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It is a very long chapter, so get comfortable!


Golden light washed both of us as we waltzed around a grand ballroom

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Golden light washed both of us as we waltzed around a grand ballroom. The curls of his hair shone, making me want to ask him about his hair care routine.

"You dance really well." Rishabh smiled down at me.

'Why thank you,' was what I wanted to say but all that came out of my mouth was bzz, bzz, bzz.

I frowned. What I was saying? And where were we? 

I opened my eyes to see light cast on my ceiling by my lit phone. It was just a dream. I rubbed my eyes. I swear if it was Vaidehi texting to ask for more details, I was going to make her regret it.

With squinting eyes, I checked the time on my vibrating phone. It was just after two. I finally went to sleep around midnight after filling in the girls about all that happened in the past few weeks as well later last night. I did not have it in me to have a conversation at this hour.

I groaned and shut my eyes tighter, hoping to get back to my dream, but it was not to happen. A series of notifications lit up my phone in the dark room. I could no longer ignore them. Grumbling under my breath, I picked up my phone once again.

I looked at my phone to see a message from my dream man (literally).

R- Okay, I did something.

R- I slid a letter under your door.

R- Then realized that in case your parents wake up early they will find it before you.

R- I tried to take it back but just managed to push it further inside.

R- I am sorry. I could not just go to sleep. Sorry for waking you up.

R- Could you go get it?

R- Karishma?

R- Damn, you must be sleeping. I will check if I can open your balcony doors.

That was the last text and had me rushing to text him back.

K- Yes, yes, I am going. Don't be a daredevil in the middle of the night.

K- And by the way, I do not appreciate being disturbed when I am sleeping.

I was strong and stern in my texts, while in reality, I squealed into my pillow. Very out of character but the situation called for it.

I floated to the door, may have thrown some twirls too, then almost twisted my ankle by the time I got out of my room. I covered the rest of the distance to the door in a brisk walk.

I grabbed the letter and rushed back to my room in a hurry.

Dear Mini,

Would you do the honor of seeing the floating lights, like in the movie Tangled, with me? (figuratively, before you ask. Since both of us can't swim, I know going on a water body would not be safe.)

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