Chapter 42

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Louise turned to Sebastian, a playful smile dancing on her lips. "Do tell, my love - whatever are we doing alone together out here in this meadow?" she teased, her voice light and flirtatious. Sebastian grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"I wished only for a few precious, stolen moments alone with you, my darling Louise," he murmured, lightly caressing her cheek. "Away from prying eyes and wagging tongues, all the noisy chaos. Just you and I together at last, with only the sounds of the birds and the rustling grass to serenade us."

Louise laughed then; a sweet, melodious sound that set Sebastian's heart aflutter. "Oh, how I've missed you so these long and lonely weeks we've been apart, my love," she confessed, stepping closer to him.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against his chest, inhaling deeply the scent of her hair, the lavender soap she used. It was intoxicating, addictive. "And I have missed you too, Louise," he whispered, his lips brushing against her ear. "You have no idea how much."

"You know - " she began, but Sebastian silenced her words with a tender kiss. His lips were warm and soft against hers, and his touch sent a jolt of electricity through her entire body. She wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, as he pulled her closer, their bodies pressed tightly together. As their lips slowly parted, Sebastian dropped to one knee, his eyes never leaving hers.

"My dearest Louise," Sebastian began, his voice a whisper of awe and reverence. "From the moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew that you were unlike any other. Your strength, your resilience, your unwavering loyalty to those you love...they are the things that make you who you are, and they are the things that I have come to admire most about you. You have been my rock, my light, and my guiding star through the darkest of times, and I cannot begin to express my gratitude for all that you have done for me, for Katherine, and for our family."

His words echoed in the air, filling the field with a palpable sense of love and devotion. Tears welled up in Louise's eyes as she listened to him speak. She knew that what he said was true; their love was the stuff of legends. Sebastian took a deep breath, gathering his courage before continuing.

"It is with the greatest of joy and honour that I ask you, my dearest Louise, to be my wife. To share my life with me, to grow old together, to love and cherish one another through all of life's ups and downs. I promise to always be there for you, to protect you, to support you, and to make you laugh when you need it most. I vow to be the husband that you deserve, one who will love you unconditionally, faithfully, and passionately for all the days of our lives."

As Sebastian finished speaking, he reached into his pocket and with trembling hands pulled out a small velvet box. With a shaky breath, he opened it to reveal a stunning emerald-cut diamond engagement ring, sparkling in the sunlight. Tears streamed down Louise's face as she stared at the ring, her heart racing with anticipation. She reached out her trembling hand, and Sebastian gently slid the ring onto her finger, sealing their promise to each other.

Their lips met once more, this time with an intensity that left them both breathless. Sebastian's hands roamed over Louise's body, as if he could not get close enough, while she wrapped her arms around him, clinging to him for dear life. Their kiss seemed to last an eternity, as if they were the only two people in the world, oblivious to everything around them. When they finally came up for air, they looked into each other's eyes, their faces flushed and their hearts racing.

After a moment she drew back, sudden urgency in her voice. "Sebastian, there is something important I must tell you."

He took her hands in his. "What is it, my darling?" Louise quickly explained about reconnecting with her sister Lucy, who had tragically passed away. "She left behind a young son, Theodore. I vowed I would care for the boy as my own. Dearest, I must ask if he can live with us?"

Sebastian smiled compassionately and brought Louise's hand to his lips for a tender kiss. "You need not even ask such a thing, my darling. Of course, this boy, your own flesh and blood, shall be welcomed into our new family. We will raise and cherish him as our own."

"I shall never stop thanking God for the blessing that is you, my Sebastian," Louise whispered. "I love you with all of my heart, and I cannot wait to begin this new chapter of our lives together, as a family."

"I confess, the day we first met when I fell off my horse. I felt myself powerfully drawn to you as no other. Do you recall what I told you then?" Louise pondered a moment before nodding her head. "Yes, you said, 'Why should your complexion dictate whom you can interact with?' Those were the words that stuck with me most. In that moment I knew your heart was truly pure and good."

Drawing her body against his once more, Sebastian smiled down at his beloved. "Then you understand why I am overjoyed for little Theodore to join our new family. For true love recognizes no such superficial constraints."

Unable to resist, Sebastian leaned in and kissed Louise once more, savouring the taste of her lips, the feel of her soft skin against his own. He knew that they had just begun this incredible journey together, and he couldn't wait to see where it would lead them. As they stood there, basking in the warmth of the sun and the love they shared, they felt as if nothing could possibly go wrong. They had each other, and together they could face anything the world threw at them.

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