Chapter 43

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Louise gazed at her reflection in the full-length mirror, barely recognizing herself. The figure staring back at her was dressed in a stunning ivory satin wedding gown trimmed with intricate Chantilly lace. The delicate veil cascading down her back was held in place by a sparkling diamond tiara, a family heirloom that had been passed down through the generations. As she turned from side to side, she admired the intricate details of the dress, from the lace-trimmed bodice to the flowing train that swept across the floor.

Lady Cordelia entered then, an affectionate smile gracing her features. "Oh Louise, you look simply radiant, my dear! Sebastian is a fortunate man indeed."

Louise blushed prettily at the compliment. "You are too kind, Lady Cordelia. It brings me such joy to be joining your family at long last." She embraced her soon-to-be mother-in-law. "Thank you for all of your love and support."

"No, it is I who must thank you, for teaching my son how to love once more when I feared his wounded heart had turned to stone." Lady Cordelia's eyes shone with unshed tears as she spoke, and Louise felt her own heart swell with affection for this woman who would soon become her mother. "I wish you both a lifetime of happiness together."

Just then Katherine burst into the room, dressed in a snowy lace frock. "Louise, you look like an angel!" she cried, hurrying over to embrace her.

Laughing softly, Louise bent down to kiss the girl's rosy cheek. "And you look every inch the princess in that darling gown, my sweet." Smoothing an unruly lock of Kathrine's dark hair, she added earnestly, "I vow to you I shall strive to be the best mother I can be from this day onward."

Kathrine threw her arms around Louise. "And I just know you will be!" she declared. At that moment, the door creaked open again and tiny Theodore came toddling in. With a joyful squeal he made a beeline for Louise.

"Well, hello, my handsome little man!" Louise swung him up into her arms, her heart swelling at his adorable grin. "I cannot wait to begin this new adventure with you."

Kathrine tickled her new little brother under the chin. "Here now Teddy, let me hold you too!" He went happily into his sister's embrace as Louise looked on, blinking back tears of gratitude at this new family she had been blessed with.

As the children giggled together, Lady Cordelia gave Louise one last tender kiss on the cheek. "Come now, my dear. Let us go down and meet your groom." Arm-in-arm, they all made their way towards the chapel where Louise's soon-to-be husband, Sebastian, awaited her. The air was filled with the scent of flowers and the laughter of their friends and family, all gathered to share in their joy.

Clutching her bouquet, Louise glided down the aisle on the arm of Headmaster Caldwell, who had graciously offered to give her away. Her eyes locked onto Sebastian, who stood at the altar, looking every bit as handsome. His gaze was full of love and promise, and she felt her heart skip a beat as she made her way toward him. At last, they reached the front and Sebastian stepped forward to meet her, taking her hand in his.

As the kindly vicar commenced the ceremony, Louise and Sebastian became oblivious to all else around them. They repeated their vows of fidelity, cherishing, and selfless love, eyes shining with adoration for one other.

The church echoed with the sound of the vicar's voice as she spoke of the sanctity of marriage and the joys that lay ahead for them. It was a solemn moment, filled with emotion as they exchanged rings, symbolizing their eternal commitment to each other. But it was also a time of laughter and happiness, as their loved ones, gathered in this beautiful ancient church, shared in their joy.

At the vicar's joyous pronouncement of marriage, Sebastian longed to take his bride into his arms, but decorum held him back for a moment longer. As Lady Cordelia presented them with a bouquet of flowers to symbolize their new life together, Louise and Sebastian exchanged a look of mutual adoration, their hands already clasped tightly. Finally, the moment they had both been waiting for arrived and they turned to face their loved ones, beaming with happiness.

As they turned to greet their cheering guests, Louise felt herself suddenly enveloped in loving warmth – as if dear ones now passed smiled down in loving approval. They're stood Thomas, applauding enthusiastically with the rest. He mouthed her a thank you before leaving the church. With Sebastian's steady arm around her waist, Louise closed her eyes contentedly. At long last, her heart was finally at peace.

The reception was a joyous affair, with laughter and music filling the great hall. Lady Cordelia had outdone herself with the decorations, adorning the long tables with garlands of white roses and ivy. The centrepieces were works of art in themselves, created by the finest artisans in the kingdom. Even the food, prepared by the castle's master chef, was fit for a king and queen.

As the newlyweds made their way through the crowd, greeting their guests, they felt a sense of unity and love that seemed to permeate every corner of the room. They were surrounded by friends and family who had travelled far and wide to share in their happiness, and it was evident that their love story had touched the hearts of many.

Sebastian, ever the attentive husband, kept a protective arm around Louise's waist as they navigated the dance floor, laughing and twirling to the lively music. Their every move was mirrored in the eyes of those watching, their love a beacon of hope and inspiration.

As the night wore on, the guests began to retire home, leaving the newlyweds alone in their private chambers. The room was lit only by the flickering flames of the fireplace, casting dancing shadows across the walls. Sebastian closed the door behind them, their first moments of true privacy as husband and wife.

He turned to face her, his eyes shining with desire, and walked slowly towards her. Louise felt her heart race as he cupped her face in his hands and leaned down to kiss her. This kiss was different from all the others they had shared that day. It was deeper, more passionate. She felt her body respond to his touch, her lips parting willingly under his expert touch.

When he finally pulled away, she was left breathless and shocked. His eyes were still locked on hers, filled with a mixture of love and lust. "You are mine now, my love," he whispered huskily, his fingers tracing the line of her jaw. "Forever and always."

She could feel the warmth of his skin against hers as he pressed their bodies together. She moaned softly, her hands running up his chest to clutch at his shoulders. "Sebastian," she breathed, arching into him. He groaned, his lips finding hers again, his tongue dancing with hers. Their kisses grew more urgent, more desperate as they sought to express the depth of their feelings for one another.

Finally, he broke the kiss, gasping for air. His hands roamed over her body, caressing her curves, cupping her breasts through the delicate fabric of her wedding gown. "My dearest wife," he murmured, his voice rough with desire. "I cannot wait any longer."

With practiced ease, he swept her up into his arms, carrying her to their bed. The linens were crisp and white, the pillows plump and inviting. He lowered her down gently, his gaze trailing from her lips to her breasts and back up again. She watched him, her breath coming faster, her heart racing in anticipation.

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