Chapter 4: Born and Bonded by Darkness

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Tommy Shelby was very rarely the type of person to be in awe of another, but he watched the beautiful, raven haired woman, her emerald gaze sparkling as she sang the sad love ballad. When Sofia sang, Tommy watched as her lithe body relaxed and lost herself to the rhythm. The constant ache in his chest he had felt since Grace had taken that bullet meant for him; for the first time he could breath again.

Tommy was transfixed, and, although he might've not admitted it to himself at the time, Tommy Shelby fell for Sofia Carlton.

Tommy was smiling for the first time in months, his three brothers, Arthur, John and Finn, looked between the young women and their brother, then back at each other with a knowing grin. Although very drunk, it was clear as day to the brothers, that their brother was falling in love all over again.

Sofia finished her Ballad, her eyes still trained on Tommy's. The air felt charged, as if the last note she sang vibrated through the room. Sofia felt as if an electric shock went through her body, as if his aquamarine eyes were bonding his life to hers; something had formed between them, a faint golden thread of attraction between them. Two people born into darkness, and bonded by darkness.

Sofia broke eye contact, then stepped of the chair walked over to the table where Tommy, Arthur and Finn sat and sat down opposite Tommy, leaning forward slightly; lighting a cigarette.

"So, Thomas, am I hired?", Sofia said taking a puff of her cigarette, green eyes sparkling.

Tommy leant forward , their faces inches apart. He smiled, then said, his tone husky, "Sofia Carlton, you work here now, which means you'll know about everything that this family business does, now the question is, Sofia, can you handle it?"

Sofia smiled, tapping out her cigarette,"Thomas Shelby, I've helped my father with family business since I was 16, I l

Tommy smirked, his eyes flicking from Sofia's eyes to her full lips, then back up to her eyes, "Fair enough, you're hired, oh and call me Tommy", he said and Sofia felt her whole body thrum with heat at his husky tone.

Arthur and Finn looked between the two Sofia and Tommy, Arthur had a wide grin on his face meanwhile Finn and John were trying their best to not laugh. Finn's sniggering snapped him out of the trance Sofia's eyes had on him.

"What are you two bastards laughing at?", he asked leaning back in his chair.

Arthur slurred drunkenly,"Nothin' brother, nothin', it's just you and Sofia here have so much tension between you two, you might as well just kiss right now"

Sofia blushed profusely, meanwhile Tommy glared at his brothers trying to appear annoyed but Sofia could have sworn that she saw his lips curve up into a slight smile.

Sofia paused for a minute then said, "Thank you again for giving me the job Tommy"' she smiled.

And to Arthur, John any Finns amazement Tommy smiled back, it was a small smile, but it was the first time he smiled since Graces death.

Sofia felt her heart flutter when he smiled back, he was ruggedly handsome, from his tousled dark hair to his blue eyes and even two his cheek bones and angular jaw. Not only that but he was intelligent as well, he was unlike any other man she had ever met.

In London, the men that she had gone out with had never lasted a week into their relationship or even the first ten seconds of a conversation before losing interest in her or realising who her father was and judging her. Sofia knew exactly why they lost interest in her, they didn't seem to like the fact that she was opinionated. Those men, were all the same, the slightest hint of her speaking her own mind and they went running for the hills.

But, Tommy, Tommy had the same glint in her eye that Sofia herself had when faced with a challenge. He was elusive, brooding and incredibly mysterious. To Sofia, although she hated to admit it, these traits in Tommy, intrigued Sofia. She knew he was dangerous, but if she was completely honest with herself, the danger made him even more attractive and tempting to her.

Just as Sofia was about to pull on her driving gloves and take her leave, there was an almighty crash from outside the pub.

Tommy, Finn and Arthur and John jumped to their feet, drawing their revovlvers from the holsters at their hips. Finn and Arthur rushed outside to find the source of the explosion. Tommy was about to go with them, when he noticed Sofia making her way towards the door  following Finn and Arthur.

He grabbed her arm firmly to stop her saying, "you are not going out there, you're staying in here with John, he can protect you".

Sofia stared at Tommy,"That noise could have been my car blowing up, it could mean that my father is already dead and now their coming after me!", she protested meeting Tommys fierce gaze.

Tommy replied fiercely,"Your Father did a fucking deal with us to protect you, I don't think he would be too happy with you stopping us from doing his last wish", cold fire blazed in his eyes.

Sofia wanted to reply but knew he was right, she shouldn't be so foolish, she had nothing to defend herself with if she went out there, so she  just said , "yes you're right I'll stay here with your brother"

Tommy relaxed slightly, letting go of her arm, "now, you stay here", he said before walking out the door, gun in hand.

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