Chapter 6: The Quidditch Practice

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The days leading up to the weekend flew by quickly, and the anticipation for the upcoming Quidditch practice was palpable. On Friday, after the last class, I was eager to talk to Natty again. She still hadn't revealed whether she wanted to try out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team or not. On the way to dinner in the Great Hall, I ran into her in the corridor.

"Hey Natty, wait up!" I reached for her arm, and she turned to face me.

"Oh, hi Y/N, what's up?" "I wanted to ask you again if you've decided whether you want to try out for the Quidditch team or not." Natty looked at me with a smile, a joyful spark glittering in her dark brown eyes. "I've been thinking about it for a while now, and ... Yes, I'm up for it!"

I couldn't contain my excitement and bounced up and down. "Great! Then after the Slytherin training, I can watch you too. You'll be watching me tomorrow, right?" I looked at her with a hint of expectation in my eyes.

"I think it's not just me," she winked at me. I tilted my head to the side, becoming curious. "What do you mean?" Natty glanced briefly at Sebastian, who had just entered the Great Hall. I widened my eyes, my smile growing wider, and my cheeks grew warm. "Tell me everything you know!"

Impatiently, I pulled my Gryffindor friend around the corner of the corridor and rocked back and forth. "First, calm down," Natty laughed, shaking her head.

Straight-backed and with arms crossed, I now stood before her, eagerly gazing into her eyes. A slight laugh escaped her before she began to speak. "I overheard Imelda talking to another Quidditch player about who wants to try out for the team tomorrow. She mentioned Sebastian's name and yours, among others."

My happiness knew no bounds, and I bit my lip. "Natty... It would be really great if Sebastian and I both made the team together." "You're impossible, you know that?" Natty began to laugh again, infecting me with her laughter.

After we had composed ourselves, we headed to the Great Hall to have dinner with Poppy and Cressida.

"Good evening," Poppy greeted us as we sat down opposite Cressida and her. The table was once again filled with wonderful delicacies, and the vast array made my mouth water.

I scooped some mashed potatoes onto my plate and then looked at Cressida, who was irritably skewering a few individual tomatoes in her salad.

"Everything alright with you, Cressida?" I asked, drawing the attention of the other two girls.

"The potion class is just too difficult!" the Gryffindor grumbled, pushing the tomato so forcefully with her fork that it flew onto the edge of the bowl.

I glanced at Poppy in astonishment, but she just shrugged. "We can help you if you want," Poppy offered, looking at Natty and me.

Cressida only grunted irritably and continued to shovel her salad into her mouth.

"We're more than happy to help," Natty persisted. "I'm not stupid! I can manage on my own!" Cressida retorted sharply. "And if not, don't hesitate to ask!" I added.

Unfortunately, the rest of the dinner was spent in silence, as it seemed this conversation didn't sit well with everyone...

That night, I found it hard to fall asleep. Thoughts of how Sebastian would look in his Quidditch uniform kept me tossing and turning restlessly. I bit my lip again and imagined him soaring across the field. Eventually, with a pillow in my arms, I managed to drift off to sleep, dreaming of the upcoming training session.

The ringing of my alarm clock gently woke me in the morning. The anticipation for the day made me get up with a smile on my face. Finally, it's Saturday, the day of the tryouts for the Quidditch team. I grabbed my toiletry bag, put on my dressing gown, and headed out into the corridor on my way to the washroom.

In the Shadow of His Desire - Sebastian Sallow x Reader (English)Where stories live. Discover now