Chapter 6

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Several months passed and Louise and Mary had grown remarkably close, their bond resembling that of sisters. Their bond deepened with each passing moment, and they found solace in one another's company. They had become inseparable, sharing every detail of their lives with each other. As they strolled through Hyde Park, arm in arm, Mary confessed her deepest fears and secrets, while Louise listened intently, offering words of wisdom and support. They laughed together, cried together, and even quarrelled, but always managed to forgive and forget, strengthening their connection.

In Autumn, Louise and Mary went on long walks through the crisp, golden leaves, their laughter echoing through the park. They would stop at a nearby lake to do some sketching, "Look at mine!" Mary exclaimed, holding up a sketch.

"What is that? A duck?" Louise asked, amused.

"No, silly! It is a great crested grebe. Can't you tell?" Mary huffed, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, right. I see it now. Well done, you!" Louise teased.

They also immersed themselves in the tranquillity of birdwatching.

In winter, they would volunteer at the local church to sing Christmas carols, preparing gifts for their classmates and orphan children. They would spend hours wrapping presents and baking cookies. The church would be filled with the warmth of their laughter. Their voices would ring out in perfect harmony, filling the air with the joy and hope of the season. The children's faces would light up as they received their gifts, their gratitude making everything worthwhile.

And In Spring, they would spend their days together, surrounded by the vibrant hues of the season. They would go to the fields to pluck berries.

"This looks good" said Louise, as she pointed to a bush overflowing berried. As Louise plucked one, she heard Mary shout.

"No! Not that one, the one over there!" Mary exclaimed, pointing to a bush with berries of a deep purple hue. They both hurried towards the bush, their laughter filling the air as they struggled to reach the highest branches. The sun shone brightly on their faces, warming their skin, and casting a gentle glow on their cheeks. The breeze carried the sweet scent of newly bloomed flowers, mingling with the earthy fragrance of the soil.

The warm summer breeze caressed the field where Louise and Mary had set up their picnic blanket.

Louise, engrossed in her book, was momentarily pulled from its pages by Mary's voice. "Flowers are a beautiful thing, are they not?" Mary asked, her hand hovering over a delicate bloom.

"Yes indeed, they are pretty!" Louise replied, closing her book, and setting it aside. Mary stopped flower-picking and settled onto the cloth beside Louise. The sun warmed their skin as they lay on their backs, gazing up at the vast blue sky. Birds flitted from branch to branch, their chirping providing a soft, melodic background to the rustling of the grass.

"They remind me of children," Mary remarked, watching a pair of sparrows dive-bomb each other in mid-air. "They start out young, some quite ugly, but with the right amount of sun and water, they blossom into something truly beautiful. Just like children.... If you raise them right, they will blossom into something wonderful." She paused, searching for the right words. "It's the same with flowers, I suppose."

"You would make a wonderful governess one day, Mary," Louise said, smiling at her friend.

"So will you!" Mary exclaimed, her green eyes twinkling with mischief. "I can see it now: the two of us, running a school for young girls in the countryside. We'll have a huge garden filled with flowers, and we'll teach our girls how to tend to them, how to make them grow strong and beautiful. And when they are ready, we'll send them out into the world, just like these flowers, to spread their beauty wherever they go."

Louise, with a sudden declaration, exclaimed, "I do not wish to be a governess," leaving Mary visibly surprised.

"Why would you not embrace the role of a governess? Teaching children is a beautiful endeavour," Mary said, genuinely surprised. "Have you never dreamt of falling in love and creating your own family?" questioned Mary, her thoughts drifting into fantasies.

Louise, feeling a bit lost, responded, "But you are my family."

"I know that silly. I mean meeting a man, falling in love—doesn't that sound like a dream?" Mary said excitedly, her voice filled with hope. Louise looked at her friend and smiled softly.

"I have not considered that," admitted Louise. "I do not believe I am deserving of such love."

"Louise! If I ever hear you say such a thing again, I swear I will give you a good shake!" Mary exclaimed; her voice filled with exasperation. "You are the most kind, caring, and selfless person I know. Of course, someone out there will see that and fall head over heels in love with you. It's only a matter of time. Until then, though, we've got each other. And we'll make sure that you know your worth, that you are deserving of every bit of love and happiness that comes your way."

Louise smiled at her friend's words, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. "Thank you, Mary. I love you too." She paused, looking around at the idyllic scene before them.

"Come on! Let us spin around!" offered Mary, pulling Louise to her feet. They giggled as they spun in circles, their dresses billowing out around them like petals of a flower. The world seemed to tilt and spin with them, their laughter filling the air. When they finally stopped, they were both breathless and giddy, their cheeks flushed from the exertion and the warmth of the sun. They stood there, swaying slightly, hands on their knees as they tried to catch their breath.

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