22 - Busy fingers

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- No, I like both of you! You both have great songs.

- Aww that's sweet.
But if you had to choose...

To make the situation just a tad more difficult for Felix, Jisung chips in:
- If we were both drowning, and you had only one life preserver, who would you choose?

Felix pauses at that question, so Hyunjin tries to save him:
- You guys have to go, right? Right? You have stuff to do?

His eyes are wide open and he tries to shoo them out. But Chan and Jisung are not having it:

- I have no place to be now.
- No. Not at all.

Just for fun of it, Minho arrives to pick up Jisung and then decides to stay a while.

Chan does the introduction:
- Minho, this is Felix. He really loves your songs. - he adds casually, and gives Felix a wink.

- But he would let us all drown because he doesn't know who should get a life preserver! - Jisung yells from a kitchen.

- Hi. - Minho adds calmly and proceeds to kitchen.

With clingy kids refusing to leave, Hyunjin helplessly throws his hands in the air, and mouths "sorry" to Felix.
This is not quite what Felix expected of the evening, but it's still pretty awesome.

Jisung selects something to watch and Minho follows behind him carrying snacks and drinks. Soon enough everyone's quietly sitting on a sofa and snacking.

Hyunjin decides to sit behind Felix, so he wiggles in behind him and wraps his long legs and arms around Felix.
Felix loves this position he's in, but also isn't sure if the guys know anything about their relationship. So, he tries to be cool about it like it's a most normal thing to sit like that.

It takes five seconds for Hyunjin's busy fingers to starts playing with Felix's shirt. First, with the lose material hanging over his pants, but soon enough his fingers sneak between two buttons to feel his abs. Nobody seems to be bothered.

Felix looks up at a very interesting air up above, because he just has to look away and collect his thoughts. Jinnie is apparently all touchy, and doesn't give a fuck for having his friends over.

In a little while he feels he's getting excited from this finger exploration, so he turns to the side to take a look at Hyunjin's face but he's just innocently watching tv like it's not a big deal.

The wonderful game of Hyunjin's curious fingers continues, and, at some point, fingers even pull down his collar a little to touch his neck. His hands seem to be everywhere.

Felix, uninterested in whatever is on a tv now anyway, is just focused on where are fingers going to touch next, when he  suddenly feels Hyunjin's warm breath close to his ear.
In his soft voice he whispers:
- Come with me.


Does anyone else visualize those famous videos of Hyunjin playing with Felix's shirt, and touching every inch of his body?
It could be just me.



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He's So Hot / Hyunlix /Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora