Higuruma x reader (barkeeper) - 🍋

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As requested, some Hiromi Higuruma action :)
There are no spoilers in this chapter.

Higuruma works as a barkeeper. You become a regular at the bar and soon there has formed a kind of friendship between the two of you. It all started when you wanted to wash away the pain of your recent break up. Since then luck doesn't seem to be on your side when it comes to dating, but Higuruma was always there to listen and serve you just the right drinks to dwell in your misery some more.
After another failed dating experience, you seek out the one place to drown all your sorrows...


You open the door of the small bar and take a look around. There are only a handful of people in the room, chatting and drinking, while the soft background music and dim light makes for a cozy atmosphere.
Your eyes scan your surroundings. A second later you see Hiromi behind the counter and your feet begin to move by its own. Before you know it you're sitting on one of the stools right infront of him.
His eyes are still fixed on a wine glass he is throughly cleaning with a cloth, so he doesn't even notice you at first.
"I'd like a Margarita, please." You say loud enough for him to hear.
He lifts his head, looking at you with a lazy expression.
He looks good tonight.
Black pants, a white button up and a black bowtie. One suspender lays over his shoulder, while the other casually hangs down from his waist.
"I thought I banned you from coming here on weekdays." Hiromi says calmly, putting the clean glass away.
"Well, I'm having my day off tomorrow and today is thursday so... technically it's the weekend for me." You prop your head up on your hands and flash him a cheeky grin.
He rolls his eyes as a response and starts to make your drink.
"Actually, make that two."
His eyes shortly give you a glance while he pours the liquor.
"That bad again, huh?"
You sigh, dropping your head on the wooden counter.
"Yeah... I mean, no not really..." you let out a frustrated groan. "It's the same as always, so it wasn't really a surprise anymore, but..."
You lift your head, watching the two full glasses he slides your way.
"... gosh, why can't I just find a good guy? You know?"
You take your first, large sip from your drink.
"What about the one with the weird hair? You said you liked him." Hiromi asks, throwing the cloth over his shoulder.
You poke the ice with your straw.
"I know but... he just didn't do it for me... sexually." You take another sip, glancing up at him. The corner of his lips twitch upwards.
"High standards in the bedroom, I see." He's polishing another glass.
"No! It's not like that." You blurrt out, your cheeks heating up.
When does the alcohol finally work it's magic?
You hastily drink up and immediately start with the second glass.
Hiromi just gives you a teasing smile.
You take a deep breath and lower your voice, even though the bar ist still almost empty.
"All I want is to... get there... you know."
He lifts an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?"
"You know..." you try to make some suggestive gestures with your eyes, but you're sure you just make a fool of yourself. And you're not drunk enough to say out loud, that a man has never given you an orgasm before.
Somehow Hiromi get's the hint and stops in his movement.
"Wait... you mean...?"
You nod and down your drink.
"You've never had an orgasm when you-"
"Yes, okay?" You interrupt him, running your hand through your hair in embarrassment.
"I'll take two shots." You try to change the subject and Hiromi places a shot glass infront of you.
"Maybe you should try women instead." He pours clear liquor in the small glass.
"Believe me, that's not the problem." You sigh and take the shot into your hand.
"Bottoms up to that." He says with his usual bored expression.
Another costumer just entered the bar and orders a drink from Hiromi. Inbetween all the mixing he somehow manages to pour a second shot into your glass and you down it again in one go.
Slowly you start to feel the effect of the alcohol.
"Hiromi! Another Margarita, please!"
He comes over and grabs different bottles with a sigh.
"You know, just because we're friends doesn't mean you get these for free, right?"
"Yeah, yeah."
He puts the drink infront of you.
"And don't call me by my first name." He murmurs.
"Why? You just said we're friends."
You smile at him and he gives you another eyeroll.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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