Childhood memory-1

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In their small primary school world, Haruto and Kei were like two separate planets. Kei, the brainiac of the class, was the star everyone admired, including the teachers. She was always serious about her studies, and people rarely heard her talk to others.

Haruto, on the other hand, was more of a background character. He didn't stand out much and kinda kept to himself.

One day, Haruto decided to break the ice. After class, he nervously approached Kei.

"Hey, Kei. I've never seen you talking to anyone. Do you not like talking?"

Kei, usually so quiet, looked at him and said, "...."

"What is '.....'. Is it some kind of girl code I don't understand " Before he could get any answer, Kei left the scene without him realizing. Haruto was left standing there, wondering if he just stumbled upon the biggest secret of girl language.

The next day, Haruto, still intrigued by Kei, decided to try another approach. As the school bell rang, signaling the end of the day, he cautiously walked up to her in the classroom.

He spotted Kei sitting at her desk, engrossed in a book. Gathering his courage, he approached her from behind and gave a playful tug on her hair.

"Kei, you're so focused on your books. You should pay attention to people around you too!" Haruto grinned, not expecting the consequences.

Startled by the unexpected pull, Kei lost her balance and fell forward. As she steadied herself, she felt an unfamiliar warmth in her chest, a sensation that puzzled her. Haruto, realizing he might have gone too far, quickly apologized, "Sorry, Kei! I didn't mean to startle you."

Little did they know, this seemingly trivial incident marked the beginning of a subtle change in their relationship. His spontaneous act created a crack in her stoic exterior, allowing emotions to seep in. The feeling of being noticed, albeit in an unconventional way, left a lasting impression on Kei.

Following the unexpected incident, Haruto observed Kei's initial surprise turn into a small, genuine smile. "What's your name? "

"H-Haruto" Haruto blushed while startled to see her making that warm expression for the first time....He thought of her as a robot who is plotting world domination secretly posing as student like the anime villian he admired. The girl made him curious...enough for him to approach her but now he is the one hesistating.

As Kei smiled, she twirled a strand of her hair with her fingers, a subtle gesture that hinted at a newfound playfulness. "Haruto, right? That's a nice name," she said in a softer, more melodic tone.

Haruto, trying to supress his state, replied with a grin, "Yeah... that's me. And, you know, you sound different now. Like, more girly."

Kei giggled, a sound so rare that even she seemed surprised. "Well, I am a girl, silly. You just never took the time to notice." Haruto, caught off guard, couldn't help but appreciate the transformation he unknowingly set in motion.

Haruto is surprised to see her giggling.....It was the first time anyone saw the girl giggling and showing smile...He is happy that girl is giggling.....he found it cute.....The serious all-know-it kei smiled....He felt proud of himself

After Haruto replied with his name, Kei's newfound girlishness continued to blossom. She playfully teased him, "Haruto, what kind of guy pulls a girl's hair just to gain her attention?" Her tone was light, carrying a hint of amusement.

Haruto, slightly embarrassed, scratched his head, "I didn't mean to startle you. It was just... um, spontaneous."

Kei, still twirling that strand of hair, smiled, "Well, it worked. Now we know each other's names. Let's be friends okay..."

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