chapter 5

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Asa and Tech was working in the lab then finished.
Tech: that's it we're done.
Asa: i have a bad feeling this invention is going to malfunction Tech.
Tech: calm down i'm sure we'll be fine it might only hit two of us. as everyone was in the lab Asa was standing near the machine as she was setting it up, then Tech was next to her.
Asa: alright it's ready but if i get smacked into the wall your going to loose your fur Tech.
Tech: i promise Asa we'll be fine. now this machine can turn a monster back to what it originally was say if an animal was genetically altered, or if it's the Fuzz - z's again this baby will help.
Asa: but for safety we should test it first.
Ace: yeah just in case it needs to be tweeked.
Asa: exactly but the wise guy here is too sure of it so i found a snake that got genetically altered even i have a soft spot for these guys, and this little guy is a just a baby.
Lexi: oh poor baby. Asa gently set the snake down then Tech activated the machine which turned the snake back to normal and Asa, held her hand out so the baby could slither up her hand as he chilled there. then she walked over and gently set the snake in a tank which was the perfect enclosure for the snake, then heard an alert go off which meant the machine Asa stepped in front of everyone when the machine exploded it only hit Asa and Tech. they both fell to the ground then the smoke cleared up as everyone was coughing.

Ace: everyone alright?
Duck: we're good Tech Asa you two alright?
Asa: not really i feel weird.
Tech: so do i. once everyone saw their friends they were actual canines.
Lexi: uh Tech Asa your an actual wolf and coyote. they both looked at each other and jumped back then they looked at themselves.
Tech: wha how did this happen?
Asa: (growls) i told you something like this would happen but you didn't listen to me and now we can't use our powers! (growls) just stay away from me Tech at least we're on all fours instead of hands we have paws, so good luck trying to invent something Tech. Asa went to her room and laid on the bed.

*tiny time skip*

Zadavia: Tech what happened to you?
Tech: don't ask let's just say my invention back fired in a way i should've listened to Asa and now she's mad at me.
Lexi: she did try to tell you. Tech's ears fell down and he looked away until Lexi put a hand on Tech's back.
Zadavia: i'm sure she'll come around just give her time Zadavia out.
Tech: (sigh) i wonder how long this is going to last it's odd to walk like this but i am getting the hang of it right now.
Ace: i have to admit it is weird seeing you like this.
Tech: i better go apologize to Asa i just hope she doesn't bite me. Tech walked over to Asa's room and realized he had paws instead of hands then Ace helped out his friend.
Ace: hey Asa it's me and Tech he wants to talk to you.
Asa: go away Ace i might bite Tech considering how mad i am. Tech's ears fell down then Ace walked in and Tech was beside, him they both looked at Asa on her bed.
Ace: look Tech has a few things to talk to you about.
Asa: fine i will let him say what he has to say. Tech walked over and jumped onto Asa's bed so he could talk to her.
Tech: Asa i'm sorry i didn't listen to you i should've listened to you.
Ace: I'll give you two some privacy. Ace left the room and both canines looked at each other.

Asa: look Tech i'm that mad but you did should've listened to me the first time then we wouldn't be like this.
Tech: i know and i'm sorry but listen what if i ask Ace to take us somewhere a place until this wears off. you up for it? Asa looked at Tech and smiled then nudged him with her paw they both left the room and talked with Ace as they all went to the desert.

*in the desert*

Lexi: Zadavia told us there's a monster out here so this will also help you guys out.
Asa: you don't know me well enough Lexi i'm a wolf we howl at the moon.
Duck: oh really i never once seen you howl. Asa walked over to a big rock then climbed up it as she looked at the moon and howled at it which made Duck eat his words.
Asa: you were saying about me howling Duck?
Duck: your despicable.
Tech: careful Asa might break your bones in that form she has a strong jaw that can break a bone. Duck screamed then ran into the ship which made everyone laugh.
Rev: you really messed him Tech.
Asa: (chuckles) although he's not wrong about my bite i can keep first watch you guys get some sleep, i can do this all night.
Ace: alright but then one of us will take over for you. Asa nodded then everyone went into the ship to sleep. after a few hours Tech was woken up and heard howling then looked out the window to see it was Asa howling at the moon he thought she looked so enchanting in the moonlight.
Tech: your still up?
Asa: (looks at Tech) yeah sometimes i keep getting nightmares and i just can't sleep everytime i sleep i see what happened in the past, everything my parents everything being taken away from me. Tech climbed the rock and sat down next to Asa and wondered what he could do to help cheer her up.

Tech: well we haven't seen any sights of that monster i know Zadavia is never wrong.
Asa: yeah your right but it's odd.
Tech: Asa what if we howled together i maybe a coyote but that will never stop me from being with you. Asa smiled and nuzzled against Tech as he nuzzled her back then they both looked at the moon.
Asa: i remember when my parents used to do this i was still a kid when they got turned into actual wolves, they howled together and now here we are together my love.
Tech: Asa what if we howled together? Asa smiled at Tech and they both stood up then sat in their own spots then Asa told Tech to take a deep breath he as told, then let it out Asa smiled at him then they both howled together.

what the couple didn't know was everyone was watching them howl together.
Lexi: you know they might get mad at us once they find out we lied about the monster.
Ace: we can only hope they don't find out.
Rev: incoming! they all saw the couple come over to them then heard a roar only to see a giant monster coming Asa bit it's leg then she was thrown into the side of the ship, Asa let out a yelp as she landed on the ground unconscious Tech saw it and growled at the mosnter as he attacked it.
Lexi: Tech move! Tech got out of the way and Lexi used the glu - coo gel 9000 and it trapped the monster everyone heard a metal sound it was just a giant robot.
Tech: Asa please wake up.
Asa: ngh Tech did we win?
Tech: we won now let's get you home hopefully we'll be back to normal in the morning. Slam gently picked up Asa since she was hurting and the team all went back to HQ.

*next day*

Tech woke up and yawned as he stretched and saw he was back to normal then looked at Asa to see she was back to herself again as well, Tech smiled and kissed Asa on her cheek which made her stir a bit and yawned then saw she was normal again.
Asa: we're back to normal.
Tech: it wore off so i would like to make it up to you.
Asa: oh really but i think you could just do a hang out here in HQ.
Tech: maybe but i want to be alone with you. they both kissed each other and went to get ready for the day they both went to get some breakfast Asa heard Duck complaining so she used her powers to make his coffee over flow a bit, and Duck burnt his hand as he blew on his coffee Asa smirked and continued to drink her coffee.
Asa: listen guys i volunteered to give the kids a show their going to see my fire skills, but i maybe a hero it doesn't mean i don't do charity for kids.
Tech: (chuckles) i'm sure they'd love it. Asa smiled and kissed Tech on his cheek he had a goofy smile on his face.
Asa: i am going to practice but i'm more scared that fire will hurt the kids.
Lexi: try something from your heart. Asa got an idea and knew the kids would love to hear her sing Asa went to go work on something she sat down on the couch with her laptop and began working, as Asa was working she felt hands on her shoulders which made her jump.

Asa: Tech don't do that you scared me half to death!
Tech: (chuckles) sorry.
Asa: (lays on the couch) oh god my heart almost stopped (covers face) god someone should put a bell on you.
Ace: what happened?
Tech: i accidentally scared my girlfriend she almost jumped out of her skin.
Asa: you damn right i did oh merciful god never do that again i almost broke my laptop.

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