chapter 1

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the Loonatics were busy then saw a news report on the TV.
Misty: it seems the whole city is going crazy for a singer coming to Acmetropolis and it's none other than Asa Wolf her new single has become a smash hit, and everyone is already getting tickets.
Tech: Asa i don't believe it she got to live her dream.
Lexi: you know her Tech?
Tech: we were friends back in college but i never thought she'd get to live her dreams, becoming a singer was something she wanted the most but Asa was also a brilliant inventor like me we worked together back at the institute. i haven't seen Asa in a long time i wonder if she still remembers me.
Ace: i'm sure she will Tech and your friends sent us something back stage passes so we can meet with her. everyone took a back stage pass and Tech wondered how Asa would look.

*later that night*

the Loonatics were shown back stage as they were shocked to get good seats for the concert but Tech was nervous about seeing his old friend again, Tech pulled out a picture of him and Asa back at the institute he smiled then heard the crowd go wild.
Asa: good evening Acmetropolis i hope your all ready for the best show you've ever seen so let's get ready to have some fun awhoo! the music began and smoke covered the stage as a figure rose from the smoke then cleared as everyone saw Asa, Tech's jaw dropped as he saw Asa Ace playfully nudged Tech as he looked at his leader.
Ace: she's a looker Tech your a lucky guy.
Tech: Ace! it's not like that alright!

I wanna go for a ride
Until the morning comes
Show me the meaning tonight
Of what we could become
I can't go any longer
Feels like I've been underwater
You are the one and I need the rush takin' over me
I crave you more than ever

We are one like the sky is to the stars
We are one take my breath and I am yours
We are one as you open up my heart
Running out of air

You are taking me there

There's no denying the power
'Cause something pulls us together
You are the one and I need the rush
Every part of me is free when I surrender

We are one like the sky is to the stars
We are one take my breath and I am yours
We are one as you open up my heart
Running out of air

You are taking me there
You are taking me there
You are taking me there
You are taking me there

You are taking me there

We are one like the sky is to the stars
We are one take my breath and I am yours
We are one as you open up my heart
Running out of air

You are taking me there
You are taking me there
You are taking me there
You are taking me there

once the song was over the crowd cheered and Asa waved at them as she then smiled when she saw the Loonatics and made a motion for them to head back stage, Ace nodded and the team went back stage.
Asa: thank you so much for coming everyone i'm glad you all enjoyed it but now this will be the last show i am bringing you cause i have decided to retire, from the music buisness you've all been the greatest fans i could ask for but now i have a friend to catch up with good night Acmetropolis. Asa walked back stage and decided to sneak up on Tech she held up a finger to tell the others to stay quiet about her.
Tech: why do you all have those looks on your faces?
Ace: oh nothing Tech. Asa grabbed Tech by his shoulders and he jumped from the surprise when Asa yelled his name, then turned around to see a laughing wolf.
Tech: wha Asa?
Asa: whew i gotcha. how ya been Tech i haven't seen you in a long time?
Tech: same to you it's just you look great. Asa chuckled and hugged Tech as he hugged her back they both had smiles on their faces, then pulled apart.
Asa: care to introduce me to your friends?
Tech: right this is Ace, Lexi, Rev, Slam and Duck. guys this is Asa Wolf we were good friends and partners at AcmeTech were inserperable in college.
Duck: she's hot.
Asa: don't even think about it Duck i could easily burn you my powers are way too much for you, but that doesn't mean you'll get burned if you touch me just warning you guys.
Lexi: wait powers?
Asa: yeah i was born with them i get them from my Dad he was all i had left since my Mom died.

Ace: we're sorry about that.
Asa: it's alright Ace you didn't know but i heard so much about you guys and i would like to join, i'm sure your boss wouldn't mind i met Zadavia when i was just a pup she helped me train when Dad passed away.
Ace: well then welcome to the team Asa. Ace and Asa shook hands then they all left to HQ.

*at HQ*

Asa: so this is the famous HQ.
Lexi: sure is but feel free to decorate your room how you like.
Asa: thanks Lexi mind showing me where my room is?
Tech: it's a few doors down from mine on the other side of Lexi's.
Asa: thanks Tech i was wondering if you'd like to catch up with each other you know like old times.
Tech: i'd like that Ace can show you where the lab is it's where i work on my inventions.
Asa: alright just gotta unpack. Asa went to her room and began to unpack her things then decorated her room which was perfect for her, Asa walked out of her room then asked Ace if he could show her where the lab is.
Ace: sure follow me.

*in the lab*

Tech was working on an invention when a knock was heard on the door then he walked over to see who it was only to see Asa, he smiled to see her there he let Asa come inside and she saw how busy her friend has been.
Asa: wow you've been busy ever since the meteor hit.
Tech: you can say that but when the meteor hit i woke up and i was like this but then Zadavia brought us together and well here i am, but i have missed you so much when you left Asa i couldn't stop thinking about you. i got every single letter and email you sent me i remember all the places you told me about, it's great to have you back here in Acmetropolis.
Asa: i know Tech it's just i couldn't stop thinking about seeing you again we've really changed since the institute, i mean yes i graduated early but life as a singer has left me lonely i had many fans but. nothing beats being by my best friend again. Tech smiled and hugged Asa as she smiled and hugged him back then remembered something Tech walked over to his desk and pulled out something.
Tech: i almost forgot i wanted to give you something when i saw you again I've been holding onto it in case i saw you again, so (holds out box) here i hope you like it Asa. Asa kindly took the box and opened it to see a necklace inside that was a crescent moon with a wolf howling in the center Asa had tears in her eyes, then hugged Tech as he was caught off guard and he hugged back.
Asa: thank you Tech i love it.
Tech: i'm glad you do Asa.

Asa: well i should head to my room it's been a long day but no need to worry about dinner i already ordered you guys a pizza, so enjoy Tech if you need anything you know where to find me. Asa walked out of the lab and Tech sat down at his desk then looked at the picture he keeps on his desk Tech picked up the frame and smiled at being reunited with his best friend.
Tech: welcome home Asa i hope you never leave again.

*later that night*

everyone was asleep and Asa was still sleeping until the alarm went off and woke everyone up, which made her fall out of bed then got up and changed into her suit. Asa went to join everyone and once she made it to the meeting room they all saw it was Zadavia.
Asa: it's late for this what villain would attack this late at night?
Zadavia: it seems that Doctor Dare is after a crystal that can help him create more soldiers for his army.
Tech: we gotta find him and stop him.
Asa: i thought you said he was turned back to stone Tech?
Ace: he was but i know something that can help.
Asa: way ahead of you behold the eye of Medusa this baby is an amulet that can help turn Dare back to stone, all you have to do is get him to look at the eye and he'll turn to stone. i did study Greek history while i was on tour so basically i was bored and cause my Dad was an archeologist.
Zadavia: good luck Loonatics Zadavia out. they all went to get ready to fight and saw that Doctor Dare was having his rock robots destroy the city.
Asa: i need to get close enough so he can look into the eye of the amulet but if this fails i have a back up plan.
Duck: which is?
Asa: (holds out small box) gorgon powder this stuff works the red will turn you to stone while the green will turn you back, trust me i know what i'm doing.

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