The Condition

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Heyyyy!! <3
Just wanted to inform you all that I am actively going through the chapters and fixing grammar mistakes or adding details. Some things may change, but the plot stays the same :)

As always this chapter has mature content and language. You've been warned.


I'm to be used as a weapon for battle.

A future I'm not sure I even want.

Thoughts swirl my mind about different avenues I can take to leave all of this and I keep finding my way back. I can't escape this.

My body is full of untapped power. I can feel it but, I can't use it. So far though, I'm steadily finding answers.

Even then, with every answer, comes a consequence. Here I stand in front of him. In front of his big tempting eyes and their pull on my soul. His eyes fuming with great hate while I try to avoid even a small glance my way. We both stand here saying nothing, only taking in reality.

''You're blessed with a gift. Know that anything you need, we are here for you. All of us. I want you to feel comfortable and know that we will aid in bringing your siblings back. Well.. we we're going to do that regardless of todays outcome." The kings words rings in my head from when we talked before picking up the prince.

"What does this all mean for me if it's true?" I responded back to him.

His eyes resembled the prince's, yet he held a more humble and tender tone. It's a mixture of the prince and the princess. He's sure of his decisions. A type of awareness displayed differently in the siblings.

''I'm sorry.'' He says admittedly. I confusedly raise my look at him.

"You'll be responsible for not only this kingdom, but the whole world." The words he spoke were calm, unaffected of any uncertainty. I didn't get it then.

Looking back, I understand what he means now and why he apologized.

It all leads to this moment, and our future together from here.

''It all makes sense. The spirit is your attachment and you share a condition with my brother! You're definitely the aurelian! There's so much to uncover here! We're literally in the presence of history in the making! Why is no one else as excited as I am?!'' Victoria begins talking with her father, but my attention is focused only on him. His muscles flexed as the ground around tensed with him. I felt like if I made any movement, he'd chop off my head in a swift movement for daring to withdraw something from him. His hand tightened around his staff. The veins on his arms and forehead throb with exasperation. I can see why many feared his intimidation. If I didn't have any belief in my own power, I'd give up with no thought.

I know he's vexed.

Now, he has to rely on me to use his power.

He hasn't dared to look at me this entire time. Lost in his own wrathful world.

The tension in the air could cut me at any moment. To him, I won in our power feud but, why don't I feel happy about it at all? This wasn't the win I wanted. If anything.. I feel..

''Odis.'' His voice demanding. Staff in hand, he turns back walking to his father's 2nd in command. ''Yes, my prince.'' In an instant, Odis conjures an orb and sends Diego away. The second he warped away, I felt like I could breathe again. I'm actually glad he left.

''I promise you, he's fine. Come, let's get to know your spirit. Prepare yourself because tomorrow, things are going to be vastly different.'' That was the last thing on my mind, I just didn't want him to explode on me. He's shown me he can be quite the drama queen.

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