chapter 8

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it was days and Asa still hasn't woken up yet but they didn't that Asa was trapped in a nightmare, she was trying to fight her way back nothing was working.
Zadavia: it seems Asa has been put into a deep sleep.
Tech: not quite Zadavia i did a body scan of Asa and she's trapped in a never ending nightmare, unless we do something. i can make something that get a few of us in Asa's nightmare i'm going i will not loose her.
Ace: not alone your not i'm going with you.
Zadavia: and i as well. Tech got to work on making the in invention that would help everyone get into Asa's nightmare and hopefully wake her up, Ace held up Asa's head as Tech put the helmet on her head then got everything set up.
Tech: alright here we go good thing we're on the ship heading back to earth but maybe we should do this on Tweetums planet.
Zadavia: agreed. the ship landed on Planet Blanc then Tech got the machine started up.
Ace: let's do this. Tech activated the invention and went into Asa's dreams.

*in Asa's dream*

once inside Ace, Tech and Zadavia went to search for Asa then heard a scream only to see her running, Tech grabbed Asa by her arms and she looked at him.
Tech: Asa it's alright it's us.
Asa: Tech i keep trying to wake up but nothing is working.
Ace: it's alright we're gonna get you out of here i promise but what were you running from?
Asa: some kind of monster i don't know what it was but it was like a snake. i don't know what it looked like but i'm scared.
Tech: it's alright we're going to get you out of here i promise. Asa nodded and they all ran for it but Asa got grabbed she screamed and saw it was a snake.
Zadavia: Asa hold on!
Asa: help me! they all fought the snake and Tech caught Asa as she held onto him.
Tech: you have to try and wake up Asa just listen to my voice. a bright light shined over all of them then the three of them woke up.

*out of Asa's dreams*

Tech got the helmet off of Asa's head as he looked at her then saw Asa's eyes moving a bit she opened her eyes and saw Tech above her.
Asa: Tech?
Tech: i'm here it's alright. how do you feel?
Asa: stiff like a mummy ngh oh so many stiff joints. Tech helped Asa up and her legs were so stiff she almost fell the ground if Tech hadn't caught her in time.
Tech: easy now your legs might be a bit numb but don't worry we're going to head home i promise you that, for now Tweetums is going to let us stay at the palace until i fix the problem with the ship.
Asa: which is?
Ace: the engine gave out basically it died so we gotta fix it.
Asa: wish i could help but my legs are numb.
Tech: its fine Asa just try to walk a bit and did just wake up so take it easy. (kisses Asa's forehead) i don't want you hurt the others know your awake now so just go relax and Tweetums will be here soon. Lexi was guiding Asa to the lounge and she sat down on the couch while trying to think.
Asa: ugh why did i have to get captured this really sucks right now.
Tweetums: hi Asa. Asa jumped and saw Tweetums only to see him sitting on the table.
Asa: Tweetums you scared me your so small i barely heard you come in.
Ace: i brought him inside and you were off in your own world again.
Asa: i can't help it Ace.

Ace: you almost jumped out of your skin.
Asa: shut up i didn't hear you two alright so just drop it.
Tweetums: are you aright?
Asa: no Tweetums ever since i lost my powers i just haven't been myself i just can't fight villians without my powers, without them i'm just a normal wolf and i feel so stupid for letting Collecter take them.
Tweetums: i think your a great with or without your powers.
Asa: (sighs and stands up) how would you know Tweetums you weren't there when it happened my whole life has been a lie, i never had a real family i was experimented on as a baby and i was put in a never ending nightmare! i just can't stand being like this anymore i need some air. Asa walked out of the ship as she sat on a bolder looking out at the view while having tears in her eyes.
Asa: stupid Deuce why did i have to get captured by him i'm not even a hero anymore i feel so useless. what Asa didn't know Tech had listened to her and knew he had to find Collecter and get Asa's powers back.
Tech: i will help my girlfriend get her powers back unless there's something else deep inside her. Tech saw Asa looking at her hand and saw something happen which shocked them both.
Asa: what the is this magic?
Tech: Asa let me see. Asa showed Tech her hand and they both saw it.
Asa: this is so weird i heard stories about my descendant it could be i actually have her powers.
Tech: maybe but Anna was a great magician so must be just like her.
Asa: this is so cool i was actually born with magic powers this could be fun.

*back on earth*

Asa was practicing her magic and she was getting the hang of it and started practicing her spells which was in a spell book left to her, from her descendant Anna Wolf. Tech walked out of the trainer control center and walked over to Asa.
Tech: your getting better.
Asa: i know but right now i could use a break. Tech and Asa went to join the others but she smelled something only to smell pizza.
Rev: hey guys we got a problem and it's at the pizza place.
Asa: if it's another bio parasite i swear i'm going to be mad.
Ace: it's not so let's go. they all went to the pizza place and saw it was something else Asa used her powers to hold the villian still then Ace blasted off the problem, Asa picked up the charm and knew she's seen it before.
Lexi: what is it?
Asa: it feels like I've seen this before but i don't know where.

*at HQ*

Asa was still looking at the charm wondering where she saw it before Asa jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder, only to see it was Tech and she playfully glared at him.
Asa: don't scare me like that jeez.
Tech: sorry but you alright you've been staring at that charm for a while now.
Asa: yeah i'm fine it's just i feel like i saw this thing before but i don't know where. and it's driving me crazy. Tech sat down next to Asa on the beanbag and looked at the charm.
Tech: are you sure you've seen this thing before?
Asa: that i don't know Tech i keep getting glimpses of my past from when i was a baby like I've actually seen this thing, i just don't remember this ruby is well i don't know anymore. Tech held Asa close as she leaned her head on his shoulder Tech kissed Asa's head and she looked at him.
Tech: i'm sure it'll come back to you Asa things always do.
Asa: yeah maybe.
Lexi: let me see it. Asa gave Lexi the ruby and she took a good look at it.
Tech: so you know anything about it Lex?
Lexi: yeah i learned about it in at the university it's the fire ruby all the way from a different country, this thing has some serious fire power and only one person can control it and that's you Asa your the only descendent of Anna. so it's meant to be yours.
Asa: mine but how i never known a single thing about my descendent nor about my family so how can this thing be mine, i have no family left. the ruby was feeling hot and Asa dropped it an illusion appeared from the ruby and it shocked everyone.
Lyra: hello Asa by now your probably wondering who your family was but i am your Mother Lyra, i died trying to protect you from a car crash then my friend Marie found you she raised you as her own daughter. but she never thought you'd be experimented on i am proud of you my precious baby girl you truly are Anna's Descendent she would be very proud of you, just as me and your Father are we loved you so much keep fighting for whats right. the illusion was over and Asa held the ruby close to her heart while crying.

Asa: all this time i never knew. Ace walked over and comforted Asa as she was crying a bit.
Ace: at least you now know the truth and your here with us.
Asa: that maybe so Ace but i just it's not fair my real parents are dead and i lost the one who took care of me like, a mother i have no family left i'm the only one left of my whole family. (tears fall down) this is just not fair! Asa ran out of HQ making everyone worry about her they all ran after Asa and searched for her.

*in the city*

Lexi: guys i hear something i think it might be Asa. they all ran over and saw an old abandoned warehouse the team all walked, over and wondered where Asa was at.
Ace: Asa come out we're really worried about you.
Asa: go away Ace i need to be alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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