chapter 7

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it was a different day in Acmetropolis as the Loonatics were fighting a villain but however they grabbed Asa and the villain was a man who, went by Collector and he had a crystal that could hold any of the Loonatics powers right before Duck could be grabbed Asa pushed him out of the way. Asa was grabbed by her neck and she struggled to get out of his grasp.
Collector: i was going for the duck but your powers would make a fine addition to my collection. Collector held up a crystal and Asa screamed when her powers were slipping away from her body as she was begining to feel weak, Collector threw Asa to the ground and she was unconscious Collector left and everyone ran over to Asa as Duck was holding her in his arms.
Duck: Asa Asa wake up.
Asa (groans) D Duck?
Duck: what were you thinking toots?!
Asa: you maybe annoying Duck but i wasn't going to let him take your powers what good is my fire anyway, i can barely control it the truth is i never got any powers from my parents they didn't have any. i was effected differently by the meteor my fur never changed though that i admit. (ears fall down) i'm sorry i never told you guys the truth i was afraid you'd hate me and kick me off of the team, and that Tech wouldn't want to be with me anymore.
Tech: now that's not true i love you no matter what Asa powers or not your still my girlfriend and i love you to the ends of the earth.
Ace: Tech's right your still apart of the team but we just gotta find a way to get your powers back.
Asa: Ace forget my parents tried hide me from that guy and now it's too late he's got my powers his lair isn't easy to find not, even Zadavia could find it no body ever found it. my parents tried searching for it but that's cause they worked for the military but they could never find him so don't waste your time it doesn't matter I'll never get my powers back, i was always the hothead anyways. Asa left and went back to the tower while hiding from everyone else she was hiding in the training room, Asa was crying feeling so upset that she let her parents down.
Asa: i'm sorry Mom and Dad he got my powers i'm sorry. what Asa didn't know that everyone was listening since she locked the door after sometime Asa fell asleep, Tech ulnocked the door and walked over to Asa as he gently picked up his girlfriend bridal style and carried her out of the training room.

Tech: we gotta find a way to get Asa's powers back unless there's something about her past, maybe i can do a little digging to see what i can do. Tech laid Asa down in bed and went to his lab and got to work on digging up a bit on Asa's past, after Tech did a little hacking he found something on Asa which showed she was experimented on as a baby her parents weren't even her real parents Asa was truly an orphan. Tech didn't know how to tell Asa she was already crushed enough about loosing her powers.
Tech: oh this is going to really make her upset how am i supposed to tell Asa the truth about her past. she's going to be so mad at me.
Asa: no i won't Tech. Tech jumped and turned around to see Asa standing in the door as she walked over too him.
Tech: i thought you were sleeping?
Asa: i was but i couldn't sleep i never thought you'd find this i was trying for years to learn the truth about myself, but yet everytime i got close it always slipped through my fingers. i always thought i was different than those people who were my parents so now i know i never had any parents i don't even know if their alive.
Tech: it could be possible Asa but if their not then i'm sorry at least your here with us we're all like a family, considering how annoying Duck can be from time to time.
Asa: (chuckles) don't remind me so i was never affected by the meteor or born with powers i was experimented on as a baby, too think i was truly a hero but no i was just an experiment to see if i could be able to control flames. whoever did that too me is going to pay for what they did to me but they're probably long gone and already in the ground, i just don't understand.

*next day*

Ace: hey Asa we figured out a way to get your powers back.
Asa: what's the point Ace they're not even from the meteor and i wasn't born with them either i was just an experiment when i was a baby, it seems Professor Zane could give the answers maybe at least i hope. Ace, Tech and Asa all went to the prison so they could have a chat with Professor Zane.

*at the prison*

Zane: so it's you two and with a friend you look familiar my dear.
Asa: i should i was just a baby when i was experimented on.
Zane: ah yes your the wolf pup i see the experiments worked but you seem upset.
Tech: she lost the flames that were given too her how do we get them back?
Zane: i'm afraid it's not that simple they were apart of her DNA but now her genetic make up is normal, she's no longer able to have her flames back. Alex and Tia rescued Asa when she was only an infant and raised her as their own they were good colliges until they passed away.
Asa: so i may never get my dark flames back ever again?
Zane: afraid not. Asa ran out of the room and out of the prison as she tripped on a rock and fell to the ground while crying knowing the entire truth really crushed her.
Asa: it's not fair i didn't ask for this! (sniffles) at least i still have my genius i could just stay behind in HQ and help Tech with his inventions, oh what's the point I'll never be the same again. what Asa didn't know was one of the villians was listening and she screamed when one of them grabbed her.
Sypher: gotcha gorgeous!
Asa: let me go Sypher i no longer have any powers Collecter took them from me! and he'll do the same too you!
Sypher: huh i just want the Loonatics powers but your no fun anymore. Asa punched Sypher and he fell to the ground as she growled at him.
Asa: leave them alone idiot. a dart hit Asa on her neck and she fell to the ground then a shadow loomed over her then she was picked up then taken away, the guys both ran outside and searched for Asa but Tech found her necklace on the ground he held it tightly in his hand.

Tech: any sign of Asa?
Ace: not a thing but i see that you found her necklace she never takes it off since you gave to her, i have a bad feeling she's been catpured.
Zadavia: how right you are Ace i fear it was my brother Optimatis or it could be someone else i haven't seen, Optimatis hasn't tried anything at all since we defeated him. but it could be Deuce he must've returned to get revenge on you Ace.
Ace: but why Asa she had nothing to do with him we made sure of it. but now we gotta find Asa before anything can happen to her.
Zadavia: i already alerted the team now hurry Asa is in dire need of your help.

*on the dragon ship*

Lexi: think we can get to Asa in time?
Ace: we can i know it. but the question is where is Deuce hiding her she no longer has her powers.
Duck: hey Ace i see something and it's a deserted planet.
Tech: and i am picking up something i think its Asa.
Zadavia: she always wears her silver earring i secretly put a tracker in it just in case she ever got captured.

*in Deuce's hideout*

Deuce: soon i will get back at Ace vengence will be mine. Asa was still unconscious while being hy chains since she doesn't have her powers Asa couldn't melt the chains an explosion was heard and Deuce looked at the monitor as he smirked, the door was blown down then the Loonatics and Zadavie walked in with angered faces.
Zadavia: let her go Deuce! Asa has nothing to do with this! they all fought Deuce and he fell to the ground as Ace used his laser vision to break the chains and he caught her before Asa hit the ground as, she was still out cold Tech walked over and put two fingers on Asa's neck he smiled when he felt her pulse.
Tech: she's going to be alright we better get Asa out of here we can only hope she won't get hurt anymore. Tech gently took Asa from Ace and her head was leaned against Tech's shoulder as he carried her out to the ship.

*on the Dragon ship*

Tech was walking to a room and laid Asa down on a bed as he moved her hair out of the way, Tech sat down next to her and looked at his girlfriend as she was sleeping.
Tech: you gotta wake up Asa please just wake up we were all so worried about you please just wake up, i love you with all my heart Asa Wolf. Tech leaned down and kissed Asa on her forehead then left the room so she could be alone.

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