"Ok. Whatever you say," he rolled his eyes.

Kids these days are so disrespectful. None of his children are like this. They know how to talk to elders. But Aditya doesn't dislike this boy either. This boy may be sharp with his tongue but he was good at heart. Aditya could feel it. And he was helping him carry his trolley too.

"What's your name?" Aditya asked.

"Abhimanyu," the boy answered.

"Nice name. So you live here?" he asked.

"Yeah, on the fifth floor," Abhi answered looking at him briefly.

"What do you do?" he continued.

"I am a doctor," he told him.

"Oh! Good. Government college or private?" he asked.

Abhi stopped and looked at the man. Generally, whenever he told anyone about his profession, they praised him. No one ever asked or cared whether he studied at the government or private college.

"Government," he answered resuming his walk.

"Good. My daughter is also a doctor. She secured a seat in a government college for graduation and specification too. She works in Sanjivani Hospital, here. You must know that it's one of the best in India," Aditya continued to sing praises of his daughter.

Abhi stopped abruptly at listening to this. Is this man Aaradhya's father? Oh god! Yes, this man is Aaradhya's father. He has seen his photo once. He looked slightly different then. What was he doing here? Is he here to take her back? Just now she has accepted their relationship. Can't they just be happy for some days?

"What happened? It's the fourth floor only," Aditya's voice brought him back to reality.

Abhi should impress this man. Yeah. So he immediately bent to touch his feet. Aditya flinched at the sudden moment taking a step back as a reflex and almost tripping the stairs. Abhi held his hand to stop him from falling.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I just remembered that I forgot to take your blessings," Abhi said hurriedly.

Aditya looked at the boy weirdly. What's wrong with him? Who takes a blessing like this? In the middle of the stairs. He would have fallen because of his stupidity. The boy bent again gently touching his feet.

"G.. God bless you," Aditya said clearing his throat.

"And you do look young. It was stupid of me to assume that you are old. No one can believe that you have a daughter who is twenty-seven," Abhi said.

"How do you know my daughter is twenty-seven?" Aditya asked stopping this time.

"I... You told me just now," Abhi said.

"No. I didn't. I just told you she is a doctor," Aditya said.

"I take my words back. Old age is getting to your head. How else would I know the age of your daughter?" Abhi laughed feeling like an idiot inside.

"I.. Did I really tell you that? I don't remember," Aditya said trying to recall the conversations he had with this boy.

"You did. Now let's keep moving. Your daughter must be waiting for you," Abhi said climbing the stairs immediately.

They stood in front of Aaradhya's apartment. Aditya rang the doorbell twice.

"Thank you for this. Come, let's have a cup of tea," Aditya offered curtly.

"No! No need for that. It's not a big deal. Thanks for offering but there is no need for that," Abhi smiled. He doesn't want to go in there with her father. He needs to think clearly. He cannot imagine Aaradhya's reaction to seeing them together.

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