize this Protocols.

Medium is for anyone that is a Captain for Navy, Sargent for the Army or anyone higher

High is for anyone higher than a Captain/ Sargent

Ultra can only be issued by the Chancellor or by the Devils themselves. No one outside of these groups can order these.

Cole Protocol. Level, Common: Cole protocol directs the captain of any ship to destroy any information that would be given to the enemy in ensuring the survival of any race.

ROSS Command: Level, high; ROSS (Recon Originated Sabotage Squad) are highly trained teams filled with specialists that are trained on deep recon and sabotage. Mountain climbing, heavy weather, and stealth Urban Combat are required by this. They are only ordered around by anyone who is higher than an Admiral. They originated by Shadow Ops, Xcom, and Headhunters joining together after the Republic-Covenant war.

Hades Protocols: Level Ultra; the Hades Protocols is only issued by William Howard himself. This makes All Cerebrus forces disobey a direct order and follow Howard's orders until Hades has been concluded. This order was only issued once as the Flood on Delta Halo. He issued it to get many people off the ring and kill all Flood forces in the area. This only stopped after five months when Flood forces meet a fiery end.

Knight fall Order: Level High; should there be anyone in HIGHCOM to betray the Republic and its foundation principles, this order is activated with to capture the target with minimal losses, at no point unless of EXTREAM conditions, the individual would be killed without a fair trial. should any of the following happen, it is most likely the mark of termination of the individual. 1) if the individual has already barged into a ship with the enemy. 2) when the individual meets with the enemy and about to give information away. 3) if the individual was already killed by the enemy. and 4.) if the individual is acting as a double agent.

Parasite Protocol: Level, Common/Medium; the Parasite Protocol, also known as Code Flood. is a Protocol that at all times WILL BE FOLLOWED as ordered. All bets are off if Code Flood is activated. All treaties regarding WMDs will be temporarily suspended until the Threat is naturalized. This Protocol is against what its namesake is.

Delta Zero Protocol: Level, Medium/High; this Protocol is only for if the Parasite Protocol is activated. all ships within the star sector must head towards the affect planet or ring and hover over the affected area and all forces on the ground are ought to retreat at this point and time. when the ships get to the affected area, they will begin an orbital Bombardment from space in order to stop the Threat. They are allowed to utilize any weapons to their disposal, from the plasma cannons to a Nuke, and All ground forces will be using incendiary weapons to make sure the threat is neutralized.

Eden Command: Level Ultra; should Earth fell to an alien invasion or were destroyed by a catastrophic event; all humans must go to the allies within the USR and their colonies to regroup.

Sparta Protocol: Level High; this is for the activation of all Spartan teams if war appears.

Guardian Protocol: Level High; this Protocol is for the Defense of the Importance planets within the USR, more Specifically for the humans, their Home world and the Captial Worlds of the USR. Earth and Coruscant

Watchdog Protocol: Level, Common; this Protocol is for the Defense of the USR though the Shadows. Spy agencies and Spec-ops with the help of the AI, are looking for all information and long probes.

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