chapter 4

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Asa: nothing special probably just a pizza would be nice thanks guys.
Tech: alright Rev and i will be back stay put and remember stay resting.
Asa: okay doctor egghead just go.
Tech: very funny don't you start with that.
Asa: (blows rasberry) just go you two. right before Tech could say anything Rev took him and sped out of HQ.
Ace: (chuckles) you two are truly best friends.
Asa: we are but he's so easy to get sometimes even though he knows most of my tricks. just then both Tech and Rev got back then Slam helped Asa up from the couch as she used her crutches and walked over to the table in the kitchen, Asa sat down and a plate was set down in front of her.
Duck: alright so how is Asa gonna help us if she can't leave HQ?
Asa: i'm also a scientist Duck so trust me i can help from the controls and give you guys some help if you need it.
Rev: that could really help.
Tech: agreed but try not to hurt yourself while moving around. and i'm still mad at your for the egghead thing.
Asa: Tech i was joking i didn't litteraly mean it jeez take a joke (gets up table) damn and Dad thought i couldn't take a joke, i'm going to my room i want to be left alone for tonight. while Asa left Tech realized what he did.
Tech: no Asa wait. but it was too late Asa had already left.

Slam: she okay?
Ace: just leave her be Slam Asa needs to cool off we don't want to get burned.
Tech: i would know she accidentaly did it to me when Asa told me about her powers but i did not mean to upset her, (sigh) it's best we give Asa her space she'll cool down eventually. believe me it took a few days for Asa to calm down maybe it'll take her less than that. everyone was doing their own thing and Asa was meditating to calm her nerves like Ace showed her Asa was in complete zen as she was very calm, it was right then and there she needed to apologise to everyone mostly Tech Asa got up and left her room.
Asa: hey guys look i'm sorry for almost completely lighting everything on fire but you know i can't help it, my anger tends to be connected to my powers but i can still do the little stuff.
Ace: hey it's alright but try to cool it next time alright?
Asa: yeah thanks Ace you guys are all family to me but Tech well that's a different case but there's something i have to tell him, i think it might shock him but who knows if Tech even wants to see me.
Ace: he's just worried about you since you got hurt but let's wait until your healed then you can tell Tech what you have to say.
Asa: kay but Ace you feel like a big brother too me and i never had a brother before well brothers or a sister. Lexi hugged Asa as she hugged back and the got hugged by the rest of the guys.

*six months later*

Asa was doing better and she knew one thing that Tech loved and it was her baking then heard something and saw Tech wearing a cape with matching boots which made her face turn red, Asa hid and tried to calm down but as Asa was trying to sneak out of the room she got grabbed by Rev which scared her.
Asa: Rev let me go you scared the fur off of me!
Ace: Rev put Asa down she just got her cast off today so her leg might be stronger. Rev put Asa down and let her go then she was face to face with Tech while looking away from him.
Tech: you alright?
Asa: i i oh i'm fine it's just i'm not feeling good right now i'm burning up a bit so bye! Asa was about to run until Tech grabbed her by the waist and she gasped by what happened and looked at Tech, Asa was about to say something until they all heard a familiar beep everyone saw it was Zadavia.
Zadavia: good work Loonatics all the parts of the machine have been returned and there are no signs of Black Velvet, (looks at Tech) oh my Tech don't you look heroic.
Tech: why thank you Zadavia.
Zadavia: very impressive and Asa i see your doing better.
Asa: huh oh yeah i am just got the boot off yesterday.
Zadavia: it's good to see you moving around again. Zadavia out. after the call with Zadavia Asa left and to calm herself Asa decided to meditate and Asa was in complete zen until it was broken by a knocking on her door Asa told whoever it was to come in, then Asa saw it was Tech she looked away from him while trying focus staying in zen.

Tech: i noticed you were gone so i figured you'd be in here.
Asa: just thought i'd meditate you know keep my nerves calm so my flames don't go all over the place, i just have to remain calm their connected to my anger in a way.
Tech: listen Asa i was thinking we could have a night out just us two what do you say?
Asa: (opens eyes) oh uh sure Tech it is getting dark out so let's go. they both left and Asa was feeling a little nervous about how she was going to tell Tech how she feels about him.

*in New China Town*

Tech and Asa were walking around and they both smelled something Asa heard Tech's stomach as she looked at him while he looked away, from Asa with a blush on his face.
Asa: (chuckles) well i think we should get something to eat before we explore New China Town more so come on foods on me Tech, my treat to say thank you for helping me while i was injured. they both walked in and got seated then ordered their food once it arrived they both ate and well it was nice for them both, after eating Asa paid for the food they both heard howling to see it was wolves howling a song, Asa felt like a part of her wanted to join them but saw everyone was dancing Tech held out his hand to Asa as she looked at him.
Tech: care for a dance Asa? Asa blushed and took Tech's hand as they danced together hearing the howls.
Asa: Tech there's something i wanted to tell you but i was so scared that you'd hate me.
Tech: i could never hate you Asa when i was still a grad student there was only one girl on my mind, and that was you i couldn't stop thinking about you once you left.
Asa: i couldn't thinking about you either Tech but what i wanted to tell you is i love you, it started out as a crush but no i realised how much i love you.
Tech: then the feelings mutual cause i love you too Asa. Asa was taken back by what she just heard and they both leaned in to kiss each other once their lips touched it was their first kiss, Asa moved her arms towards Tech's shoulders as his arms went around Asa's waist they both pulled apart and smiled at each other then leaned their foreheads together.

Asa: i honestly didn't think you'd feel the same about me Tech.
Tech: like i told you you were the only girl on my mind no one else could win my heart except you Asa, and i love you with all my heart.
Asa: (kisses Tech's cheek) it's the same Tech i love you Tech E. Coyote.
Tech: and i love you Asa Wolf. they kissed each other again then went back to HQ to enjoy some time together.
Asa: i think it's time i show the villains not to mess my coyote cause your mine.

*at HQ*

they both walked back inside and went to get some sleep but Asa and Tech were now moved into his room together since they are a couple now, Asa was thrilled to be with Tech more she was not going to loose him. it was the next day and they were fighting Massive Asa lit her body on fire and sent a few fiery rocks at him.
Mastermind: i think it's high time your girlfriend is put down! a fiery snake made it's way to Mastermind and she was shocked by it then Asa created a dragon all the villains were shocked by it.
Asa: what was that about putting me down Mastermind ever since you all teamed up you've all been a bigger pain, but know this play with fire you get burned. none of you can defeat me like this now dragon flame get them! the dragon flame captured them and imprisoned everyone in crystal which shocked the others.
Duck: okay that was cool.
Asa: thanks whew i didn't think that would work but i did it Dad would be so proud to see i did it. Tech picked up Asa by her waist and spun her around as they both laughed, then kissed each other once they pulled apart Tech looked at his wolf with love in his eyes.
Tech: thank you for saving us my brave wolf.
Asa: no one hurts my family except when it comes to Duck i will happily do the honors.
Duck: i don't want to end up roasted duck.
Lexi: then stop being an idiot.

*mini time skip*

everyone was celebrating their victory and Tech held Asa by her waist by his side as they all cheered for the victory.
Zadavia: i know my brother has nothing to do with the villains escaping but well done Loonatics.

Wolf + Coyote Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu