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The New Year brought in a new phase of my life

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The New Year brought in a new phase of my life. My graduation was scheduled for the third week of January.

I had been dreading and looking forward to this day equally. This would officially demarcate the ending of one chapter of my life and the beginning of another. I was not the biggest fan of endings and beginnings.

The next day I brought it up during breakfast. That day, I had made the tea exactly to my parents' preference and had gone out early in the morning to pluck fresh flowers for the puja. "So my graduation is in two weeks. On a Thursday. The college needs to know if you guys can make it. They need a headcount."

"I will check and let you know. I might have to go to Mumbai that week." My father took a spoonful of poha.

I turned to my mom who put her spoon down. "What don't look at me. I am not missing my school for you. At least my students will be going somewhere."

I was not expecting to be showered with flowers and confetti but this, this hurt. My eyes stung. I ducked my head and took a bite of the chilly

"Aww, are you crying? Just because we can't come to your graduation. What a drama queen." My mother rolled her eyes.

"No, I am not." I raised my head as a single tear escaped. "The chilies are too spicy."

My mother smacked her lips and resumed eating. I took another bite of the chilly.

After having breakfast, I was scraping the dishes and placing them on the sink when my mother came and stood next to me. She took in a long breath and her expression hardened.

"I am saying this as your mother. For your good, so don't pick a fight with me. I don't think you should go either. It's not worth it. All your friends have moved on to something better. You wasted the year at home. You will end up spoiling your mood."


"What happened?" was the first thing Rishabh said as soon as he opened his door. Before I could answer him, I needed a hug and I leaned into him. After wrapping his arms around me for a quick second, he ushered us in.

"Why do you ask what's wrong?"

"You still have your hair wrapped up in the towel."

I raised a hand to my head. I could not remember what I was thinking before I came over. The last thing I remembered was my parents leaving. Usually, when such brain fog happened before, I found myself curled up under covers. But, this time, I was here. Infront of Rishabh

He pushed me onto the floor while he took a seat on the sofa above me. Untangling the towel, he started to dry my hair with it. It felt good as he rubbed my hair and I felt my muscles loosen and so did my mouth. "My graduation is in the third week of January."

"That's a good thing, isn't it?" Rishabh's upside-down head appeared in front of me. A small chuckle escaped me and he smiled in return.

"My parents won't be coming." I curled my knees closer to my chest. "And, honestly, I don't think I will be going either."

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