Geto x reader (enemies) - 🍋

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You and Geto are enemies, always trying to get on one another's throat. Most of the time it ends with him getting away.
Tonight you're trying to end the hunt once and for all. You found his base, determined to kill him in the darkness of the shadows.
But when you enter his bedroom, something just doesn't feel right...


The full moon shines bright in the night sky.
Of course he lives in a fucking castle!
You think to yourself as you dig your daggers into the cracks of the stone walls, climbing your way up the tower.
You aren't even surprised that your mortal enemie is hiding in a huge, abandoned castle. It fits his ego perfectly.
You try to make as little noise as possible while you climb up the tower, always slamming one dagger higher before you pull yourself up and repeat the motion with the other.
At the same time you pray to the gods that this man is getting his bauty sleep right now. Because that's the plan.
Killing him in his sleep.
Fast and uncomplicated.
You can't help but think of the long haired - and, you have to admit, good looking - man. With his stupid charming and highly inappropriate comments, he only syas because he know how much they're throwing you off.
You've never seen a bad guy like him, still cracking jokes as he get's away the last second.
You were trained at a very young age, you always knew where your place was: here, protecting your town and it's leader. You were never questioning anything, like the loyal soldier you are.
Geto is a rebell, he left the town along with a few others, forming some kind of rebellion group against your leader and his politics.
Since you met him a few years ago, you catch yourself thinking about his words he sometimes throws at you in a fight. You're thinking about him in general a lot of times.
One more reason to get this over with.
You see the window right above your head now, as you take one last deep breath.
Slowly you but the daggers into the sheaths on your thighs and holding onto the frame of the window instead. You pull yourself up, just enough to get a look at the room inside.
As you thought - it really is Getos bedroom.
A big king sized bed stands on the right wall, a few drawers and a door, that's it.
The bed has four wooden pillars around it, see through drapes hanging from each of them.
You see Geto lying on the bed, his eyes are closed as the wind blows the drapes so that it hides his face from time to time.
You pull yourself up all the way, holding your breath and making no noises louder than the night breeze.
You're wearing tight, black pants and a tight black longsleeve to match the darkness of the night.
You silently make your way over to the bed, drawing one dagger from your thigh.
Then you freeze in your step.
Geto is wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants. You focus on the wall behind him, forcing your legs to move.
You get onto the bed without making any sound, straddling him while being careful not to touch him, keeping your hips hovered over his.
You take your dagger into both hands and look down on your enemie.
His wide shoulders, puffed up chest, every muscle of his sixpack is illuminated by the moonlight, making it look like god carved him with his own hands.
God, what am I thinking?!?
You take a breath, trying to steady your fast heartbeat.
Your eyes wander to his face. Everyone who says he is not handsome is straight up lying. Even his hair falls perfectly, draped over his pillow like silky shadows.
You lift the dagger over your head, trying to remember what you came here for.
But before you swing forward to stab his chest, you hesitate. Your mind begins to race.
Wait a minute.
Something feels wrong.
This is easy.
Too easy.
There wasn't even one guard down there when you left the castle's boarder behind you. No traps. No difficulties. And he's sleeping next to an open window, with no protection what so ever.
Geto, the one who always got away. Who is too smart to be caught.
Your stomach drops and suddenly your hands feel ice cold.
There were no traps because this is the trap!
"Are you going to kill me or are you going to stare at me forever?." You hear Getos voice, but his eyes are still closed.
Your breath is hitched, your heart hammering against your chest.
As he opens his eyes with a smirk, you swing your arms down, trying to stab him.
But Geto catches your hands mid air.
"Well, this is a pleasant view."
You try to push your arms downwards - no chance. He is too strong, holding your hands in place without budging the tiniest bit.
"You set me up." You speak, breathlessly with wide eyes.
His smile widens.
"It seems you found out on yourself - too late though. Tell me, love, what gave me away?"
You swallow, staring into his eyes, sparkling with amusement.
"You're... just... too smart to be sleeping unprotected like this." your breath is still heavy, your voice shaking with fear. He is not doing anything, because he is playing with you. And that's even worse.
"Are you complementing me?" He pulls down your hands holding the dagger, resting them on his chest so that there is nothing between your faces.
"I personally prefer when you throw those nasty curses at me-"
"How?" You interrupt him.
"How did you do it?"
Geto sighs, clearly enjoing the show.
"Did you really think this time you found my hideout with your research skills?" He giggles, rage balzing in your stomach.
"I let you find me. And then I just waited. I knew it couldn't be long, you're so desperate to see me that you went the same night you found out." His grin and sheepish comments seem like the cheery on top. You feel embarrassed and angry.
The rage taking over your body as you rip away your hands from his.
"You disgusting piece of shit!"
You shout, swinging the dagger at him, but he hits your arm with his flat hand, guiding it away from his body.
"Oh come on, heard that one before." He rolls his eyes and you take another hit at him.
This time he catches your wrist, grabbing the dagger and twisting it out of your hand. You wimper in pain and he throws it onto the floor. You instantly throw your fists at him, but he continues to slap them away. After a few hits he catches your hand in his again. The smile is still plastered on his face.
"I hate you. You can rot in hell once I kill you."
You huff, your tongue laced with anger.
"God I love when you talk to me like that."
He swoons, completely unphased by you.
But it gave you a second to draw your other dagger from your thigh. You get your hand out of his grip and immediately throwing the other up, so that the sharp blade touches his throat.
His eyes widen in surprise, but its not fear you see. It almost looks like he is proud.
Your chest heaves as you glare down at him.
"Does me holding a knife to your throat not scare you?" You ask, getting frustrated over his stupid grin that seems to be glued to his lips.
"Why don't you lower your hips, love, and find out what exactly it does to me."
Your eyebrows slowly lift, while your cheeks begin to heat up and you wonder if you heard him right. Your muscles twitch at his words and you ignore the desire to drop your hips onto his.
Suddenly he tries to grab your wrist, but you draw your hand back, only to swing at him again. This time he is a little too late, bringing his hand between the dagger and his face just in time to guide it to the left.
You find yourself bowed over him, the dagger is stuck in the matress right next to his head.
Before you can do anything else, Geto maneuvres your body around, rolling over you, so that you're the one laying on your back now.
He quickly pulls out the dagger, throwing it to the ground. You try to punch him, but he just catches your wrists with one hand, pinning them over your head while the other grabs a hold of your throat.
You instantly freeze, staring up at him.
And suddenly you become hyper aware if the fact that no matter what you do, he's always gonna be stronger, bigger.
You're dead.
But why did he throw your daggers away, if he wants to kill you?
Maybe it's some perverted game, showing you exactly how weak you are, disarming you, before slowly killing you with his own hands.
A shudder spreads through your body and to your surprise it's not completely out of anxiety. But you'd never admit that.
Admit that the view of him on top of you, half naked, lips curved to a wicked grin, make your body react in a good way.
His hand around your throat feels warm and doesn't hurt at all.
"If you're going to kill me do it quick." You blurrt out, trying to keep your voice filled with contempt.
"I don't need your disgusting games, whatever you think you're doing. I'm not gonna cry or scream like a pathetic little girl."
Geto doesn't react, instead the corner of his lips slightly twitches upward. He sighs.
"Believe it or not - killing you is actually not on my to do list."
He lowers his head until his face is only a breath away from yours, his hand still around your neck.
You swallow hard.
"Making you scream my name on the other hand..." He chuckles.
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."
Your breath is flat and quick, your heart hammering against your chest.
You know you have to get away, before you do something you will regret. He is so charming without even trying and you hate yourself for falling for him.
With one quick motion, you thrust your hips and your legs up, making him fall over your head. You work fast, pulling one leg from beneath him and wrapping it around his torso instead, before you push him off of you.
The next thing you know is that you're standing, immediately sprinting for the door.
But after a few tries you realise it's locked.
Panic crawls up your spine, you let out a frustrating huff and turn around again.
Geto already got up from the bed, slowly walking towards you as if taking a stroll through the park.
You're backed against the wall when he stops infront of you and standing right next to him shows the height difference between the two of you even clearer.
He leans his hands on the wall on either side of your head and looks down on you.
"Just kill me." You try to give your voice some power, but instead it comes out shaky.
"I already told you, love, I don't want to kill you."
His presence, his aura, his scent, everything is so overwhelming.
"What do you want then." You try to fixate your eyes on his chest, fearing that if you look into his eyes, you'll completely lose your mind. Staring at his bare chest is not helping either, though.
Now your head snaps up and you look at him.
"Since the first time you gave me that look of absolute repulsiveness." The corner of his lip twitches upwards as he seems to relive the moment in his thoughts.
"Your taste in women is very disturbing." You mean it, but he let's out a chuckle.
This man is insane. He has to be.
"It wasn't only that... the wild look in your eyes when you fight, your strength ...and I don't mean physically."
One of his hand grabs a strand of hair, curling it around his finger.
"All that toughness inside such a breathtakingly beautiful woman."
You curse out your own heart for skipping a beat.
"But I know what you really want. Freedom. Passion. And a little bit of danger."
His mouth is carved into a grin.
"Deep down you're just like me. Be mine and I'll bring the world to your feet, y/n."
You let out a shaky breath.
"You're insane." You still keep resisting the ache in your body, every word out of his mouth pulling you in more and more.
Getos grin widens.
"I'm the villain, love. That's why we are so good at taking risks. Doing the things the boring people are too afraid to do."
He leans in and you feel his breath next to your ear.
"You know what else we're better at doing?"
His hand starts caressing your arm, slowy finding it's way to your waist. You're a heavy breathing mess, but you manage to snap your hand to his shoulder, grabbing it hard to signal him that he should stop moving.
"Be mine, y/n. And whatever you want, it's yours. Do you want me on my knees? Because I'd gladly kneel before my queen."
His hand moves down further and further until you feel his fingers on your clothed center.
You gasp, still unable to move. Still trying to hold onto whatever pride is left, but you already know there is none. It melted away the second he touched you.
"Gosh, you're soaked. When's the last time you got off?" He says with a grin, feeling your wetness through your leggings.
You think about his question, not even remembering. There has never been time to think about these things when you're constantly training, sleeping with the other soldiers, thinking about your next mission days before.
His lips graze the crook of your neck.
"Let me take care if you, y/n."
He places light kisses on your skin and you close your eyes shut, pressing your lips together.
You're already falling, you know it. And you can't do anything but watch, as you catch yourself wanting him. You knew it the second you saw him, too. But it goes against everything you believe, everything you are.
Geto lifts his head again, placing his finger under your chin, forcing you to look at him.
"I'll make you feel good. God I'll make you feel so good y/n."
His lips are a paper width away, but he's not going any further. You know he wants you to make the first step, testing if you'll give in.
After a few more seconds you can't bare the tension any longer and crash your lips onto his.
He instantly burries his hand in your hair, pulling you closer, kissing you hungrily.
Your hands find his chest as you lose yourself in the kiss. You feel his tongue on yours, tasting him, it's only now that you notice how much you want him.
Your hands travel south, remembering every bump of his abs on the way.
But before you get to his pants, he grabs your hand, pulling it away. He breaks the kiss, leaving a few more on your neck.
"Easy love. I waited so long for this, I'm going to take my time with you."
He is breathing just as heavy as you are.
You watch him as he slowly goes down on his knees. Your eyes widen and you remember his words from before.
He calmly takes off your shoes, before hooking his fingers under the hem of your leggings, dragging them down your legs painfully slow.
You step out of them and he does the same thing with your panties.
Your breath hitches as the air hits your exposed pussy.
Geto really meant it when he said he wants to take his time. He begins to kiss his way from your calve up to your inner thigh. You feel his hand on the back of your thigh, carefully lifting your leg to place it on his shoulder, spreading your middle to gain more access.
He drags his tongue higher over your skin and you think you're gonna implode from the anticipation.
"Geto..." you breathe out his name, almost in a begging tone. His breath hits your sensitive area as he speaks.
"God, I'm going to make you say my name like that over and over again."
And then you feel his warm tongue, sliding from your entrance all the way up to your clit. You throw your head back, pressing your mouth shut to muffle a moan.
He puts all the attention on the nub, circling around and over it, with more pressure and less pressure again.
You're a whimpering mess against the wall, the only thing holding you up are his shoulder and his hand on your thigh.
His tongue wanders back down to your entrance, slipping the tip inside you.
"Oh god." Your hand lands on his head, grabbing a fistful of his hair. But Geto doesn't mind, instead he tightens his grip around your thigh and hip, pulling you even closer, his face burried between your legs.
He fucks you with his tongue, the friction of it feeling so good but at the same time it's not enough.
"Geto." You huff, hoping he can just read your mind like that.
The warmth dissapears from your core and you feel his breath against your wet skin instead.
"What's the matter love."
You look down, seeing a devilish smirk on his face.
"Do you want me to make you come?"
The voice in your head curses at you while you let out a heavy breath.
But it doesn't matter, because the only thing you can think about is his tongue on you.
"You want me to lick this pretty pussy while you come all over my mouth?" He teases.
A shudder rushes through your whole body.
"Yes." You answer out of breath, because you can't handle the build up tension he caused any longer.
"Your wish is my command."
And then you feel his tongue on you again, flicking over your clit in a steady rythm, pushing the knot in your core higher and higher.
Your moans are everything but quiet now, as he starts to suck at the sweet spot, giving a pulsating sensation.
"Oh fuck-"
Your hand burried in his hair, your orgasm basically explodes and you feel the impact in your whole body. Your hips move on it's own, riding out your orgasm on Geto's mouth and he gladly let's you.
Your climax ebbs down after some time and you try to catch your breath. When you open your eyes, Geto is on his feet again.
"You taste so good. I want to taste you everyday - if you let me."
You look up at the man infront of you. He pushes a strand of hair behind your ear, caressing your cheek softly with his fingertips.
You never thought you'd experience this, him being so gentle with you, making you feel things you've never felt before.
You want him.
You're surprised by the fact that the orgasm he gave you did not only satisfy you but left you craving for more.
As if he looked right through your head, he picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist.
He walks towards his bed.
"I'm nowhere near done with you." His low voice vibrates through your ears and you instantly feel this excitement rushing through you, you almost have to hide a giggle.
What the hell is wrong with you?
He lays you down on the bed, kneeling between your legs as he unzips your tight jacket.
Once he got you out of that and also your shirt underneath, you lay completely naked under him.
His eyes roll back for a brief moment, as if he can't believe what's infromt of him right now.
"I always thought you were perfect before, but how can you always exceed my expectations."
He catches your lips with his, kissing you passionately.You taste yourself on his tongue, turning you on even more. You run your hands through his long hair as he slowly begins to kiss his way down your neck.
You tilt your head to the side, giving him more access.
His hands wander over your body, touching your breasts, your stomach and lower.
Your lower belly tingles in anticipation.
His fingers slide between your wet folds, up to your clit, rubbing over it and sending the familiar feeling through your body.
His hand slides back down, teasing your entrance with his fingertips.
Your groan in frustration, bucking your hips to get more friction.
"Impatient, aren't we?" He humms against the skin on your throat, but still doesn't give into the begging of your body.
"You're evil." You say, looking at him frustrated once he lifts his head. His mouth is formed into a mischievous smile.
"I'm the bad guy, remember?" His lips hover right over yours.
He slides his fingers between your folds, careful not to go inside.
Your body writhes underneath him, he has you in his palm and there is nothing you can do except to beg and be patient.
"It's just too much fun to have you under my control like this." He grins, rubbing his finger up to your nub again, watching you as you gasp, your breath hitting his face, because he is still that close.
"Uh-uh." He instantly cuts you off, knowing you wanted to throw an insult at him.
"I'm the bad guy here. And you are gonna be a good girl for me."
You grit your teeth, swallowing down your pride - and anger.
Getos grin widens, clearly enjoying the show a little too much.
"Beg nicely and I'll reward you."
You need a second to compose yourself. His hand is no longer touching you.
You say softly and his eyes close.
"Please, Geto. I need you."
"How bad dou you need me, love?"
"So bad. Please."
His breath quickens, clearly turned on by your words. He opens his eyes, his hand finds your pussy again and you wimper in surprise.
He slides two fingers inside of you, slowly.
You let out a quiet moan.
"That feel good? My fingers inside of you like that?"
There is no place in your mind for you to answer, completely wrapped up in the pleasure as his fingers move in and out of you. You burry your hands in the sheets, while your legs spread open wide.
"Look at you, such a needy little thing."
He increases the tempo, going steady and magically hitting your sweet spot everytime. It's not going to take him long to make you climax again, you can already feel yourself being dangerously close to the edge.
"Yes, come for me, y/n."
A few more strokes and you're done for.
"Just like that, all over my hand." He purrs as he watches you come on undone, your orgasm crashing down on you for a second time. It feels even better than the first one. And with the feeling slowly washing away as you calm down, you know that you want more.
With one hand covering your face, you draw in a few deep breaths, feeling his weight shift on the matress.
Clothes rustle, before his weight is on the bed again, his warm hands touching your ankles.
You have no choice but to take down your arm as you're being pulled towards him by your legs.
He is hovering over you, stroking his fingertips over the side of your face, over your lips, down to your neck. You feel them gliding over your shoulder, down your arm and your whole body is covered in goosebumps.
You look up at him, into his eyes, remembering yourself to breathe, because your brain seems to forget such a basic thing when this beautiful man occupies your vision.
His breath seems to falter too now.
"You don't know what you do to me, y/n..." His voice is husky, loaded with anticipation. He is completely naked on top of you. You let your eyes wander down the length of his body as he starts to lower his hips and you feel his hard dick against your bare pussy.
"Eyes up." He lifts your chin with one hand, before he lets the tip of his length glide betwen your folds up to your clit.
Your eyes widen, your mouth opens to let out a silent gasp.
"You're gonna look at me when I fuck you." He orders in a breathless tone. Then you feel him slowy slide it in, bit for bit. The stretch being almost too much but feeling so good at the same time.
"Fuck, Geto!" You hold onto his shoulder and he loweres his head to place a few kisses on your neck.
"Relax for me. You can take it." He assures, going in deeper and deeper. He lifts his head again, but your eyes are squeezed shut.
"Eyes on me." He demands but in a soft tone.
You force yourself to look at him and then he burries himself inside you conpletely. You moan, feeling so full that you almost can't take it.
"Good girl. Breathe for me."
He starts to slowly move in and out of you and you can't help but be a whimpering, moaning mess.
It feels so good.
"You're taking it so well, love." He groans and you automatically close your eyes again. The knot in your lower belly steadily grows as he increases the tempo and you wrap your legs around him.
"God, you feel so good." He is getting more carelessly, you both lose yourself in the moment.
"Geto... I-I'm..." you whine, not being able to form a full sentence.
"Just let go." He breathes into your ear - heavy breathes. You hold onto him tightly as you come undone, the intense feeling taking control of your body. Something you've never experienced before.
You never want to stop. How's he doing that? Right when you're calming down, Geto comes inside you, thrusting into you. His head rests on your shoulder as you automatically thread your hands through his hair, comforting him while still catching your own breath.
It's silent for a few more seconds, before he removes himself, the cold air hitting you so suddenly now that his warmth is gone.
But it's not long until he sits back on the bed, helping you clean up.
Wearing his pants again, he fidgets with something in his hands.
"Arms up." His tone is firm but his voice is soft. You've never met someone with such a soft way of expressing authority. It's as if his voice doesn't match his scary aura.
Still in awe, you do as he says and he strips a shirt down your arms and over your head. The size of it telling you that it's one of his, the fabric swallowing your body.
He sits at the edge of the bed next to you, his hand coming up to caress your jaw.
Your eyes lower on his lips, licking over your own in the process.
Geto notices and grins, you quickly swallow, trying to think if anything else than his mouth on yours.
"So..." you try to start a sentence you haven't even formed in your mind.
"So?..." he humms, dragging his thumb over your bottom lip and you lose focus again, before you quickly try to recover.
"So, how -uh... what's the plan now?..."
His hand falls from your face and he furrows his brows as if he's genuinely thinking about your question.
"Hmm...the plan for now?"
His eyes shoot up at yours, a wicked smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"This." Your eyes widen as he charges at you, wrestling you down onto the matress. He rolls over you with his whole body, his arms holding you tightly. You squeal, but he just laughs. A second later you find yourself laying on top of him, his arms wrapped around you tight.
You stare at him smiling at you - a genuin smile you never thought you'd see.
"Let's savor this night a little longer and leave the rest for tomorrow."
He tucks a lose strand of hair behind your ear.
"How does that sound?"
Your lips are curved into a smile, your face a breath away from his.
"Sounds like perfect plan."

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