Chapter 19

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Several weeks had passed since Mr. Warrington's departure. Louise's relationship with Katherine and Lady Cordelia had grown stronger alleviating the weight on her heart. Although Louise stoic nature was slowly fading away, she would still sometimes cry herself to sleep. One morning as Louise was teaching Katherine poetry, when they heard the sound of the manor's gates swung open, signalling the return of Mr Warrington.

Louise and Katherine rushed to the window, as they saw Mr Warrington stepping out of the carriage, hand in hand with a woman of fair complexion. She had long, dark hair, which cascaded down her back like a waterfall. Her eyes were a vivid shade of green, and she wore a dress that hugged her figure in all the right places.

Noticing Katherine's snarl and sigh, Louise gently patted her shoulder to calm her down. "Do you know her? The woman with your father?" she asked softly.

"That is Lady Marianne...father's friend who frequents our home," Katherine answered through gritted teeth. "She is the most selfish, conniving woman I have ever met! She only cares about herself and what she can get out of people. She is persistent in her desire to marry father, but both Grandmamma and I oppose it. We know she would only make his life miserable!"

Louise, grappling with a pang of jealousy, turned her attention back to Katherine. "Is there no one in favour of the union?" she questioned.

"Grandpapa supports it, but I'll never accept it," Katherine continued, her voice growing firmer as she spoke. "He's always been more interested in his title and wealth than in our family. Lady Marrianne would only add to that obsession. She's already managed to charm him into believing that she's the perfect match for father, even though she's nothing but trouble. I don't know why he can't see it."

The revelation wounded Louise's heart, despite the absence of any romantic commitment. She knew that she was merely the governess, and that her place in Katherine's life was temporary. Yet, she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as she watched Mr. Warrington and Lady Marianne walk towards the manor, their hands entwined.

As they continued looking out of the window, an old man with a walking stepped out of the carriage. He had a striking resemblance to Mr. Warrington, but with a touch of grey in his hair and a more weathered face. His blue eyes twinkled with amusement, and he walked with a spring in his step, despite his age. It was clear that he was enjoying the company of the other two, and they seemed to return his affections. The old man was none other than Lord Warrington, Mr. Warrington's father.

Katherine and Louise walked down the stairs to greet their guests. When they got to the foyer, they saw Lady Cordelia holding Lord Warrington by his arm and Lady Marianne and Mr Warrington stood beside each other.

"Grandpapa! Father!" Katherine exclaimed, running towards the elderly gentleman with arms outstretched.

"My dear granddaughter!" Lord Warrington exclaimed, his blue eyes sparkling with joy as he embraced the little girl. He tousled her hair affectionately, causing her to giggle. "You've grown into quite the young lady."

Katherine beamed proudly. "Grandpapa, this is my governess, Miss Louise." She motioned towards Louise, who curtsied politely.

"A pleasure to meet you," Louise greeted with an emotionless and stoic demeanour.

"Pleasure to meet you," echoed Sir Warrington. His eyes, a piercing shade of blue, locked onto Louise for a moment, studying her intently.

"Katherine...are you not forgetting to greet Lady Marianne?" Lord Warrington prompted, looking at his granddaughter. Katherine shot a disdainful glance at Lady Marianne before walking behind Louise and hiding her face in her dress.

LouiseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon