chapter 2

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Asa: lets get him. they all went to fight and Asa was sneaking up behind Dare but was grabbed by her neck and closed her eyes as she held out the amulet, Doctor Dare looked into the eye and was turned to stone then Asa got out of his grip. but accidentaly looked at the eye of the amulet.
Asa: uh oh not good. (puts box on ground) guys i need some help i looked at the eye of the amulet and now i'm turning to stone!
Tech: no Asa hold on we'll help you!
Asa: use the powder the green turns me back! Asa was turned to stone and the amulet fell out of her hand then shattered into pieces once it hit the ground, Lexi picked up the box and blew the green powder at Asa as she turned back to normal. Tech caught Asa as she looked up at Tech with her cheeks turning red, Asa looked away from him and felt so tired Asa yawned as Tech chuckled then she looked up at him.
Tech: i think it's time you got back to bed you look so tired.
Zadavia: that would be best for her Tech good work stopping Doctor Dare get a good nights rest Loonatics Zadavia out. just as Asa was about to walked back to HQ Tech picked up Asa bridal style and she squealed from the surprise.
Tech: let me carry you back. Asa moved her arms around Tech's shoulders and he carried Asa but didn't realize she fell asleep Tech felt Asa's head on his shoulder, he smiled at Asa then followed the others.

*next day*

everyone else was awake while Asa was walking out of her room while rubbing her eye, then sat down at the table as she yawned.
Lexi: well look who's up.
Asa: morning guys (yawns) oh lord i am still tired.
Tech: (sets down cup of coffee) here this will help wake you up a bit.
Asa: thanks Tech (yawns) oh lord i was never this tired when i performed but i don't know how you guys do this, but it will be worth it one of these days.
Ace: trust me you will get used to it but what did you do before you became a singer?
Asa: well i'm sure Tech told you we went to the institute together but when i was kid things were different i had my family but sadly Mom was sick, i was eight years old when Mom passed away. we would sing together it was something i loved back then and now i'm here as an eighteen year old but sadly Dad passed away when i turned seventeen, i just wish my parents could see this at least i'm here with my best friend and many great friends. everyone smiled and they heard something then went to see what it was.
Lexi: it's your phone Asa. Asa picked up her phone and saw it was her agent then answered it.
Asa: what Andrew i told everyone i was going to retire.
Andrew: Asa we have a contract you can't just quit.
Asa: (growls) leave me alone i retired and that's that so give it up i'm not performing again, besides that contract is now terminated and your no longer my agent. you only used me for the money so now your out of a job wise guy.
Andrew: your going to regret letting me go.
Asa: try me your done and if you don't leave me alone i will call the police so stay away from me either wise you'll get burned. after the call Asa sat down on the couch and played around with her necklace, then felt a hand on her shoulder.

Tech: you alright?
Asa: yeah i'm fine but i'm sorry you guys had to hear that my ex agent Andrew wanted me to perform again i straight told him i quit period, he just doesn't know when to give up so i told Andrew if he doesn't leave me alone i will call the police. he's going to straight be playing with fire if he doesn't leave me alone.
Lexi: he'll learn one way or another.
Asa: look i'm gonna head to my room i need to be alone for a bit. Asa went to her room and was laying down on her bed while she looked at her necklace while playing with the charm, then heard a knock on the door then Asa at up and went to door. Asa opened her door only to see Lexi was there.
Lexi: hey mind if i come in?
Asa: sure. the girls walked into Asa's room as they were talking.
Ace: hey Tech why don't you and Asa go out you know to help her relax.
Tech: not a good idea chief especially after her ex agent i think Asa could use sometime to herself.

*tiny time skip*

Asa was taking a walk then heard something and saw it was only Ace and Lexi.
Ace: a bit jumpy aren't you?
Asa: shut up Ace i am not jumpy i have a bad feeling something is going to happen, it's my insticts i can't help it wolves know these kinds of things. so i'm going to head back to HQ. Asa left and as she was walking back to HQ she heard something then turned around to see it was nothing.
Asa: i must be going crazy. a pair of hands grabbed Asa as she screamed and burned them only to see it was her ex agent Asa fought Andrew but she got hurt then punched Andrew, Ace and Lexi went to find Asa and saw she was finished with the fight.
Lexi: uh what just happened?
Asa: Andrew thought he could try and kidnap me but i made sure he got what he deserved so now he's going to prison, if you guys need me i am heading home. Asa walked back to HQ and walked straight to her room but got stopped by Tech.
Tech: you alright Ace told me you got into a fight?
Asa: i did and Andrew is no longer going to bother me so i am going to get cleaned up let's just say i ended up in a dumpster when i was fighting Andrew, but at least i don't have to worry about my ex agent again. Asa went to get a shower and once she was done Asa came back while wearing a different outfit which was a tank top and shorts, then sat down on the couch Tech walked over and sat down next to her.
Asa: i hope Ace and Lexi can forgive me for snapping at them i was just a little grouchy.
Tech: i'm sure they will but i was wondering if you'd like to help me with an invention i was working on in the lab, it could be like old times for us before you left.

Asa: alright let's go. they both went to the lab and got to work on a prject which could help out in a fight once they were done Tech was working at his desk but didn't, know that Asa fell asleep at his computer she had her head on her arms while sleeping Tech walked over and gently picked up Asa. Asa's head leaned on Tech's shoulder while she was sleeping Tech walked to Asa's room and gently laid her down on the bed, Asa was still sleeping then Tech covered his friend with the blanket.
Tech: get some sleep Asa you've had a long day good night my friend. Tech left Asa's room and looked at her one last time before leaving the room.

*months later*

it had been months since Asa joined the Loonatics and kids were happy to meet their favorite wolf as she was getting pictures taken with the kids, then told the kids they could be anything they want to be when their older. Asa walked over to the team and saw Tech smiling at her Asa looked away then a kid raised their hand.
Ace: yes?
Alan: are Asa and Tech together? both Asa and Tech blushed as they both went seperate ways while blushing Asa did not want anyone seeing her blsuhing like crazy, then heard something her ears perked up she sniffed the air and smelled what was coming.
Asa: uh guys i smell something and it's coming fast. a monkey hybrid came out of no where and Asa picked up the poor thing.
Lexi: i think it likes you Asa.
Asa: she's scared but the eyes look familiar what a minute Zadavia is that you?
Tech: Zadavia what happened to her?
Asa: someone mixed up her genetic code and turned her into this we gotta find out who, no one does this to my mentor. they all went to see who turned Zadavia into a hybrid the team all saw the circus and made it in.

*in the circus*

the loonatics were sucked up into cylinders then saw the Ringmaster.
Asa: (growls) your never going to get away with this!
Ringmaster: that's what you may think my dear but this is going to hurt alot. everyone was getting their DNA scrambled and Asa was screaming out in pain as it hurt for her the most then Tech fired his, gluco gel 9000 and it destroyed the machine but everyone saw what happened to them. Tech helped up Asa and they saw each other which made them surprised.
Asa: we're both half gator but your mixed with a zebra and i'm mixed with a snow tiger. we gotta run now Ace!
Ace: never thought i'd say this but haul tail! everyone all jumped into the hole then walked in the sewer.
Asa: alright who got my powers?
Tech: that would be me i don't understand how you use them.
Asa: i can help you Tech i have Rev's super speed.

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