Chapter 3: Garreth and His Cauldron

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I heard footsteps and thought, Congratulations, Mr. Sallow, your first detention of the year. But it wasn't Professor Sharp who entered through the door; it was actually Sebastian, stumbling through the entrance, totally sweaty and exhausted, leaning against the door frame. "I... I got your book," he offered me the book. Without much thought, I went up to him and hugged him, nuzzling my face against his neck, and the scent of cedarwood filled my nose.

I sighed, feeling his heart pounding wildly through his warm body. "What would I do without you, hm?" He's so wonderful... Still panting like a dog, he returned the embrace, placing his free hand on my back. "Without you, I wouldn't even have a reason to be here any more, Y/N." Sebastian held me even closer and tighter.

After a moment of closeness and warmth, I slowly released the hug and stood in front of the brunette Slytherin, smiling. We exchanged a brief, meaningful glance that said more than words ever could. Sebastian wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead and took a deep breath, his exertion from the sprint still palpable. I couldn't help but giggle softly as I saw him so out of breath.

Before Sebastian could fully catch his breath, Ominis approached us. Placing a hand on my shoulder, he gently turned me toward him. His calm, serious gaze met mine, and he shook his head slightly. "Come on, let's sit down before..." Ominis started, and almost as if by magic, his voice seemed to summon Professor Sharp.

"Everyone, take your seats and be quiet! I want to conduct the lesson at a relaxed pace and don't want to rush just because you're not on time," scolded Professor Sharp, bringing the class to order. I took the book from Sebastian's hand, and we moved to the table in front of our cauldrons.

"So... We're going to discuss this potion briefly," Professor Sharp held a vial containing a bright golden liquid in his hand. "Does anyone know what kind of potion this is?" Professor Sharp turned expectantly to the class, and several hands shot up.

"Joker! Does anyone know what kind of potion this is? Funny, very funny," Ominis complained and mimicked the teacher. I couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny, Miss Y/LN?" the professor asked, raising a dark brown eyebrow. All the other students suddenly looked at me. Some Gryffindor's even whispered. "Nothing at all, Professor Sharp. I apologize!"

Embarrassed, I lowered my head, but Ominis conjured a small puppy made of sparkling dust with his wand. My red cheeks disappeared, and a slight smile formed on my face. The puppy was only as big as a ladybug and happily hopped over my wooden spoon before vanishing into dust again.

Sebastian's hand was already impatiently waving in the air to answer our professor's question. Hesitating and still somewhat embarrassed, I decided to raise my hand as well. "Yes, Mr. Sallow?" Professor Sharp directed his hand towards Sebastian. "This is the Felix Felicis potion, also known as 'liquid luck.' It's an extremely complicated-to-brew, gold-coloured potion that makes everything you attempt to succeed, although sometimes in unexpected ways."

"Since when are you a know-it-all?" I asked the brunet as quietly as I could. In response, he shot me an annoyed look and stuck out his tongue.

Professor Sharp nodded approvingly. "That is absolutely correct, Mr. Sallow. Ten points to Slytherin! I want you all to try and brew a Draught of Living Death now. You can find the recipe on page one hundred and thirty. Whoever manages to brew the best potion today will receive this vial of Felix Felicis as a reward." Without much hesitation, we divided the task of getting the ingredients and processing them among ourselves. I picked up a knife and started finely chopping the asphodel root.

While Ominis and Sebastian retrieved the other ingredients from the shelves, Garreth approached me and put his arm around my shoulders. "Hey there, lovely," he whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes and looked over my shoulder at his face. "What do you want, Garreth?" "We'll meet later at six p.m at the boathouse," the Gryffindor said, winking at me before I could respond. He then turned around and returned to his cauldron.

In the Shadow of His Desire - Sebastian Sallow x Reader (English)Where stories live. Discover now