Chapter 12

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Anastasia's POV
I brushed my hands down the satin fabric of my dress. The dress I chose for tonight was a sage green strapless corset. The fitted dress had a high slit that reached my thigh. I wore satin gloves to match the dress and a clear open toed heel. For jewelry, I wore a pearl collar necklace and earrings.

When Carla came in to check on me, she helped me style my hair. She styled my curls into a high ponytail and added a pretty white ribbon.

"Bellissima(Beautiful)," she said with a smile. 

I didn't know what it meant, but I assumed it was a compliment. I mouthed a silent 'thank you' and reached down to pet Bane.

"We should hurry," Carla said, her tone laced with nervousness. "Mr. Lucci doesn't like to be late."

I nodded and hurriedly grabbed my pocket sized knife. Carla watched with wide, surprised eyes as I slipped it in the floral garter strapped to my thigh. 

My grandfather gave it to me a long time ago. It used to belong to my mother. Now that I don't have Boris and Rurik, the only person who can keep me safe is me. Anything can happen, and I need to be prepared just in case it does.

I followed Carla out of the room and into the main area where Mateo was waiting. I froze when Mateo lifted his head, his amber eyes on me.

Mateo looked good. Really good. I hated myself for finding him attractive, but the man was beautiful. He was dressed in a tailored black three piece suit that probably cost about as much as this house.

I swallowed, something stirring deep in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't control the warmth that blossomed on my cheeks under Mateo's gaze. His eyes slowly raked over me. I felt just as I had that night in the alleyway. His eyes lingered a moment longer on my thigh before splicing back up to my face.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Carla asked.

Mateo made sure I was looking into his eyes as he said, "No" and started for the door.

Asshole, I thought. I didn't need his approval, nor was I asking for it. Still, I found myself disappointed by his reaction. Even when I despised the Italian mob boss with every morsel of my being.


The ride over to our destination was a quiet one. Mateo spent the entire time looking at his phone, while I kept trying to figure out what his weaknesses were. If I can identify them, then I can exploit them and use them to get out of this arrangement.

Cyrus typed in a passcode and a large gated door opened, revealing a beautiful mansion and property. It was obvious there was enough room for Mateo to live here, so why doesn't he? Cyrus parked the car along the curb and got out to open my door.

I took his hand and exited the vehicle, my eyes scaling over the many windows and rooms. I saw a fountain when we were coming in. While my grandfather's home was just as beautiful, something about this place felt lived in. It felt like a home. You could see how much history it held. The culture. I didn't expect anything less from the Italians.

I stiffened when I felt a hand on the small of my back. Warmth seeped past the material of my dress and burned my skin. 

I looked up to see Mateo. He lowered his head and I thought he was going to do something crazy like kiss me. I was getting ready to reach for my knife and stab him, but then he whispered something in my ear. He was so close that I could feel his warm breath on my ear and smell his body wash.

"Do anything to sabotage tonight and I will kill you myself."

Well if that's the case then maybe I should sabotage tonight's party. Then I won't have to marry this monster. I jerked away from him and headed into the building. I'm not about to let him get to me. Or tell me what I can and can't do.

I immediately regretted walking in alone as all eyes shifted onto me. I swallowed. I didn't recognize anyone I knew. I wasn't very close with my family and haven't seen many of them in years.

My eyes dart around the room in search of my grandfather. Or even Gianni. There's so many people here that I start to feel overwhelmed. My chest feels tight. Despite living in the city all my life, I've never gotten used to crowds like this. Especially with me as the center of attention.

Someone slips their hand in mine. I look down, then up. Mateo. "Breathe, toppolina(little mouse)."

I suck in a breath. Then exhale.

"Good girl. Keep going. My threat won't be of much use if you die on me."

My eyes roll at his comment. He's such an ass. Nonetheless, I breathe in and out as instructed. Eventually, my breathing returns to normal and that tight feeling in my chest begins to fade.

Several pairs of eyes are still on me- on us. But I don't feel as nervous as before. I allow Mateo to lead me further into the crowd of unfamiliar faces. 

The tension between both families is thick in the air. Mateo's family remains on the left, while mine remains far on the right. Neither side wants to converse with the other. Which is understandable, but they don't have to pretend to be head over heels in love with their enemy.

The entire room is silent apart from the violinists playing in one corner of the foyer. Gianni is the first to break the silence. He heads straight for us. He gives his brother a head nod of approval for something that makes Mateo's eyes roll in response.

"If you haven't already noticed, everyone is looking at you. If this is you two 'in love' then we might as well draw weapons and get it over with." Gianni looks at his brother. "I know it's been a while since you've done so, but smile. At least once tonight."

Mateo doesn't even attempt to lift his lips. He just stares at his brother, scowling.

Gianni turns to me. I'm expecting him to give me tips just as he had done Mateo, but instead he motions me to follow him. "There's someone here to see you."

I pull away from Mateo and follow Gianni through the crowd right to my grandfather. "Ana!" My father greets me happily, signing also. I crashed into his arms, careful to avoid his arm.

My grandfather pulls back, but he doesn't let go of my arms. I'm unable to stop the tear that escapes. He wipes at it, whispering for me not to cry. This wasn't the place nor the time. I'm supposed to be happy.

Supposed to and what I actually feel are two entirely different things. But I guess that's why we're lying to our families.

"Be strong, Ana. I'm doing this for you. Mateo will protect you."

I refrain from signing that he's the one I need protection from. I don't know who does and doesn't know sign language. So instead I sign, "Who exactly do I need protection from?"

He's not given the chance to answer as Rurik appears and whispers something to him. He quickly signs that he'll be back and again, I'm left alone.

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