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Haruto POV

Like I entered the room, and everything felt eerily off. The usual chattering and laughter of my fellow club members were conspicuously absent. I tried to shrug it off, assuming they might be running late or caught up in something else

As the minutes passed by, my confusion grew. "Where is everyone?" I muttered to myself, my voice echoing in the silence.

I tried to text them, but no response. It's weird.

Rei and Johanna came in, looking as puzzled as I felt. Rei asked, "Haruto, why is no one else here? Did something happen?"

Just as Haruto started to feel a sense of unease creeping in, the door to the club room swung open, and in walked Rei and Johanna. Their expressions were a mixture of concern and curiosity, mirroring the puzzlement Haruto had been experiencing.

Rei, her brow furrowed, was the first to speak. "Haruto, why is no one else here? Did something happen?"

Johanna, echoing Rei's sentiments, added, "Yeah, this doesn't feel right. We should all be here, right? And why I felt like this happened before."

"Deja vu probably " Rei responded as she gazed coldly with a stoic expression on her face....As she viewed the club.....

I replied, trying to keep it simple, "I thought they were just running late, but it's been a while now. I can't reach them on their phones either. Something feels off." I mean, I thought they might be on their period or something, but it's not adding up.

Johanna, and Rei returned to the club room, an unsettling silence settled in, making the atmosphere feel strangely off-kilter. This is awkward......I am alone with two hot girls.

Johanna exchanged a worried glance with Haruto, her voice trembling as she whispered, "This... this doesn't feel normal. Where could they have gone?"

Rei, with her keen intuition, reached up to the shelves, her fingers deftly searching as if they might find some hidden clue there. She remained stoic but determined

I observed Rei as she reached up to the shelves, and each time she stretched, her school skirt rode up slightly, revealing more of her cute, frilly panties. It has hello kitty design. It was hard not to notice it

I thought she is cold but she has hidden girly side after all.....My desires are grown my mind is filled with the ideas of defiling her......I found tent forming in my pants....I got erect.....and two girls are with me....This is sucide....But I am happy with myself

And the way her school dress was designed, the choice of pastel colors for Rei's school dress was nothing short of enchanting. The soft hues beautifully complemented her fair complexion, giving her a radiant and ethereal aura. It was as if the dress itself was designed to enhance her natural beauty, emphasizing her slender waist and curvaceous figure.

Rei's school dress highlighted her assets with a subtle grace that left me completely captivated. Her slender legs were showcased by the dress's length, and the way it subtly emphasized her bustline only added to her allure. It was impossible to ignore how attractive she looked, and in that moment, she exuded a kind of sensuous charm that was difficult to resist.

I didn't see Rei yesterday clearly but she is clearly hot...........No.........All the girls in this club are hot.......But she is like a doll.......That you want to caress with your own hands

As I stood there in the club room, my eyes couldn't help but catch glimpses of Rei's panties. Each brief exposure sent a jolt of heat through me. It was like an electric shock of embarrassment and excitement that left me feeling both flustered and intrigued.

The sight of her panties, while accidental and unintended, made me acutely aware of my own emotions. It was an oddly exhilarating and embarrassing experience, a mix of curiosity and arousal that I hadn't expected.

As I stood there, I couldn't help but feel a sudden shiver running down my spine. It was an inexplicable sensation, as if an icy breeze had swept through the room. I turned my head to see Johanna's face, and that's when I noticed her intense gaze fixed on me.

The room felt charged with tension, and when Johanna finally spoke, her voice was low and controlled. "You seem quite taken with Rei, don't you, Haruto? She's beautiful, isn't she?" Her words had a possessive edge that sent chills down my spine, and I found myself at a loss for how to respond.

Why does it matter If I am checking out Rei...She is hot....There is no problem in it

In a somewhat flustered state, I stammered, "I... I was just gazing at her school dress, that's all." I tried to explain myself, but my voice wavered.

But Johanna remained unconvinced, her expression stern as she continued to give me a disapproving look.

Johanna pointed an accusing finger at Rei and declared, "It's your fault, Rei. You shouldn't tempt boys like that. You need to cover up more and stop being so... alluring."

Rei's brow furrowed in confusion. "What are you talking about, Johanna?"

Johanna's tone grew even more confrontational as she spat out, "Vile woman! You know what I am talking about.... You should wear shorts and cover your body more, not flaunt it. Put on a hoodie or something."

"Okay.....I am sorry...." Rei said as she is confused what she did wrong

Rei's confusion deepened as she glanced down at her school dress, completely baffled by Johanna's sudden outburst.I, in the middle of this argument, found himself caught between the two girls, trying to make sense....But I failed

In my own bewildered perspective, I couldn't quite grasp Johanna's logic. She was blaming Rei for something that had started with my accidental gaze. It made no sense, and I couldn't help but think to myself, "Women can be so irrational sometimes." The situation was becoming more puzzling by the minute, and I found myself in the middle of a dispute that had taken an unexpected turn.

In my own bewildered perspective, I couldn't quite grasp Johanna's logic. She was blaming Rei for something that had started with my accidental gaze. It made no sense, and I couldn't help but think to myself, "Women can be so irrational sometimes."

Rei shared her concern, his gaze darting around the room, searching for any sign of their missing club members. "It's like they were here one day , and the next day... they vanished."

Haruto maintained his calm and nonchalant demeanor as he casually suggested, "They probably just skipped out the club since they are busy. Or maybe they went shopping, who knows?"

She bit her lip before finally saying, "About that, the thing is..." She hesitated for a moment, her voice taking on a somber tone. ".They probably'"

Rei's voice trailed off, leaving the statement hanging ominously in the air. The mystery deepened as her words remained incomplete, leaving me and Johanna in suspense, wondering what she was about to reveal

Rei's voice trailed off, leaving the statement hanging ominously in the air. The mystery deepened as her words remained incomplete, leaving me and Johanna in suspense, wondering what she was about to reveal.

Before Rei could continue, the door to the club room suddenly swung open, and in walked Akira, Yumi, and Kei. They appeared unharmed but with bewildered expressions.

Akira, with a hint of confusion, asked, "What's going on? Why does the room feel so... strange?"

Yumi added, "Yeah, it's like we've missed something important."

Kei, with a puzzled look, inquired, "Did something happen while we were gone?"

The suspense in the room continued to grow, and the unanswered questions left us all on the edge of our seats, eager to uncover the truth behind the mysterious events that had unfolded.

What is happening....It's like we have started and ended with the same conclusion...Something was off

Wonderland: High skilledOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora