"Come," He was sitting on his office chair but it wasn't behind his desk, it was near the guest couches, "Sit," He pointed at the single seater puffy.

I swallowed hard, the lump in my throat betraying the fear that churned within me. Despite my best efforts to maintain composure, the memory of the violence that had unfolded at his hands lingered like a specter, haunting the corners of my mind.

"Yes," I replied meekly and went to sit where I was told, "Why did you call me?" Though the fear still clung to me, I knew that I had no choice but to comply.

"You'll find out soon enough," He moved closer to me, taking his index finger and grabbing the top corner of my turtleneck. I didn't dare move, I didn't want to offend him and he pulled the neck down to see the marks behind them.

I winced as his scrutinizing gaze fell upon the wounds that marred my neck

"Hmm," His expression tightened with a mixture of concern and disapproval, as if silently chastising me for allowing myself to be placed in harm's way.

As he reached out to inspect the injuries, a shiver ran down my spine at the prospect of his touch. His fingers, calloused and sure, hovered over the delicate skin, eliciting a mixture of apprehension and anticipation within me.

I gulped as I tried to stay as still as I could.

But as his touch made contact, a surprising warmth flooded through me. His fingers were warm, warmer than human skin, and his movements were gentle. He moved his hand around with a gentle touch against the rawness of my wounds.

"Runy," He called someone.

"Yes Beta,"

Holy Hell!?!?!

Someone stepped forward from behind me, scaring the shit out of me. Where did this person come from?!?!? How long was she standing there for?!?!

"Call the doctor," His eyes dropped and he looked down but it seemed like he was actually getting lost in thought.

She nodded, "Right away,"

I watched her leave the room with my eyes wide in surprise. Then I turned to look at Azef, "The doctor?"

He gave me a soft nod, "Look," He raised his head to look at me, "I was rough with you, yesterday night,"

"Oh, that,"

"It was not my intention," He spoke a little more softly, "I apologize,"

My eyes went wide for a moment. I was not expecting that from him. His words actually did something to me.

It made me feel a lot better.

And I grasped the whole thing pretty fast, "It's okay," I looked down and joined my hands to fiddle with my fingers, "I got scared of you even when you were the one who stepped in and saved me." I didn't realize he had a side like this to him too.

"I," He started slowly, "Wasn't sure how to react after seeing you being scared of me."


"How could I not be?" I pursed my lips while we both sat across from each other, "That was terrifying."

"..." He didn't reply to me about that and I wondered why he even came.

"On the note, why did you come to the apartment yesterday?" I looked at him but he looked away. As if deliberately avoiding my gaze.

"You don't need to worry about that. I was there to confirm something else."

"Oh," I nodded, "I see," I guess he was in the area and noticed something wrong in the apartment.

There was a knock on the door, "Come in," Azef answered and a doctor stepped inside. Azef pointed at me, "Take care of her,"

"Yes," The doctor was a middle-aged chubby looking softie, "Right away." He came over and inspected my wound and immediately started working on it.

I glanced at Azef every chance I got, but he was looking elsewhere. He seemed to be lost in thought. And I had this huge urge to ask him what he was thinking about but I also knew I had no right to ask him about it.

He doesn't look as aggressive today as he did all the other times.

It's nice to know he has a softer side to him too.


"You don't have to do that," I stared at Azef while I stood outside his car, "I can go back on my own."

"It's fine," He replied as he sat in the driver's seat, "It's on my way, I'll drop you back."

He told me I can skip the night shift today and the money won't be deducted. I was extremely thankful for it, I don't get to spend any time with Eris because I do double shifts.

It'll be nice to spend time with her, especially after what happened yesterday. We both went to sleep hungry too. In the end our order never came, or maybe it did and seeing something awful happening, the delivery person went back, or he was sent back by the guys working in the apartment.

"But, you already gave me off-"

"Don't make me repeat myself," His gestured with his face, "Sit,"


I guess, it's fine. I'll get there faster like this too.

"Yes..." I opened the car door and took my place in the passenger's seat.

"Seatbelt," He kept his eyes on the road.

"AH!" I always take the bus, so it didn't even cross my mind, "Yes," I buckled myself in and he started the car.


The car ride to the apartment was quiet, neither one of us attempted to talk to each other and it felt awkward.

Thankfully, it wasn't a long drive and we reached the apartment complex pretty fast.

But dread tightened its grip around my chest as we approached the familiar street where my apartment stood. From a distance, the flickering flames leaped into the night sky, casting an ominous glow that illuminated the surrounding area. Panic surged through me as the realization sank in

Wait, what is that?

It didn't take me long to realize the apartment was on fire.

The car came to a stop as my heart sank. It was my apartment.

"No!" I rushed out of the car. My heart pounding with a primal fear unlike any I had ever known but Azef grabbed me, pulling me to a stop.

"What are you doing?" He grip was firm and I couldn't break through.

I looked back at him with anger, "Let me go," I hit his hand, "Let me go."


I pointed at the apartment, "Eris," The name tore from my lips in a desperate plea, "She's still in there!!"

Mafia's collateral (M Book2)Where stories live. Discover now