Further discussion

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Akira, always one for excitement, didn't waste a moment before suggesting her own theme, "How about a face-slapping fantasy? It's got to be intense, where the underdog rises to power and takes down those who underestimated them. It's a story of ultimate triumph!"

Yumi, with her penchant for tradition, chimed in, "I'd like a classic fantasy story with magic and adventure. You know, wizards, knights, and epic quests. It's the kind of story that never gets old, but we can always add our unique twists."

Rei, being the thoughtful one, considered the story's appeal. "We should think about what will make our story stand out and appeal to readers. Perhaps we can focus on complex characters and their relationships. That's often the heart of a good story."

Ayumi, always conscious of power dynamics and rules, suggested, "Let's also explore the power balance and laws in this world. It can add depth to our story and make it more immersive."

Haruto listened to their suggestions.....and Have thought deeply for a while and came to conclusion....

He realized a single person can't do everything...So he decided to reduce his burden of responsibility

Haruto, recognizing the potential chaos of trying to blend all the elements into one story and mindful of Kei and Johanna's absence, took charge of dividing the roles among the group.

He assigned the task of developing the laws, rules, and mystery elements to Kei, who wasn't present at the moment. Haruto had confidence in her ability to bring an air of intrigue to the story.

For the romantic and fluffy aspects, Haruto allocated this role to Johanna, even though she wasn't in the meeting. He knew she had a knack for creating heartwarming and sweet moments in stories.

Yumi was handed the responsibilities of handling politics, gender roles, traditional values, and expectations in the story. Her penchant for tradition and her strong views made her a suitable choice for this role.

Rei, with her focus on the story's appeal, was designated as the editor, ensuring the narrative flowed smoothly, and the final product would capture the readers' attention. Since she can play as striaght woman

Ayumi's strengths lay in understanding character motivations, especially for enemies and NPCs, as well as world-building. Haruto entrusted her with these critical aspects.

As for Akira, he allowed her creativity to flow freely. She had the liberty to contribute her unique and open-minded ideas to the story, adding an unpredictable and exciting element.

Rei, ever the realist, reflected on the concept of a harem being about sharing one with others. She acknowledged Haruto's clever approach in distributing roles to reduce the burden on each member and called him a genius in her unique and warm way. "You know, Haruto, it's almost like you've found a way for us to create a story without overburdening ourselves. This is genius," she admitted with a rare smile.

Akira, always quick to voice her thoughts, pointed out, taken aback "But, you know, it feels like I haven't been given any specific role. I'm kind of free-floating here."

Yumi, with her straightforward nature, chimed in, "Well, maybe that's because Haruto realized you're pretty much useless and decided to sugarcoat it. He's sparing your feelings."

"Boo, Boo. I wanted a role ya know" She protested

Akira's protest was met with a collective sigh and some eye-rolling from the group. Yumi, known for her straightforward and sometimes blunt nature, couldn't help but respond with a comment that was both critical and degrading. She said, "Well, Akira, maybe you should stick to writing about prostitutes and smut. At least that way, you'll be in your comfort zone."

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