Chapter 2: A Fathers love for his daughter endures even death

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Sofia Carlton, knew that look on her fathers face, it was the look that he got when he wanted to her to be a pawn in his dealings.  Igor Carlton sat back in his office chair, taking a long drag on his cigarette. 

"Let me guess, Father, yet again you're going to make wear something nice and pretty and send me around your meeting full of men, who tend to be way to friendly", Sofia said cooly leaning back in her chair opposite her father .

Igor fixed his daughter with his sapphire gaze. "Actually no, daughter that is not what I've called you in for. You have just turned 23, which means your role in the family business can now be more active".

Sofia tried to make out her fathers facial expression but he was unreadable, this worried Sofia, it was very rare that Igor Carlton, leader of one of the most powerful crime syndicates in London, was scared.

"Father, what is it?, What do I have to do?", she asks anxiously.

Her Father took both her hands in his, a rare gesture, then said softly,"My darling Sofia, all grown up, if only your mother could see what a strong independent woman you've become,  I'm so incredibly proud of you for taking on this  burden after your mothers passing.  But, there comes a time when even a father know when to let his only daughter go."

Sofia froze an icy cold feeling chilled her,"Father, what do you mean? Let me go where?"

Igor looked at the painting of Sofia's mother that hung in his office, blinking back tears, before composing himself then says. "My darling Sofia, I vowed after your mothers death that I would protect you no matter what. So, in light of the recent rising tensions between gangs in London and with our family being the most dangerous, they will come for us first. There's a bullet with my name on it and I would rather give you a chance to escape to new life than watch me be killed."
Sofia felt as though all breath had left her body,
What was her father talking about, of course she was going to stay and help him, he could be a bit cold sometimes but Sofia had also promised her mother that she would protect her father till her last breath.  "No, Father, no, I'm not leaving you, I don't have anyone else, please don't make me go!"

Igor's icy heart cracked at the sight of his strong willed daughter crying and begging him to let her stay. "I'm sorry Sofia but your life will always, always be more important than mine. Everything is in order, I bought a house for you in Birmingham, a lovely big house just like you've always wanted remember? I want you to start a new life there, be happy ", her father smiled sadly. 

Sofia felt empty, she wanted to protest and wail or scream but in the end she knew her fathers words were wise and she nodded tears glazing her face.

"I love you Father, I hope we see each other again.", the young woman said thickly, holding back tears.

Her father hugged her, and Sofia clung onto him like she had done when her motheri was murdered in front of her. Sofia sobbed for what felt like eternity, not wanting to let go of her father.

After a while her father held her face in his hands, whiping her tears away before saying softly ,"the train for Birmingham leaves in twenty minutes, don't worry I've had the maids pack all you belongings and they are being moved to your new home as we speak. "

He smiled town at his daughter somehow, now so grown up, then kissed her long wavy black curls, then said, "We will me united, whether it be in this world or another." 

Igor said as he lead his daughter to a car that would take her to Birmingham.

The last thing her father said to her was characteristic of him, "Now, I may have paid for a nice house for you but I promise you I will haunt you from the grave if you don't get off your lazy ass and find a job!" , her father had joked so that she could leave him with a smile on her face.

Sofia Carlton watched as her father grew smaller and smaller. Even though she was devastated she would never see her father again, Sofia Carlton was excited about starting a new life in Birmingham...she just had to make sure she could get a job as soon as she got here.
Sofia fixed her emerald  eyes on the future and smiled.

Then a momentary thought crossed her mind: Birmingham...that was the place The Peaky Blinders were situated, why would her father send her there?

There was no bad blood between the two gangs, her father had done dealings with them in the past but they had remained wholly civil, to her knowledge anyway.

Still...Birmingham was an odd place to send her, maybe her father thought that she would be protected there? But that made no sense either, why would The Peaky Blinders care about her, even if her father was a dead man walking..... unless....
Her father wasn't sending her there for a new life, this was business!

Suddenly everything made sense, the weird hushed phone calls her fathe had been making, the letters that had arrived from Birmingham that her father had hidden, even her fathers new found interest in her future.

And then, the final piece of the puzzle fell into place, her father may have wanted her safe, but her father never did anything for any one else if he didn't benefit from it himself. He made a deal, a deal involving her but what that deal was, she didn't know.

Sofia knew she shouldn't be surprised but even for her father, this was bad, really bad. So somehow she was now on her way to Birmingham, her father had sent her there to protect her father had done a deal with Tre Peaky Blinders to allow Sofia, the eldest daughter of a gang leader onto their territory. Sofia closed her eyes, trying to make sense of her situation, before opening her eyes and coming to a conclusion, she just had to make sure that she was careful, if the Peaky Blinders knew of her, which they probably did, then she needed to make sure that they knew she wasn't a threat.

It was risky, but it could work, Sofia just needed to find out how she could get work at one of their establishments. That way they knew of her, she knew of them and she knew where she stood.

With that, plan formulated in her mind, Sofia Carlton relaxed back in her seat and began the long journey to Birmingham.

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