Nanami x reader (unprofessional part 2) - 🍋

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Celebrating your birthday never felt better than this time. You feel the rush of excitement from head to toe, even the night before, it was so bad that you couldn't sleep.
And now, as the text message popped up on your phone, you have to hold back a squeal.

I'm here.

You check your reflection in the mirror for the last time, letting your hands run iver the fabric of the short, white summerdress.
Almost forgetting to grab your purse, you make your way outside towards the street, where you see the silver car. But your eyes immediately focus on the tall man wearing a suit. Kento is leaning against the door, his arm propped up on the metal. His other hand is holding a bouquet of flowers.
He let's his gaze fall over them, lost deep in thought. It's only when you almost reach him, that he looks up to you. A small smile appears on his lips and you notice that his eyes aren't covered by his glasses like usual.
"Happy Birthday. You look beautiful." He says, presenting you the biggest and most beautiful bouquet you've ever seen.
It's not the first time you're getting flowers from him, but they just seem to get more extravagant everytime.
"Thank you. Gosh, these are beatiful!"
You're smiling from ear to ear, your cheeks surely having the colour of ripe apples by now.
You have to use both of your hands to hold the flowers, the size almost swallowing your body behind it.
"Did you buy the whole store for this?" You joke, earning a muffled laugh from him.
"Not quite. I just wanted something appropriate for you."
He caresses your cheeks, before leaning down to give you a long, soft kiss.
"You call this appropriate?" You raise your eyebrows. This was definitely too much.
Kento turns around, opening the passenger door.
"No. It's not even close to what you deserve."
You shake your head in disbelief as you take a seat in his car while he holds open the door for you. He get's into the drivers seat himself and starts to navigate the vehicle down the road.
"You know, I felt really bad when you told me I shouldn't bring anything to our picnic date."
You say, giving him a look, but his eyes stay focused on the street.
"And I told you, you shouldn't feel bad."
He responds calmly. You roll your eyes in frustration, but can't hold a bag a grin.
"Wow, thanks. That really helps."
"Y/n, the only thing you'll ever have to bring is yourself. I'll take care of the rest."
Kento says, still in a serious tone, eyes fixed infront of him.
"Besides, it's your birthday, so you really shouldn't do anything except enjoy your day."
You don't know him that long, but you feel like he really means every word he just said. Your heart is already beating like crazy and your stomach is churning.
This man will be the death of me.
A few minutes later you arrive at a secluded area, you can tell there has to be a park near by because of the trees blocking your view.
Kento grabs a big basket from his backseat, before getting you out of his car and leading you to a narrow railway, his hand intertwined with yours.
As you pass the last tree, a big lake appears infront of you. It's quiet and no one seems to be around you.
You take in the stunning landscape as Kento starts to lay down a blanket on the grass.
"Woah, this is amazing."
"I wanted to take you somewhere quiet."
Kento says, already taking out the snacks he prepared.
You sit down beside him and help him unpack.
Various snacks and fruits where displayed infront of you. But there was something else he grabbed out of another bag.
He gave you a big box that was wrapped in wrapping paper. You look up at him, while he takes a grape and throws it in his mouth.
"What? You didn't think the flowers were your present." He says after catching you stare at him.
You shrug, feeling your cheeks heat up. Honestly, you are just happy to spend time with him. The few weeks you were together, you didn't really have the chance to see each other often, because the two of you where busy working.
"Open it." Kento demands, so you start ripping your present open. You lift the top of the box and look inside.
"W-what? But how...?"
Your hands grab the new pair of shoes Kento just gifted you. They were the ones you saw weeks ago, when the two of you had a date in the city. You didn't even say anything, you just looked at them through the window, but when you saw the price you just walked by.
"How did you know...?" You try to form a whole sentence again, but fail.
"Please, the look on your face told me everything I needed to know." A small smile formed on his lips.
"And... my size..."
"I guessed 6,5. If they don't fit, I'll get you a different size." He shrugged, taking another grape.
It was in fact your exact shoe size.
"I don't know what to say. Thank you, really. But they're so expe-"
"Shhht." Kento grabs your chin, making you look at him.
"Do you like them?" His brown eyes piercing through yours.
"I love them." You answer truthfully.
"Good." The feeling of his tpuch keeps lingering on your skin a little longer after he let go of your face.
You grin as you put the shoes back and close the box.
Kento grabs something else.
"Why don't you try these?"
Your eyes shift to the chocolate covered strawberries in his hand. You gasp in excitement, your eyes lighting up.
Your favorite snack.
Kento chuckles, offering the plate to you. You don't hesitate and grab one, tasting the combination of the fruit and sweet chocolate.
"Mmmhh." You sigh with closed eyes, before you give him a satisfied smile.
You take another one, offering it to him.
"You eat one...too..."
Your eyes widen when he reaches out to your face, rubbing his thumb over the side of your lips, before he puts it in his mouth, sucking off the chocolate.
"I'm good." He humms and you swallow hard.
One thing you noticed since you were in a relationship with Kento is, that you got turned on very easily. He turned you on easily.
You've had just a few intimate moments together and it was almost like you got addicted. Knowing what it felt like to be touched that way, knowing what he could make you feel, it was like pure ecstasy.
You didn't have sex with him though. The few times you tried to initiate, he ended up only satisfying you, blocking everything else, giving you what felt like the best nights of your life. And you enjoyed it to the fullest.
Still you couldn't help but feel frustrated. You want to satisfy him too. You want to know what it's like to sleep with him.
Sometimes you don't know if you're being pushy or just incredibly horny, but you are afraid that he doesn't want to sleep with you because of your age.
You don't want to be treated like a child though.
You want more. You want him, everything of him.
And today is the day you will convince him.

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