The Kiss

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Celine walked around the party that she had only been invited to because the Laurent are the new people in town. Celine Laurent is from Paris, and she has no idea why she trusted her brother and came to this party with him.

The music is too loud to hear anyone, the drink is too strong to be conscious, and the cigarette is making everything worse, the dizziness.

There are couples dancing on the dance floor, and there are some talking, whispering things into each other's ears. Celine observed as she pushed through people, trying to find some quiet space in this party.

"You needed a drink"

Celine turned around to see who was yelling near her ear. It's Calvin, her brother.

"Where the hell were you?"

"Come on, it's a party. Cel." Calvin laughed and pushed that drink in his hand to his sister, "Drink. It will make you feel better."

Celine looked down at the dark-colored drink, and raised the glass, gulping all the liquid all at once.

Calvin looked at his sister shockingly, "Impressive,"

"I'm going to find another one," Celine yelled back and turned away, directing towards the kitchen that she had walked through a couple times already early tonight.

Celine never left the kitchen. She stood there watching people having fun while keeping pouring the delicious liquid into her glasses and drank it all at once, one at a time.

These people are students from Voltaire High. That's why Calvin wanted to come to this party, to get to know the people first. It's better than showing up on the first day at school and being a 'new student'. Celine also hated that idea, but she is not a social butterfly like her brother, so drinking alone seemed to be the only fun thing she could have in this party, and continued to go home later without knowing anyone.

From haunting the Kitchen, Celine moved herself to another part of the house. The dizziness tried to warn her, but the strength in her body kept Celine moving forward. She walked outside the house, where the party also is but fewer people here. The sound of music faded away, and the moonlight shone the path for Celine to walk further away from the crowd.

There are some people walking out for cigarettes and quiet talk, and there are some sneaking around to find some privacy for 'privacy' matters

The dizziness controlled Celine's consciousness. She didn't even realize that she no longer walked in a straight line. Her cheek is burning, and her dinner started to feel like it wanted to reverse its way back.

Celine squinted, hoping it would prevent the image from rotating. It seemed to work because she spotted a drying area with white sheets fluttering in the wind. Nearby was a lonely swing tied to a large tree.

Celine quickened her pace towards the swing. When she arrived, she sat down and rested her head on the chain, hoping that her head would stop spinning. The cool wind blowing past made her feel slightly relaxed. The white sheets flew towards her, obscuring all views Celine was finally seated in the quietest place at the party.

She sat and breathed in the crisp night air for a while. The smell of cigarettes floated into her nose again. Thin eyebrows furrowed, Celine tried to push herself up to see who was the owner of the smell of cigarette smoke that had invaded her peace.

The legs that were beginning to lack strength moved forward and staggered slightly, luckily for Celine, a strong hand grabbed her and kept her from falling.

Her black eyes try to look at the boy, but the image is too blurry for her to see his face clearly, "Thank you," She murmured.

"Coming from Paris, are you?" He started a conversation.

Celine nodded and tried her best to make her vision clear, but with amount of alcohol she had, it's challenging.

The heavy hand slowly shifted from supporting her body to moving up. He holded her cheek, which was hot from the alcohol. His warm breath began to come closer and closer.

"You are back?" His voice shook as he asked. "When did you come back, Michèle?"

"Huh?" Celine's head hurted too much to form a sentence. Unexpectedly, the boy pulled her face closer to him. His hot breath is now hovering on her face, lingering, brushing his nose against hers.

"You looked like her," he whispered near her lips, "What's your name?"

"Celine" she replied back softly, feeling her cheeks hotter than it was supposed to be.

"Celine," he repeated quietly.

The two of them were standing in silence for a long time. Noses rubbing together casually until the young man couldn't stand it. He leaned forward and kissed the girl gently so as not to startle her.

Celine moaned softly at the soft touch she received. The dizziness gradually disappeared, but the heat in his cheeks increased. The more she tilted her head to accept his kiss, the stronger the kiss started to become.

The boy slowly pulled away from the kiss, waiting to see the reaction of the girl whose eyes were still dazed by the alcohol. Her cheeks were red, causing him to smile unconsciously.

This time, the girl's thin hand reached out and touched the young man's face. Celine slowly and carefully took off his glasses, putting them in her pants pocket. She reached out and grabbed his face again and pulled it down towards her. Her lips crashed against his, inexperienced but soft, just like he'd done to hers.

The young man let the girl caress his face and her fingers played with his wavy hair. The cool wind blew past them, causing the sheets to flutter, obscuring them, cutting them off from the still noisy party. Periodically, he took advantage of the time he had, crushing his lips against hers. Her soft, guttural cry made his mind go wild. The violence slowly encroached that Celine had to move her hand to pound his chest, begging for freedom instead.

The young man stopped, letting Celine gasp for breath.

"I have to go," said Celine silently as his lip closed to hers again.

The boy's light brown eyes stared at her face as if he tried to mesmerize it, engraved it in his memory. He slowly backed away from her.

"If you remember any of this, come and say hi to me at school." 

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