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Long ago, before the beginning of time, there was a lonely being who only wanted to no longer be alone.

He wasn't sure who he was, or how he came to be. Everything around him was dark, lonely... Terrifying. An empty, black void of darkness.

So, the being did something wonderful. Something he didn't even know was possible.

He began to experiment; to create.

He reached into his very being and pulled on a power he had never used but had always known was there and he created.

First, was a small little ball of light that released a warmth he had never felt before. He held it close to him until it began to change colors before finally it exploded in a ball of bright light.

His first ball had completely destroyed itself. So he created more. More and more. He called these tiny little balls of lights; stars.

But he got bored of them quickly and decided to make something to accompany the stars. also round in shape, but not made of the same type of energy. He called these planets.

He began to create these clusters of stars and planets and began to call them galaxies.

And soon after, he started to create small creatures to inhabit the planets.

But he was still lonely. So much time had passed, but he had no one who he could interact with.

So he created his first child, whom he named Zamariel. A loyal son who stuck by his side no matter what.

But he didn't stop there. No, he began to create more and more. Lucifer, Michael, Gabriel and so on until he began to create a hierarchy, a place for only he and his angels to reach; a place called Heaven.

And thus, he decided to experiment once more.

He created a sacred garden in Heaven; The Garden of Eden. He made two individual souls of the opposite sex. He names the male Adam, and the female Eve.

They had everything they would even need. A place to live, happiness and each other. So he decided to test them.

He planted a seed that grew into a marvelous apple tree, which bore the Fruit of Knowledge. It would grant any who ate from it knowledge of all things evil and good.

Adam and Eve had exceeded his expectations, both leaving the tree alone, that is, until his son Lucifer snuck into the Garden, disguised as a snake.

He had gotten bored and wanted to tempt his father's newest creations.

So, he whispered into their ears; temptation after temptation until finally Eve gave in, and she committed the first ever sin. Adam followed her shortly after.

As punishment, the being who created them, God, cast them down to a planet named Earth. Their immortal lives striped away, and thus, the first humans came into existence, where they continued to grow and thrive.

God allowed any human who hadn't sinned in their mortal lives a place in heaven after their death, and those who had sinned, were cast down to Hell, where he had banished Lucifer for his defying act with Adam and Eve.

But once again, God grew bored. He decided to experiment once more, and he created the first werewolf, vampire, and witch, along with his first ever guardian angels; who would go to Earth and keep an eye on each of the new species.

He never expected, however, for one of his angels to fall in love with the werewolf.

Estarial, the first of the Guardians, was tasked with the job of watching over the first Alpha werewolf.

Her one rule? Don't let the wolf see her. Neither she nor God expected the powers the wolf had to be as powerful as they were.

The alpha discovered her presence quickly, and the two fell hard and fast. They managed to hide their forbidden romance for a while, but none could stay out of God's view for long.

The love between the two melted God to his core, and he was about to give his angel a mortal life to be with her wolf, only Michael acted first.

In his jealousy, he wanted to kill the wolf and force his sister back to Heaven, only for his plan to fail when Estarial used her grace in a way that God had never seen before.

She locked her grace away; sealing it in chains that would force the angel's soul to constantly be reborn over and over again in an endless cycle; until the day arrives where she is freed once more.

Locking her Grace away made it impossible for Estarial to enter Heaven, thwarting Michael's plan.

In his rage, he tried to kill the wolf, blaming him for his sister's betrayal, only God intervened, forcing Michael back to Heaven.

God's last gift to his daughter before he and her siblings would never see her again.

To the astonishment of them all, Estarial and her wolf were the first ones to discover the meaning of soulmates. Bound forever more; both souls to be reborn; to find each other in every life.

God grieved for his daughter; having been forced to make her decision. A decision he wished she never had to make.

But he knew. He knew that one day, he knew she would break free, and when that time came, Michael would no doubt come for her.

God could only do so much. His son has not yet committed any sins. And until that day arrived, he would not be able to interfere.

But make no mistake. He would protect his daughter's soul.

Nothing could stand against God.


A/N: Look. I am not religious, so most of this God stuff I have done research for... The rest is obviously made up. Hense the Fan FICTION.  So please, no comments on how inaccurate it is. Just bear with me. Thank you and enjoy~

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Feb 12 ⏰

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