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"My Bad, My Bad For Your, Trippin' On You - Trippin' On You " - Ella Mai

Chapter Theme Song : Trip ( Ella Mai)

Covetousness - Meaning: having a strong desire for someone.


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The morning sun painted the school courtyard with a golden hue as students gathered, excitement buzzing in the air for the three-day class trip. Hailey and Chase, however, carried a subdued demeanor, mindful of the recent farewell they had bid to Jade.

The bus ride commenced, filled with animated conversations and the promise of adventure. Hailey, staring out the window, couldn't escape the echoes of their parting words to Jade. Chase, seated beside her, offered a comforting presence as they navigated the conflicting emotions that accompanied the journey.

As the wheels of the bus rolled over the pavement, the scenery transformed from familiar school grounds to the picturesque landscapes of the destination. The students, fueled by the prospect of three days of camaraderie, laughter, and exploration, chattered animatedly.

Inside the bus, the teachers engaged with the students, fostering an atmosphere of both education and enjoyment. Maximiliano and Trent, seated near the back, added a different dynamic to the mix. Their presence, typically reserved, hinted at a shared camaraderie that added an intriguing layer to the journey. Upon reaching the destination, a rustic lodge nestled amidst nature's embrace, anticipation heightened.

The two female teachers efficiently organized the allocation of rooms. Maximiliano and Trent found themselves sharing a lodge with Mrs Anderson and Ms Parker; the two prettiest female teachers of Westbrook's. The students were directed to their lodge - girls taking the right side of the lodge and boys to the left. In each room, names were called: three girls in a room, same with the boys. Hailey found herself in a room with two girls in her English class. Amelia and Grace; got along fine in school, they should be fine sharing a room.

As the students settled into the rustic lodge, the two female teachers, Mrs. Anderson and Miss Parker gathered everyone for an introductory talk on the dos and don'ts of their class trip. The flickering firelight and the ambiance of the lodge set the stage for the important discussion.

Mrs. Anderson, with her warm demeanor, addressed the group first. "Good evening, everyone! We're thrilled to have you all here for this class trip. Before we dive into the exciting activities planned, let's go over a few guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience."

Miss Parker, known for her no-nonsense approach, added, "First and foremost, safety is our priority. Always stay with the group, follow the designated paths during nature walks, and inform one of the teachers if you need assistance or are leaving the immediate area."

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