Chapter 6: Scars and acceptance

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The next morning, Sofia wakes up to light streaming in through the large bay window of Tommy's bedroom. Sofia smiles to herself as she remembers the night that they just shared together, if she was honest with herself, she hadn't been this relaxed in a long time.

Sofia looked beside her to see Tommy still asleep, he looked so peaceful and even more beautiful, the early morning sun bathing him in ethereal sunlight, he truly did look like a Greek God, at least in her eyes anyway . She wished that he would wake up so that she could see how his sea glass eyes would sparkle in the early morning sun. She imagined them to glimmer like water when sun reflected off of it.

He stirred in his sleep, letting out a content sigh, which, if anything, made Sofia want to kiss him even more. She didn't care how long she gazed at him, it was as if he was the god Eros and he had shot her with his arrow of love. Which, although Sofia had not yet admitted it to herself, he had.

Tommy's dark lashes fluttered open. Sofia rolled over facing away from him blushing slightly as she was embarrassed that she had been gazing at him while he was peacefully asleep.

Suddenly, Tommy reached over tracing circles on her back as he said, his voice still husky from sleep,"How was your sleep, Songbird?"

Sofia rolled over gazing into his azure eyes and said, smiling, "Is that my name now? Songbird?"

Tommy smiled back as he looked at her, his thumb grazing her lips, "You didn't seem to have a problem with it last night, sweetheart"

Sofia blushed then whispered back, "I never said I had a problem with it, did I?"

"No you didn't, in fact, I recall you really enjoying it", Tommy said as he traced the curve of her neck.

Sofia laughed and said, "I'd be lying if I said I didn't"
He laughed and in one smooth motion pulled Sofia on top of him. Sofia gasped in surprise then laughed as she looked down at Tommy her long black hair hanging around her face. He reached up and pushed her hair off her neck and kissed below her ear making her shiver. Tommy pulled back and gazed into her green eyes then murmured,"What are you doing to me Sofia Carlton"

Sofia smiled, her hand still on his chest.

"What am I doing to you, Tommy Shelby", she whispered.

"God, fucking knows. I swear, you're unlike any woman I've ever met. I'm just...ever since Grace died, I've been numb, my heart has been cold, but when I saw you singing up there, when you said the exact words Grace said to me the first time I fell for her. I felt the same thing. But I just want you to know that what we shared last night was not just some meaningless thing, it meant something".

Sofia was speechless for a few seconds, before she replied, "I...I felt the same, I feel the same way."

Tommy leant up and kissed her, his hands holding her hips tightly to him as she lay on top of him.

Then he pulled back and said with that cheeky grin that melted her heart, "it does help that you're probably one of the most stubborn women I know, you are infuriating and god fucking knows I find that desirable".

Sofia's body heated and then he flipped her onto her back his hands pinning her on either side of her head, Sofia let out a gasp then said, "Tommy!"

He smiled cheekily,"What, My Songbird?", he purred as he looked down at her.

Sofia rolled her eyes but still smiled at her nickname,"At least give me a bit of warning"

Tommy chuckled, "can you blame me?  I mean it would be a crime not to let me savour this beautiful body of yours", he said in a deep husky tone as his hand traced her collarbone.

"Well, I can't argue with that logic", Sofia smiled up at Tommy.

He trailed his hand from her shoulder, then to her shoulder and all the way to her neck, which he traced slowly making her shiver. Tommy smiled that charming smile which made her feel like the most beautiful thing in the world. Even if, in reality, she didn't always feel like it. His hand passed over the raised bumps of a scar that went from her jaw to her cheekbone.

His eyes flicked up to hers, a look of concern marring his handsome face. Sofia didn't meet his gaze, she knew he'd see it sooner or later but not this quickly.

He said carefully, his tone laced with, the one thing she hated: pity.

"Who did this to you? And don't lie or try to avoid the question because I know a torture scar when I see one"

Sofia's gaze flipped back to his, her emerald gaze lined with silver. She took a deep breath then said "Promise me, Tommy, that you won't think less of me when I tell you"

Tommy stroked her cheek his blue eyes searching her green ones

"I promise, Songbird", he smiled

Sofia took a deep breath then said quietly

"A few years ago, my father held a ball for my 18th birthday, all of my family came and it was incredible until...", her voice cracked, but she continued pushing through needing to tell him.

"Until, the party was interrupted by a rival gang which my father had not kept a part of a deal with. Before I knew it, my aunts and cousins were on the floor wounded from gunshot wounds and I was dragged away by the rival gang members they knew who I was. I was leverage, I spent two days tied to a chair being asked over and over about my father and some deal. I refused to answer, so they took a knife added did this. Finally my father found me and took me home safely... which was when I found out that my refusal cost most of my cousins and aunts there lives.",

Tears fell from her eyes as she finished, "it was all my fault, Tommy, they died because of me.

Tommy looked down at the woman underneath him, her eyes shining then he said softly,

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, I wish I could take those moments away from you. But you are not an awful person, it was not your fault, you couldn't have stopped it even if you tried." He caressed her face tenderly.

Sofia whispered, "how can you still look at me like that after what I just told you?"

Tommy smiled and said, "When I look at you I don't see a bad person, I see a strong willed, determined", he kissed her face between words. He continued, "you are beautiful Sofia and kind and loving". "So don't ever tell me that you're a bad person, because you're not".

"You're my, beautiful, fiery, Songbird, sweetheart and I care about you." He wanted to say that he thought that he was falling for her but couldn't because it was too much too soon for him.

He leant down and kissed her tenderly then pulled away slightly.

"Tommy...I", he stopped her.

"Shhhh, sweetheart, let me show you how I see you."

He kissed her for head, then both cheeks, her eyelids, chin and jawline. He moved down to her neck, then whispered into her ear in a husky tone,"I want you to just let go and let me show you how beautiful every inch and part of your body is".

He kissed her scar, his hands travelling from her hands, down her arms and came to rest on her torso. His fingers tracing a line down her sternum to her stomach then to her hips and upper thighs, which he squeezed slightly.

"Every part of your body is goddess like to me, Songbird", he purred as he started kissing her chest.

Sofia rested her head back and closed her eyes revelling in the feeling and his words.

And so, they spent the majority of the morning in bed, Tommy whispering words of praise and passion to Sofia.

Sofi was in heaven, for the first time she felt acceptance and maybe a glimmer of what might be love.

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