Gojo and Geto (double trouble) x reader - 🍋

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After a long time, you meet up with your friend Shoko at a bar. It's been a few years since you both finished school and you both have been buisy fulfilling the job of a Jujutsu sorcerer.
But it seems like Shoko is not the only one you are meeting there tonight...

(Just pretend this is an alternative universe where Geto didn't leave and they lived their happily ever after *sobs*)


"How have you been? I missed you so much!"
You squeal into Shokos ear as you give her a tight hug.
"Eh, let's say I really need a few drinks tonight. Work's been rough."
She gives you a dismissive hand gesture and props her head up on her hand. You take a seat next to her at the bar, where she already has a drink standing in front of her.
"Well, let's get right to it then. Whatever she is having and 2 shots, please." The waiter nodds, pouring you a glass of some brown liquor, before placing 2 tiny glasses in front of you. You shove one of them to Shoko and take one into your hand.
"To us." Shoko smiles, bumping her glass against yours. Then the two of you down the drink in one quick motion.
"Ah... I've missed this. Do you remember the school exchange?"
She asks, sliding one hand into her pocket,
"You mean when we would sneak out and get drunk on cheap alcohol? Yeah, good times."
You giggle and watch as she gets out a pack of cigarettes. After she takes one out, she offers you the little box, but you shake your head.
"I thought you quit?" You grin, sipping on your drink instead, as she lights the cigarette.
"Well, you see how that went." She grins back, blowing smoke into the air.
The two of you continue on catching up and talking about the old teenage days.

It's been over an hour and the alcohol is making you feel a little giggly already, being at just the right stage of light headedness.
"Hey, Shoko!" Someone is shouting behind your friend, coming closer.
"What are you two doing here?" Shoko spins around, giving the two men standing infront of her a skeptic look.
Your eyes widen as you take them in, not hearing the conversation between them: a white haired men with a blindfold and his friend, who has his long, black hair tied in a half up bun.
You are ripped out if your gazing, when you hear your name.
"This is y/l/n, y/n. She went to our sister school in kyoto. Maybe you remember her from the exchanges?"
Shoko says, as you stand up from your chair.
"Y/n this is-" Shoko continues, but you interrupt her.
"The famous special grade sorcerers. The six eyes and the curse manipulator." You state, taking them both by surprise.
"The lady knows her way around. Gojo Satorou, pleasure to meet you." The blindfold says, stretching out his hand and you immediately take it.
"Huh, I thought you can't be touched." You say curiously,
Gojo flips your hand, guiding it to his mouth.
"You can't - unless I let you touch me." He presses a light kiss onto your knuckles, his lips are curved into a grin and even though you can't see his eyes, it felt like he is staring right into yours the whole time.
You feel your cheeks heat up as you giggle amused.
Is the alcohol doing that?
"Geto Suguru and you can touch me under any circumstances." He smiles and you take his hand too.
"You two didn't even have a drink and are already making your flirty comments." Shoko rolls her eyes and takes out another cigarette.
"We don't need drinks to be charming." Gojo says, giving me a wink.
You tilt your head to the side. "So you always do everything together huh?"
Gojos grin grows wider, folding his hands behind his head.
"Two of us equals double the fun."
Shoko let's out a noise that's between a snort and a laugh.
"I prefer the term double trouble." She says mockingly.
"She doesn't mean it like that." Geto says, walking past you to take a seat at the bar.
"Oh, I mean it exactly like that."
Gojo follows Geto, taking a seat next to yours.
"Really helping us out here, Shoko."
You giggle again, sitting back down.
The four of you order more drinks and start joking around with one another. You continue to talk about your old teen days back then, telling stories and laughing together.
"Oh, I think I still have those embarrassing pictures of Shoko on my phone."
Gojo giggles, swiping on the screen from his phone.
"Don't you dare, Satoru!" Shoko stumbles over to them. She is the most drunk of all of us and Geto has to catch her. She is standing between them, trying to grab the phone - with no luck.
"Oh come on Shoko, they can't be that bad. Let me see!" You laugh, leaning over. You are a bit more tipsy, but still feel in control of your body.
Suddenly, Gojo puts his hand around your waist, pulling you onto his lap, so that your legs lay over his thighs.
"Better?" He asks, nodding to the phone screen you can now see clearly in his hand. You nod, feeling your cheeks heat up.
You and the others laugh at the pictures on Gojos phone, going through the memories together.
After a while, Shoko is completely wasted and the evening is coming to an end.
"God you weren't joking when you said you needed a couple of drinks." You laugh, she has her arm swung around you and you hold her up.
"Should we get her home?" You ask, looking up at the two men, who look fairly sober.
"Nooo, Utahime is picking me up. Look!" Shoko shows you her phone where you can see her freinds location that is coming closer to where you are at.
Gojo walks towards you, grabbing Shokos arms and pulling her towards him.
You give him a worried look, but before you can take a step forward, Getos hands grab your waist, pulling you back.
"I'm gonna make sure she get's to Utahime safely." Gojo says with a smile, scooping Shoko up and carrying her out of the bar.
You sigh and turn around to face Geto.
"How are you feeling?" He asks, his gaze searching through your face and just now you realise how close you are.
"I'm good. I feel like the two of you didn't even drink, but I saw Gojo chugging down at least 4 of those cocktails." You arch an eyebrow and Geto grins.
"I don't really like drinking that much and Satoru doesn't even drink."
Your eyes widen, "What? So what did Gojo drink then?"
Geto shruggs.
"Probably some mix of straight up diabetes. This guy is basically made out of sugar." You giggle, before you get interrupted.
"That's why I'm so sweet."
You turn around in surprise.
He grins, walking towards you.
"I think we are past last names, don't you think y/n?" He tilts his head to the side cockily.
"Uh, sure, I don't mind." You smile.
"Well, let's get you home too." Sugurus hand rests on your lower back, as he guides you out of the bar.
"No it's fine! It's only like a ten minute walk home for me, so..." You hold up your hands and smile.
"Don't be ridiculous." Satoru says as you stand outside of the bar.
"Much can happen in ten minutes. We are getting you home safely." Suguru reassures and you give in, nodding in agreement before you start walking down the empty street inbetween them.
The air is cold but you feel hot as you strud beside them. You have this weird feeling, as if there is a certain tension and everyone is tiptoeing around it.
You take a glance at them both. You can't deny that they are incredibly and undeniably attractive. Sitting on Satorus lap and feeling Sugurus hand on your waist stirred something inside of you.
And then you catch yourself hoping to see them again sometime after this.
Is it the alcohol, that made you this crazy to think to have them both?
"Woah!" You are so deep in thought that it took you by surprise as you tripped over nothing, almost landing head first on the concrete.
But Suguru and Satoru both grab your arms with one of their hands, catching you in time.
"Careful there."
"Thank you. Sorry, it's those damn shoes." You laugh nervously, staring down to your heels that had your feet hurting for quite some time now.
"Satoru." Suguru gives his best friend a nod while he kneels down infront of you.
Before you can make sense of what he's doing, Satoru is picking you up. Suguru holds down your heels, so you slip out of them when you are scooped up.
"Oh-... thank you..." you say quietly.
Suguru picks up your heels and rests the back of his hand on his shoulder, letting your shoes dangle down his back. They start to walk again and he just gives you a smile.
You feel safe in Satorus arms. He is so tall and broad and smells good.
When you are at your apartment, you try to get back down to the ground, but both intend to carry you to your door. Satoru walks you up the stairs and puts you down infront of your door.
You turn around to face them.
"Thank you, that really wasn't necessary." You smile, somehow nervous about the next question you are going to ask. You just don't want this to end yet.
"Do you uh... want to come in? I can make you a coffee or something."
"Sounds good."
You face your door and open it, stepping barefoot into your apartment, your stomach churning with excitement.
You hear Suguru put down your shoes behind you, while you make your way to the kitchen isle.
Your living room is one big room with an open kitchen. Right across is the door to your bedroom.
You take out two cups, thinking about what to get them.
"Should I make some-" the sentence is stuck in your throat, as you feel a torso pressing against your back.
You where still standing infront of the kitchen isle, not looking at the two men behind you.
You realise that it is Satoru, who's hands slowly snake around your waist from behind, because Suguru appeares at your side, taking the cup out of your hand calmly.
"I think we're good." He humms, smiling down at you, as he turns you to face him fully.
You are too busy trying to control your accelerated heartbeat and your hitched breath to say something.
You begin to walk backwards, as Satoru pulls you back and Suguru keeps walking towards you, until Satoru hits the wall behind him and you are pressed against his front.
Suguru places his finger under your chin, tilting it up to make you look at him.
"Have you ever been with two people before?"
He asks, the playfulness flickering in his eyes.
You swallow and shake your head slightly.
"Oh, you are in for a treat." Satoru says in a low, sheepish tone.
He is so tall that you can feel his breath on your hairline , the back of your head resting on his chest.
Sugurus face is almost just a breath away now and your whole body is basically quivering in anticipation.
"Although your body is telling me everything that I need to know..."
He wedges his knee between your thighs and you let out a sharp breath.
"Are you okay with us touching you?"
His voice is almost hypnotic asking for permission, so calm and deep.
He is joking, right?
You think to yourself, because you are basically melting away between them.
"Yes." You manage to get out in as a husky breath, your eyes locked on his lips, because you can barely hold it together any longer.
As he loweres his lips to yours, you close your eyes, waiting desperately.
But all you feel is his breath, so you open your eyes again.
"God, you really want me to kiss you."
He says amused, teasing you even further.
You hear Satoru chuckle behind you, feeling the vibration in his chest on your back.
"Always such a tease." He says.
His fingertips begin to play with the hem of your shirt, before they slowly slip under it, caressing the skin on your waist. You sigh, leaning back into his touch.
You have never felt this rush before, this need to be touched - it was thrilling and frustrating at the same time.
"You know I like to take my time."
Suguru grins, bowing down again and this time he really kisses you.
His lips crash onto yours, soft and sensual, but firm, while he holds your chin between his index finger and his thumb.
You feel his tongue on your mouth and you immediately invite him in, wanting to taste more of him.
Your tongues collide, the kiss get's more eager, more passionate. His knee is shifting and pressing against your middle. You moan into his mouth, being pressed between the two men like a fucking sandwich.
"Fuck." Satoru hisses, a grin plastered on his face, because he is enyoing this so much.
Your squirming body against him is already making him hard.
His hands travel higher under your shirt, grabbing the middle of your strapless brah and ripping it open, just to pull it down from under your shirt and discarding it somewhere on the floor.
Suguru breaks away from the kiss and you are panting like you just ran up three flights of stairs. His thumb is stroking your cheek.
"How wet do you think she is, Satoru?"
He asks, never taking his eyes off of you.
"You tell me." Satoru groans back behind you. His hand grabs your your hair and brushes it to one side of your shoulder, exposing your neck on the other side.
One of Sugurus hand starts trailing up your thigh, leaving a tingling sensation behind. Shoving the hem of your skirt higher and higher, he gets closer to the heat between your legs.
You feel like you are about to explode, your hands are resting on his chest, your fingers digging into the fabric of his shirt. Your lips are parted and your breath is hitched.
The tips of his fingers touch your soaked underwear and you let out a quiet whimper.
Sugurus eyes widen and he bites back a grin, as he starts to stroke your clothed clit.
"God... you are dripping, y/n."
Satoru has burrowed his face into your neck, leaving wet kisses on your skin.
"Mmhh, I can't wait to taste her." He mumbles, letting his hands slide upwards, cupping your breasts.
You don't know on what to concentrate, it feels like hands are all over you, it's so much but not enough at the same time.
Suguru pushes your panties to the side, the warmth of his finger rubbing over your sensetive erea. You moan at the sensation.
Satoru is softly massaging your breasts as he ravishes your neck.
You lean into him with your upper body, wanting more, feeling his thumb caress your hard nipples, while you buck your hips, begging for more of Sugurus touch.
He slips his finger inside of you, feeling no resistance at all because of how wet you already are. You have never been so turned on in your life.
As he moves his finger, you become a moaning mess in both their arms.
"Does that feel good? Me finger fucking you like that, huh?" Suguru humms, lowering his head to the other side of your head.
"Let me see how tight you are going to feel for my cock. You can take more, can you?" He slips another finger inside of you, stretching you more and hitting the right spot with every move.
"Oh fuck." You moan, gripping his shirt even tighter.
"That's a good girl." He groans into your ear, before lifting his head again.
You feel Satorus hand under your jaw, tilting your head upwards, so that you see his face above you.
"I want to see that pretty face of yours when Suguru makes you come."
His big hand closes around your throat, while you can feel the tension between your legs building. You have never had anyone hit your g-spot this accurately as Suguru does with his fingers.
Your eyebrows draw together, your moans getting louder.
"Yeah just like that, come for us y/n." Satoru groans, you feel his breath on your face as you reach your climax.
You close your eyes shut, moaning loudly. You ride out your orgasm on Sugurus fingers as your whole body shivers from the impact.
It was so intense, breath taking, nothing you've ever experienced before.
While you try to calm down from your high and catch your breath, Suguru pulls his fingers out of you.
You watch with an open mouth and heavy breath how he brings them up to his face, putting them in his mouth and sucking them off like it's the best desert he ever had.
"So delicious." He says, locking eyes with you so that it sends a shiver down your spine.
"Let me have a taste." Satoru groans.
His hand grabs Sugurus head, his fingers burried in his long hair, before he pulls him close. Their lips connect, but this isn't an innocent kiss. It is eager, sloppy and really sexy to watch. At least that's what you think.
Their tongues dance around each other, one of them lets out an occasional moan and you are right between them, staring up at them.
The sight of them turnes you on again, wanting to be part of it. You have never felt so horny in your entire life, but you can't control your body when you look at those two men.

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