The boiling guilt

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"What happen sweetie ? why your face become so pale ?" His mother's concerned voice snap him out of his daze. Galen sit beside her thinking how to talk about the abnormal situation he fallen into plus his parents knew nothing about his powers.

"Umm..mother I desire to change university". Galen saw his mother's eyes soften.

"Why ? is something not to your liking ? or someone bullying you ?" She tenderly caress his cheek trying to know her beloved son's reason behind such a huge decision. It's usually odd.

"I feel like someone's targeting me". He thought the idea to make it of bullying because it's more convincing than the serial killer scenario.

"Who is it ? simply tell me their names". Her mother frown and her voice fell grim. After all who dares to target her beloved son she so hardworkingly cut her stomach to birth this human so she can unconditional love and protect him.

"That's the problem I have no idea of their names. All I know it that some day they throw all my books out of my bag or send me death threats of how they goona beat me to pupil. It's scares me for my safety that one day I might not return to home alive". The last sentence he used was honest. He really was worried that in the last moment of his life he might not able to see his mother he holds dear to his heart.

Hearing such forbidden words from her own son's mouth rang all the red flags she needed know. Right now she pat his back and ring her husband a call knowing he will pick up unless he is middle of a conversation. To their luck he picked up.

"My dear wife, you called". Galen could hear the adore within his father's cheerful voice into the phone.

"We will change our son's university. Today I talked to Galen and he is showing signs of being bullied  and extremely scared for his life hence I decide to agree with his idea to change". The other line fell silent.

"Are you hundred percent sure ?" This doubt anger the mother.

"How dare you question our son's concern—". She got cut off by her husband.

"No, sweetheart. Don't take it the wrong way. I am simply wanted to ask why would our son run away rather than we teach the bullies a lesson to never mess with our son ? shouldn't they pay the price to hurt our son ?" Galen almost wanted to cry out in agony. Of course he too doesn't wanted to change university but the situation is so bizarre without any proof to support his accusations that the truth behind his change of heart will sound absurd.

"That's the catch honey, Galen have no idea who are targeting him that's what makes the situation more alarming". His father hmm as if taking the idea of changing into consideration.

"Honey, can you ask Galen that could he able to wait one week ? just one week ?" His mother looked at him indicating for him to answer. Galen thought for a moment.

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