The Intensity

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Quick question: do you like more shorter chapters or less longer chapters?

Idk my bf said my chapters are a bit too long.. lmk what yall think!

As always this chapter has mature content and language. INTENSE topics included in this chapter. You've been warned.


''Yes. That's her.''

If the pressure wasn't high enough, it sure was now. The prince's words ringing in my head. Everyone's gaze on me tenses my nerves. I could feel their immense power. If they were members of the prince's guild, it means that they possess profound skill in order to impress him. I'll have to be going up against them to prove myself. They want to test me, it's clear to see through their very readable vibes.

''We already filled our seventh position with Jex, sir.'' A man with a buzz cut and a slash on his eye spoke up. He looked just as annoyed with me as blondie did.

The prince notably responds, ''We'll be making an exception. Treat her as you would any other member.''

The fear that resides within me is quickly subsided by the thrill of what it'd be like to go up against these max forces. These people are all opportunities for me to improve and become acquainted with my power and how it really works. At one of the one-on-one training sessions I had with the prince, he mentioned that our power is similar with how unreadable and unpredictable it can be. He categorized it as a royal blood power that thrives off of light. When I asked what that all even means, he called me incompetent and proceeded with our combat fighting.

I needed to know more, so after our session that day I immediately went to find Victoria and had her explain to me what that all meant. She described all power to form off of 12 elements, Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Ice, Force, Time, Flower, Shadow, Light and Moon. There are 12 royal families that are known to be inheritors of the first people who obtained all these types of powers. For her family, they descend from the light deity. And strangely enough, my power is sourced from light as well.

This information, although unknown to them, brought me warmth. This is finally a fact about myself. This is finally something that I know can help me. A small step to huge unveiling.

Now, I'm curious as to what type of powers the prince's team uses and how well they excel in using them. I could only imagine he strategically picked out his underlings to excel in opposite power sources.

''You sure we can't fight now? I need to let out some steam.'' Her voice was low this time, but loud enough for me to hear. I tilt my head in response and slightly smile up at her. I wave a soft hand at them and a couple wave back while others remain with the same curious expression. Blondie however stabbed daggers with her gaze at me.

''No. I said on Monday. Today, we'll resume technical training from yesterday. Adelio, comienza tu entrenamiento.'' His voice husky and alluring annoyingly. The man he named walks out of the crowd and up to where the prince had been standing. He speaks but my view is only focused on the upset royal marching his way towards me.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms leaning onto my hip. ''Can you control your inept spirit?'' He hisses at me, accent prominent. Baffled, I process his response to everything that's happened since I arrived here. He could really trick anyone into thinking he was the most genuine person in the world.

I scoff at him, ''Do you think if I had control of it, it'd be on your shoulder now? It led me this way, you imbecile.'' I flick my hand at him. He reaches to snatch my wrist, only to find that I've caught on to his nasty groping habits and I whip away from him. His lip twitches as he steps in front of me, completely covering everyone's view of me from the field. Not a sliver of my body peeped out of his towering silhouette.

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