For Real

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Haruto pov

Doubt and unease hung in the air as we all gathered in the club room. Rei, however, seemed to be holding something back, her expression unreadable. It was clear that she had some information, but she hesitated to share it.

Our exchange was subtle and went unnoticed by the others in the room. Rei had a complex relationship with Kei, often harboring a dislike for her, but this time, it seemed like she had chosen to entrust her with something crucial.

Rei handed Kei the small, unassuming embedded device, and Kei's eyes widened with realization. She had a hunch about its significance, but she couldn't reveal her suspicions to the others, not until she had a chance to examine it more closely.

Akira, always one to use clever words, indirectly mentioned, "I can't help but wonder if there's something we're not being told. It's like there's a hidden layer to all of this," all while pretending not to notice.

Yumi nodded in agreement, her tone serious. "Yeah, things just don't add up. Like I felt a foreign presence entered our sacred room. And it's not him."

"Excuse me for being a male... Miss Pure Maiden," I rolled my eyes.

Kei, on the other hand, appeared to have her suspicions. She knew something, but her lips remained sealed. It was as if she held a bomb of information and was carefully choosing when to reveal it.

As Kei examined the mysterious device in another room, Rei turned to me and said, "I think you should be the leader for this day. I need to do something... Everyone follow him."

I was taken aback by her suggestion, but I nodded in agreement. "Alright, I'll do my best, although I don't know what to do."

Yumi, not one to hold back, protested, "This is ridiculous! Why should we let a guy lead? He might do something inappropriate because he might act on his male desires."

"I knew it... You hate my presence here... And I feel mutual about you," I said, sounding annoyed and a bit hurt. I wanted to have fun, but I didn't like the way they were seeing me as a predator.

Ayumi chimed in, "I'd rather follow you than anyone else here."

Yumi continued to express her concerns, "And what if you make a mess of things? We can't trust a guy to handle this properly. Especially him."

Akira interjected with a mischievous smile, "Oh, come on, Yumi. That's the best part. I'm all for a male leader... I vote for patriarchy."

"Ugh! I suppose this is fine..." Yumi said.

"Congratulations! You have wasted so much time," Rei remarked, her expression stoic and cold. "You guys always argue at the slightest reasons."

Yumi, never one to back down from an argument, responded, "Well, it's our fault for stating our opinions."

Ayumi sighed and added, "This is exactly why I hate hanging out with you girls."

In the midst of the heated argument, Johanna leaned over to me and whispered an apology, her voice filled with genuine remorse. "I'm sorry for earlier," she said, "I got so angry seeing you... checking my friend. It just got to me, and I threw a fit. I felt like being betrayed by two special people."

I could sense the sincerity in her words, and I nodded, acknowledging her apology.

The tension in the room seemed to momentarily subside, and I mustered the courage to ask Johanna, "Do you... love me?"

As I asked Johanna about her feelings, her initial response was shy and hesitant. But as our eyes locked, she couldn't contain her emotions any longer. Her cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson, and a nervous smile tugged at her lips. With each passing moment, her embarrassment seemed to intensify, and it was as if invisible steam was rising from her blushing face, adding to the enigmatic atmosphere that surrounded us.

However, the intensity of her feelings took a toll on her, and in her panic, she ran away from the club room, leaving me standing there, wondering. While her girlish scent filled the room.

As Johanna made a hasty exit, the club members were left in a state of confusion.

Akira appeared somewhat nonchalant, as if she were used to these occasional outbursts within the group. She leaned back in her chair, watching the events unfold with a hint of amusement in her eyes. It was clear that she enjoyed the drama, finding it an entertaining diversion.

Rei, however, wore a more serious expression. Her eyebrows furrowed, and she seemed genuinely concerned about the sudden turn of events. She exchanged worried glances with the others, her concern for Johanna evident.

Amidst the uncertainty, Yumi finally broke the silence. She spoke up, her voice

Haruto, genuinely curious, asked, "Yumi, what happened to your cheeks?"

Yumi sighed and reluctantly replied, "Oh, those? It was just a little disagreement with Ayumi. No big deal." As she spoke, the red marks on her cheeks from the slaps were clearly visible, marring her normally cheerful and pretty face. The ugly imprints served as reminder of the heated argument that had taken place earlier.

Akira chimed in with a mischievous glint in her eye, "More like a friendly 'discussion,' right?"

Ayumi, looking a bit embarrassed, nodded and said, "Yeah, we tend to get into heated debates from time to time."

Ayumi joined in the laughter, adding, "Well, you know what they say, a well-timed 'bitch slap' keeps the bitches at bay." Her comment sparked more amusement among the group

With the group's attention now on Haruto, he continued, "We are the literature club, but Kei added the mystery element to our repertoire. So, how about we work on a collaborative fantasy novel? We can infuse it with different elements to satisfy everyone's preferences."

Akira, always the one for excitement, chimed in, "I want a face-slapping fantasy! It's got to be intense!"

Yumi, on the other hand, preferred something more traditional. "I'd like a classic fantasy story with magic and adventure."

Rei, being flexible in her tastes, added, "I don't mind what theme we choose, as long as it's heartwarming and enjoyable."

However, Yumi raised a concern about Kei's absence. "I think we should check on Kei. She seemed serious about something, and I'm worried that something might have happened."

Rei reassured the group, "Don't worry. Kei is just in a hurry to finish something. I'm sure she's fine, and there's nothing to be concerned about."

The group took Rei's words to heart and decided to proceed with their club meeting, as they believed there was nothing wrong with it. Curious about Kei's work, Haruto mustered up the courage to ask.

Feeling curious about Kei's work, Haruto asked, "What exactly is Kei working on? What's her job?"

Yumi replied with a mocking tone, "Oh, it's a girl thing. You wouldn't understand, Haruto."

Rei said, "Have faith in Kei. You should trust that Kei knows what she's doing. I'm sure she's fine. Believe in her."

Akira chimed in, "Kei won't accept any boys in her workplace, so don't even try, Haruto."

Ayumi, adding her own perspective, playfully said, "Forget about the stuck-up girl. You're surrounded by four hot girls right here. Enjoy our company."

Haruto POV

As I pondered their next writing project, a strange and intense desire seemed to emerge from the depths of my mind. It was as though something primal was awakening within me.

And just at that moment, a group of hot girls, my fellow club members, appeared before me all of them sleeping together while caressing him with their own appealing way. I grined at the idea.....

The idea sounds so fun to write....If I am being honest Unconsciously, driven by these newfound instincts, he blurted out, "How about we create a harem story?" His suggestion hung in the air, surprising everyone, including himself, as it had seemingly emerged from the depths of his desires.

The club has become pindrop silent and I have realized that I have said something shouldn't have suggested....But if I am being honest I like writing a harem story so that's the main theme. Although it depends on me convincing the girls to do it.....This is a huge task but I am proud enough to try

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